User Activity

I thought I posted this yesterday but can't find it. I am in Canada, my purchases cross the U.S. border and is then delivered by Canada Post. Not anymore. Ebay is using ASL Precision (division of DHL) to do this. Does anyone know why?? Is it cheaper ...
I have logged into my Ebay account, purchased 3 different items from different sellers in the last week and have not received a confirmation email from Ebay saying I did buy these items. I did get emails from Paypal, but not in the same format as pas...
I recently purchased 3 coins (coins originating from the Royal Canadian Mint that were tax exempt) from 3 different sellers, all residing in Alberta. I did a lot of searching before I bought and most ads stated that these coins were tax exempt. The l...
When interested in an item, I check out the current bids. Most of the time, the bidders userids (example only) are like this: x***t (48) as we all know, so you don't know who it is, but you can see how many times this same pseudo name is bidding on t...
Hello, a UK seller has a deal, buy 3 items and get the 4th for free. I am in Canada and putting items in the cart didn't work (I won't go into detail). I suggested I commit to buy 3 items, then put in an offer for the 4th item at 1 cent. Then when he...
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