So we have been using the Promoted Listings option for the past year and
about 6 months ago I looked into the difference in percentages and came
to the conclusion that the 1% was the way to go for us...Now with the
announcement that Ebay is "cleaning...
So we have been trying to figure this out.I keep reading that you can
list separately on .com from .ca but for the life of me I can't figure
this out.SO...I hate to bother but just curious how this is done using
out existing username and stuffWe have...
OK....this might seem silly to some but hear me outMy logical way of
thinking is the sponsored add should show at the top (this is supposed
to be the premise)Well why do other non sponsored listings show ahead of
mine?I can understand that some spons...
Ok so the past couple weeks I haven't really sold anything state side
where half our business comes from....and this morning I was curious to
see somethingSO I turned on my VPN and did some searching on Ebay
looking for our listings and it wouldn't s...
So we have a customer in the states who didn't get there
problem we figure we have the insurance on it...we went and had the post
office stamp the papers like they wanted..Now we print out all the stuff
they want done for the claim and t...
I just had the same problem yesterday with three seperate orders. I list
on .ca, buyers were all in Canada.They got the message too that I do not
combine shipping. They also tried purchasing items by putting them in
the cart and by using Buy it Now.N...
I would definitely contact ebay as they can see all the communications
you have had with the buyer....and It doesn't sound right to me at
all...something fishy there forsure.
Our sales have died out since about tuesday...I think this is going to
go on for the rest of the month atleast...starting in mid April when
people realize they aren't going to loose there homes and they have food
and supplies and the supply chain is ...
We shipped a air package to the Netherlands and Estonia on Feb5th and
had a message from the person in Netherlands yesterday that they haven't
received package yet..haven't heard from customer in Estonia
yet....funny how some places can take like a m...
We have noticed this as's a combo of issues I think...the
estimated time of arrival from Ebay is to short and the main issue is
sending across country....always have issues"lost mail" or not arrive on
time when going out the the west coast....