You must have Vero to protect copying of listing text??!!

Please also note that if you're the original copyright owner of this
text and wish to pursue this matter further, we do have a program called
"VeRo" which you could apply to and become a member if accepted. Once a
member, you could then provide the necessary intellectual property
rights and request the removal of the listing.

Does this mean that unless you copyright all of your text in every listing and become a member of the Vero programme, if accepted, that anyone can copy your text and you can't do a da.n thing about it!
Message 1 of 21
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You must have Vero to protect copying of listing text??!!

I won in both situation because I was the owner of the copyrights, either going after someone who was infringing or defending myself against someone who incorrectly claimed I did not own a copyright.

Do not confuse Trademark with Copyright they are two completely different things. Having a good lawyer certainly helps but being a good client (being in the right) is the final kicker to a successful outcome. The biggest problem with lawyers is that they will rarely tell you "You don't need me" or "that's not my bag, try another lawyer". Of course as a seller of records I long ago learnt you don't tell a buyer that the record they want to buy is crap you just smile and take their money.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 21 of 21
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