Whatever happened to Positive Feedback ?-Ah-the good ole days!

Just wanted to get something off my chest-the fact that in my last 10-12 sales-I have not received any feedback at all-good or bad.I guess with this total crazy and cluttered Selling format-new buyers just can't seem to find the Positive button. -Its sad how after 20yrs of trying my dambdest to be a good buyer and seller-it doesn't matter now how high your rating is or what color your star is?-I thought that this was our ID-a ranking of how professional we were as sellers?-I always left my Positive feedback for the buyers after payment received -even changing their (0) to their first feedback ,welcoming them to ebay. I gave a great item at a great price with professional packaging -sent to another country safely arriving in the same condition as it was sent. I take pride in being a Seller and would like to receive just one positive note.It would be greatly appreciated . To all you buyers out there-if you were happy with the transaction and especially the item when received -please let us know by finding that feedback button-thank you.

Shortchanged Seller

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I also like to receive the positive feedback. It might not matter in terms of more sales but it's always nice to hear someone is happy! It's like being complimented for a meal you cooked or thanked for holding the door for someone. It isn't going to change anything but it's always nice to feel appreciated!

Feedback has never been higher than 40% of transactions and is only the buyer's opinion, since buyers can only get positive * feedback.

Personally ,  I think FB is a relic of the 20th century internet, when buying from a stranger thousands of kilometers away was scarey and only for the few brave early adopters.

I'd like to see it dropped entirely, in favour of a public count of transactions, that includes the number of Disputes and Claims the member has been involved in, whether they won or lost.




*And a good thing too.

@stillyesic wrote:

Just wanted to get something off my chest-the fact that in my last 10-12 sales-I have not received any feedback at all-good or bad.I guess with this total crazy and cluttered Selling format-new buyers just can't seem to find the Positive button. -Its sad how after 20yrs of trying my dambdest to be a good buyer and seller-it doesn't matter now how high your rating is or what color your star is?-I thought that this was our ID-a ranking of how professional we were as sellers?-I always left my Positive feedback for the buyers after payment received -even changing their (0) to their first feedback ,welcoming them to ebay. I gave a great item at a great price with professional packaging -sent to another country safely arriving in the same condition as it was sent. I take pride in being a Seller and would like to receive just one positive note.It would be greatly appreciated . To all you buyers out there-if you were happy with the transaction and especially the item when received -please let us know by finding that feedback button-thank you.

Shortchanged Seller



Re: The current relevance of leaving feedback

I used to have a subscription to Mystoresmaps that added a map to your listings showing where I had shipped to. Showed sellers I was willing to ship almost everywhere. Was up to approx. 75 countries. The fees were based on your feedback score. When I hit 2000 feedbacks sometime in 2017 the monthly fee went up jumped substantially so I cancelled. Since then I have accumulated 300 more feedbacks. Goes to show you how much feedback has become obsolete in the minds of the majority of buyers. In trying to locate the program for current fees, it appears to be MIA.


This system is totally outdated. Most people don't care about positive feedbacks when buying and they are kinda right, i mean 99% of them are generic meaningless feedbacks saying nothing about nothing. The only thing people look for when buying is negatives, because negatives are personal feedbacks and actually says something

People starting to sell today are so disadvantaged . On this account and my other selling account, it took me about 1 year each to reach a score of 100. I ship very fast, pack nicely, add gifts, etc. Nothing really matter. I have around 20% feedbacks for my transactions

At some point i started giving up about caring about it, this system is outdated and meaningless

Yes -- that's the idea.

Right now buyers  lose points on non-payment, something that sellers can guard against with effort if they know about it.

But what about a serial complainer? Whether they win or lose , they would lose points.

So the buyer with a 90/100 rating might be a non-payer, or might have made some bad choices that led to winning disputes with a scammer,  or losing disputes with a scammer, or trying to get freebies by refusing to complete an NAD return for refund.

Privacy covered by no disclosure of the reason for the 90/100.

I'll settle for prosecco and salmon caviar, though.


I always give feedback. I will fllow-up on my feedback with a message to the seller that my item has been received. I have had a few issues, not many, over the years but these have been resolved through messages between me and the seller. 


So for your caviar wishes and champagne dreams optimistic request, would there be full visibility(transparency) for any buyers blemishes? Hey, c'mon...fair is fair? 
