Buyer wanting money for repairs after picking up the unit. I sold a 1990 C Class rv.

Community Member

I sold a 1990 C Class RV..AS-IS. it was in good running order & everything was working. When he came with his friend they check the unit all over. He seemed Happy & shook hands & settled up. He now is asking for $600 for Repairs ,with a long list of problems he said is wrong. Battery, alternater, bad wireing,the list goes on , he said he is going to sue me if i dont pay up. I called Ebay they said for him to open a Case to sort it out ,he refused,How ?can i handle this.HELP!

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Hi ..Sticks and stone. If he came , inspected and took delivery then you have no further obligation.


I would not continue conversing.  Threats are easily made but a different reality following through.