Perhaps this is old news but as of Feb 4 (interesting coincidence) Ebay
in the UK is no longer making payments available for payout after they
are processed. Now sellers must wait until 2 days after the item is
confirmed delivered before the funds ar...
And where does one even look up the codes? Every Tom, Dick and Harry
sending something to the US has to enter these codes that they have
never even heard of.
The weekly Ebay payout didn't show up in my bank account yesterday. It's
been very reliable for months but yesterday no money was deposited.
Anyone else have a payout payment not show up?
Still no official details on what level it is going to be at or whether
it is going to be set at zero. But it is going to change and probably
drop significantly as of Tuesday. Seems like our lives are all about to
change substantially. Not talking ab...
He's not convinced it was Ukraine's fault, he's lying. Donald Trump lies
a lot. In fact he lies so much he has no idea any longer what reality
is. He's following Hitler's playbook pretty much to the letter. Instead
of the Jews, Trump has the Immigran...
Not surprising he wants direct control of the postal system. Makes it
far easier to rig future elections. Imagine the 'flood' of Republican
votes that will come through the mail next election, with scarcely a
Democrat vote to be found. Supressing the...