on 11-23-2024 03:30 PM
Both Canada and Japan are part of the Pacific Free Trade agreement CPTPP.
The announcement deals mostly with Canadian exports.
This form gave me a $25 duty and taxes on a $100 item of Apparel->luggage from a non-CUSMA (NAFTA) country from BC where the total sales tax is 13%.
So I guess that duty would be about 12%.
Free Trade agreements don't always cover everything that is being imported.
Commercial /wholesale imports may have different rates than personal imports.
Best bet?
Be prepared to pay import fees, including duty, sales taxes, and carrier fees for "customs brokerage" when the item arrives.
Be delighted if this is less than you expected.
Have you checked with CBSA as to the import requirements and whatever import fees/taxes would be applicable to the value of the goods?