I don't have a problem with buyers being required to use a cancel
button. I much prefer that because it puts the onus on the them. So
hopefully eBay can set a new metric that buyers that cancel more than 6
items a year, lose that option. That said I ...
@fergua3 You read too much into what I said. I said that many old
accounts (from the time when eBay was only .com ) appear to be .com
accounts with Canadian domicile information. I have one of them and I
have run into a number of others with the same...
@marnotom! top MP personnel at Ebay.ca have told us to sign up for MP on
.com site. There are two types of Candian domiciled MP registration -
those on .com and those on .ca. Your information is not applicable to
Canadians with US based accounts. The...