{e228390-1254646x). Hi all, I have a pretty good rating on eBaY here and
I am trying to sell a phone that is only worth $250 if that and eBaY
keeps telling me in red, at the top of the listing screen "This Samsung
phone is not approved for sale in Ca...
Hi all,Just wondering. If you list something with 2$ in fees, and it
doesn't sell, do you have to pay the same fees if you automatically
relist the item?. Is there a way to avoid this?.
Hey all,So I sent a smartphone to someone and they are saying it's
defective. I am just wondering if I send the refund first then they ship
it back to me with a tracking number?. Or do I just send the partial
refund for shipping, then when I receive ...
Hey all, so I am just preparing for the worst incase it does happen I
need to know exactly what to do right away. I sold an item and thought
it was working perfectly (it was a computer). The buyer received it and
said it doesnt work. I sent the refun...
Alright, thanks!. He wants me to pay shipping, but for any returns I
request from a retail company, they make me pay the shipping. But the
item is only a phone, so I will just get him to take a screenshot of the
receipt with the tracking number as a ...
I was thinking the same thing. The tracking number works but it could be
a rock being sent to me, I just wanted to make sure and see what you
guys thought. I didn't send anything yet. Thanks again.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Just so you guys know I got a tracking
number and it's supposed to arrive in 7 days to my address. So he says
it costed an expensive $75ish to ship it to me (a standard desktop
computer box is what hes shipping). So h...
No, what I meant was that next time a dispute must be made by the buyer
and then that will trigger the process of him sending the item back
first and I send him the refund as you guys said. What you guys said, is
what I meant, but I just meant that t...