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Happy BD deltone. I had to read all about it on the US PS Board but preferred to send you birthday wishes in Canada.

My birthday present to you was to also respond in that thread to the OP who bought the cream from you and left you a neg and then started a hate thread.

(Her thread should be pulled by eBay)

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THANKS MALCOLM!!! I saw where you had posted that!!! What a nutbar this woman is. I can't believe the crap she is sending me. She filed with Square Trade to have her neg removed but I refused and had them close the case. I guess she is now going to file with her Credit card as per the advise on that board so I'll be out the money. What a loser she is. She is not all there, if you know what I mean. SIGH

Anyhow, thanks!! 🐵
Message 2 of 12
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Report her thread to eBay as she has made statements that would mean you are breaking several laws which are totally unfounded including postal and possibly FDA.

I didnt want to post on her thread and make it look like I was a freindly to you causing her trouble, rather appear to be someone who was questioning her technical analysis skills so that others would also question the seriousness of her posting.

There are some situations that you just cant win so you go on and forget about it or it can eat you alive.


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THANKS Malcolm
Yes, I gathered that and I didn't act like I know you either. LOL

She's a nutcase for sure. I know some say I should refund but I just can't. Truth is, she will file with her CC and in the end I'll have to refund, I'm sure of that, but no way I'm doing it willingly. Also, the negative can stay. I don't give a rat's you know what, I know I did nothing wrong and it's as simple as that. I may be stubborn on this fact but heck, sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself.

I am going to report the thread as I do want it pulled as I hate having my "dirty laundry" aired like that. LOL I know I probably come across as a bit defensive, but heck, I have to defend myself from her lies and garbage. To be silent would be the same as agreeing. Anyhow, thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it. 🐵
Message 4 of 12
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You want to know something? I bet you just got 110% stronger over this one didnt you? I bet it pulled you a bit out of a rut cause you got to fight back.

Way to go. Every so often you need to step outside of the norm and do something a little overboard, go a little further than you normally would.

The last neg I got, I threatened legal action. I contacted a law firm that I work out of when I am in Toronto and let them know what I was planning.

So when the bum buyer called the law firm to see if I was going to go thru with it and found out that I had retained them to sue him for damages, he immediately paid his $20 to ST and retracted his comments and neg FB.


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LOL, ya, you're right Malcolm. Thing is, how do I refund her after her accusation without making it confirm what she was saying? If I know in my heart I did no wrong, I can't back down. It's not my nature. It used to be when I was far younger, and trust me, I still have the footprints and tire tracks all over me to prove it.

I know many of them on there are saying, just refund and get over it. I understand that to some degree as I think that this nutcase is not going to go away with a fight and she'll probably mess with my auctions, and make life miserable for me for awhile until she p*sses off some other seller and goes after him or her. I know she'll do the CC thing and in the end I'll lose out but at least I'll know that I didn't fold.

Sometimes being right IS important, doncha think? LOL I mean there are many cases when a seller is 100% sure they sent a person a particular widget and if that buyer lies and says it was something different, why should the seller back down. Example.....what if a seller sent a buyer a Winsor Pilates dvd and the buyer emails and says, YOU LIAR AND CROOK, you sent me a no name Pilates dvd and I want my money back or I'll leave you a negative. Well, first of all, I would know I didn't sent the person the no name dvd as I don't have any in my house, so the person is a liar. The customer is NOT always right.

Also, that person's feedback reflects a lot of issues and problems she has with her purchases. I'm convinced that there are many sellers that also fell for her scam and were easily intimidated and those sellers didn't even bother exchanging negs with her. I'm not backing down on this. It's the principle and she will wear that negative as I'm not agreeing to remove it, even though it means I wear mine too.
Message 6 of 12
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Just remember on the other board you are a Canadian and not always going to have people back you up on principle.

Like the old saying "Walk a Mile in My Shoes". If they had to do it, they wouldnt have backed down either.

And if they did, then they are the looser and the scam artist won again.

Fact remains that alot of them on the other board are not sellers, at least not Power Sellers so their experience must be taken with some grain of salt.

Appreciate their opinion but not everyone can be right.

As far as the charge card business, they have to take it through PayPal and you will have your day in court if that happens. The important thing on PayPal is not to display any emotions, just treat it as a business transaction where this person was a threat to you.

The insinuations were blatant lies that could cause damage to your reputation beyond a simple negative FB being left.

Next time she emails you, tell her that you are discussing the entire matter with an attorney and suggest that she retain legal counsel.


Message 7 of 12
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Happy Birthday Deb!!

This one might seem like "the big one", and truth to tell, it IS big, but there are bigger and better to come - believe me, I know (been there).

And keep your chin up, kiddo -- all this foofaraw with your "buyer from hell" can only make you a better and stronger person when it's all over! Stick to your guns, secure in the fact that you have nothing to be ashamed of!!



Click here to go to my Store
Message 8 of 12
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Thanks Malcolm. Yes, you're right, I'm going to make a point of keeping the emotions out of the thing. I am convinced she will go that route as she did get that advise early on in that thread.

Thanks Glenda. I actually didn't have a problem with the BIG 50. Turning 30 was hard on me. Real hard. And then around 6 or so weeks later my very good friend was killed in a car accident. She was only 28. I realized then that I needed to stop whining about turning 30 as Lorrie (my friend) never had the privilege. I look at it as it beats the alternative! lol

As far as the whacko buyer from hell, I have no doubt that I've not seen the last of her. I have a few zero bidders on some of my active auctions that I'm a little leery about. I'm going to have to be careful for the next little while. Might just switch over to my other id for a short time until the dust settles.

This gal does NOT like the negative I left her and was seriously p*ssed that I told Square Trade I would not discuss the matter. I see trying to deal with her the same act of futility that smashing my head against a brick wall would be.

I find that I just have to come to an understanding that negatives and crazy buyers is just a fact of life on ebay and I have to either learn to live with it, or get the heck out. For now, I will live with it. LOL
Message 9 of 12
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Happy Birthday Deltone! Congratulations on the Big 50! The best thing about problem buyers is that they force you to occasionally stand up for yourself...no more tire-tracks and footprints! It may drag on for a bit, but usually they get tired of it and move on. And make her work for that refund...don't just hand it over to any wacko who comes along. We're behind you all the way. Have a great day, GLoria
Message 10 of 12
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THANKS GLORIA!!! "I Am Woman Hear Me Roar" LOL

I know she'll end up going the whole route with the credit card, and that's fine. To me it's not the $25 plus shipping. It's the principle of the thing.

This woman needs to know how to approach people. The thing is too, that she never once said that the product smells off or anything. It apparently looks different then some small sample she got from a place called Sephora. It never entered her mind that the Sephora product may have had a problem. Instead she had to come onto me like some sort of animal and I'm sorry but that just didn't endear me to her.

I honestly think though that she made the whole thing up as she has what I consider an unusually high number of complaints on her feedback left, for the number of purchases she has made.

She has 195 feedback from sellers, and the rest are from sellers. So she has left 7 negatives and neutrals out of those 195 transactions which to me is pretty high. Things like a stain on a shirt and she wishes she could get some of her money back.......another where it was the wrong size shoe......another where she exchanged a ring for a better one, and so on and so on. She just sounds to me like someone who figures she can threaten a seller into doing what she wants.
Message 11 of 12
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deb. The big 50 aye??? You are in great company. I hope you have a spectacular day!!!


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