Light packet rates

Are the rates on the CP site actually correct:




USA  up to 150 - $3.79., up to 250 - $6.37, up to 500 - $10.66




International  up to 150 - $6.51, up to 250 - $10.46, up to 500 - $19.12



So for a 200 gram package to the US rate goes from $5.00 to $6.37 and International goes from $7.50 to $10.46


That is absolutely ridiculous and legal theft to keep jacking those rates up every year by such a huge amount. Almost 30% this year again!


How to kill small business.


Message 1 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Their website is also useless.


I looked up a package 25cm x 19cm x 2cm weighing 250 grams and it gave me $7.00 for light packet to the USA which is totally wrong.

Message 2 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Were you looking for Light Packet (up to 2cm) or Small Packet ?


' totally wrong."


What is wrong about it?  How much do you think it should be?  On what basis?  For what specific date?

Message 3 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Light packet to USA.


It gave me a rate of $7.00 which is incorrect old rate ($5.00) and new rate ($6.37). I also tried with a weight of .249 and same $7.00


 Dimensions and weight are in my previous post

Message 4 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

Are the rates on the CP site actually correct:


USA  up to 150 - $3.79., up to 250 - $6.37, up to 500 - $10.66


International  up to 150 - $6.51, up to 250 - $10.46, up to 500 - $19.12


So for a 200 gram package to the US rate goes from $5.00 to $6.37 and International goes from $7.50 to $10.46


That is absolutely ridiculous and legal theft to keep jacking those rates up every year by such a huge amount. Almost 30% this year again!


How to kill small business.


Where did you get the above rates? The above rates are from Jan 2014. From this old document.


The current Light Packet rates are $5 for 200 grams, $7 for 300 grams to the USA.  These will be changing Jan 11, 2016. I have only found one rate (from Esty web page of 2016 sample rates)and that is $5.70 for 200 grams. I can't find Light Packet rates for 2016 yet. I called Canada Post before Christmas and they said they will only know at the beginning of 2016.


Current CP Prices are in this document


See page 21 for Light Packet USA rates

Message 5 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

I lied, needed to use 200 and it shows $5.00. They are playing with weights again as well as rate.

Message 6 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Light packet rates are on page 24 and those are 2015 rates.


The rates I posted are off the CP website if you search for light packet rates.


Here is the link


Message 7 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

I lied, needed to use 200 and it shows $5.00. They are playing with weights again as well as rate.

They are not playing with rates and weight breaks. The 200 grams was changed in Jan 2015.


New rates are coming out soon and as I said they will be raising rates for all services as usual in Jan. Light Packet USA 200 grams appears to be going up from $5.00 to $5.70, a 14% increase. Much higher than the CP announcement in Dec 2015 saying that rates were going up by an average of 2% for international.

This has been discussed in this topic in December.

Message 8 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Now I am lost as well as the rates posted are old but their whole site is a mess,. I never remembered those rates for light packet To get me unlost, where are the real 2016 rates posted?

Message 9 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

Light packet rates are on page 24 and those are 2015 rates.


The rates I posted are off the CP website if you search for light packet rates.


Here is the link


That is the same document that I posted and it is for Jan 2014 for 2014 year. Current rates for 2015 are in the other document I posted.

Message 10 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

Now I am lost as well as the rates posted are old but their whole site is a mess,. I never remembered those rates for light packet To get me unlost, where are the real 2016 rates posted?

Current 2015 rates are valid until Jan 11, 2016.


Light Packet USA 200 grams is $5.00

Light Packet USA 300 grams is $7.00


These light packet rates are going up on Jan 11, 2016 but I have not found any official CP document stating what the new rates are for Light Packet USA and International.


New Jan 11, 2016 rates for Parcel Services are in this document but do not have Light Packet.

Message 11 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Has anyone figured out why the CP site is so ridiculous to find anything on. I am not the only one to feel that way. Why post stuff from 2013 and 2014 and leave 2015 off the list?

Message 12 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

Has anyone figured out why the CP site is so ridiculous to find anything on. I am not the only one to feel that way. Why post stuff from 2013 and 2014 and leave 2015 off the list?

CP site changed recently (2015) and the new design sucks. I was familiar with the old site and not yet with the new.


I also bookmarked many of the documents I use on the CP site and fortunately they did not change the web page address so my bookmarks are still good. I use the bookmarks so no need to learn the new site for me.


As for old documents, the web is full of them for any topic. You have to be very careful when doing an Internet search to make sure the web page is current. Same for Canada Post site. Their search will bring up old documents too.


Canada Post has always made Light Packet hard to find or the service gets lost every year in their changes. Lat year it did not come up in Find a Rate for a week or so after the changes. It has been missing from the CP new rate documents in Dec each year for the past 3-4 years.


I plan on calling tomorrow to see if the new Light Packet rates exist. When I called just before Christmas, they did not even know that there were documents showing 2016 rates for other services let alone Light Packet.

Message 13 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

Here is a newer CP web page which is like an index to services. You might find it useful to bookmark.

Message 14 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

I called CP today and was told the new rates would be out on Jan 11

Message 15 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@dutchman48 wrote:

I called CP today and was told the new rates would be out on Jan 11


Marc Garneau is the new Minister of Transport and Canada Post is part of his portfolio.  The above is his Twitter account and is his email.


I suggest well start blitzing him and letting him know that we are not going to stand for things being the same as they were under that twit Lisa Raitt. I have already writtne him a lengthy letter and havetweeted at him a couple of times. It will take a concerted effort to get any notice taken.





Message 16 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

The postal address for Members of Parliament is"


Member's Name MP // Minister's Name PC MP

name of minister's department

House of Commons


K1A 0A6


And remember you don't even need a stamp to write to a member. Instead print OHMS where you would normally put the stamp.

Message 17 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

If the government can regulate only domestic lettermail rates, would writing to them make any difference for international rates?

Message 18 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

If the government can regulate only domestic lettermail rates, would writing to them make any difference for international rates?

Yeah if you want to help Canada Post keep increases as small as possible then send Marc Garneau a message to tell Justin to drop his stupid attempt to maintain door to door delivery for the elites living in the major cities (that would include me).





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 19 of 60
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Re: Light packet rates

@pocomocomputing wrote:

Here is a newer CP web page which is like an index to services. You might find it useful to bookmark.

Thanks for the link .... it's a very helpful index to a complex website.


I was at my usual postal outlet over the weekend.  I made a comment to the manager along the lines of ........ "so, are you all ready for the new rates coming up?"  He said that he was told to await further instructions from Canada Post because the new rates may not go through.  What??  He's very knowledgeable and not the type of person who would misunderstand something this important, but I think he got some bad information because the new rates are already published and due to come into effect on Monday.

Message 20 of 60
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