Have this msg the resisting items Your account isn't approved to sell this item

Chatted with support but they couldn't tell me which items this applies to  - Your account isn't approved to sell this item, as you were named as a defendant in a lawsuit. This product is either related to that lawsuit or may put you at risk of being named in another lawsuit. Don't relist this item. Doing so will expose you to legal risk and could result in the permanent suspension of your account





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The wording of that message strikes me as being a little "off" for something that's supposed to be quasi-legal.  Phrases like "Don't try to relist this item" and "your account isn't approved" have contractions in them, for example, and those are generally avoided in official notices.


In addition, if you were named as as defendant in a legal challenge, you should have received something by snail-mail to that effect, I think.