50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
I bought an item that was $99.95 US. The Seller charged me $16.00 for UPS standard shipping to Canada.

The package arrived and here is a Brokerage C.O.D. due to UPS for $54.17. What a rip! The seller said nothing about additional fees due IN ADDITION to the $16.00 I paid him for the shipping. By looking under Help in eBay, I see there is nothing I can do about it.
The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it.
Bobby Heenan
Message 1 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
I bought a bunch of stuff from Nordstrom 2 months ago. Total US$115. I asked for delivery by USPS but they sent by DHL. No payment on delivery. Now, I just received an invoice from DHL with a breakdown of duty, taxes (which was correct)plus their brokerage fee of $7.25. Not so bad!
If this package had come by UPS, the brokerage fee would have been a lot higher AND I would have had to pay at the door lol!
Message 541 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member

Google the UPS lawsuit in Canada (there are 2 or 3 of them). The name of the law firm(s) handling the case(s) are on the webpage as well as how to contact them and become a plaintiff.
Message 542 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Nice to see the other thread tacked to the top. Thanks eBay!

Message 543 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
It happens to me Today. 30.00 $ for the item. I paied already 11.00 for shipping. UPS asked me 18.45 (brokage fee) + 5.12 GST on top on it.

Canadian ebayer, do not order good from the US. Unless you are ready to take the chance to have a surprise. Funny that it happended to me twice and it was always UPS. Never happened with other courrier.

Make sure that the seller do not use UPS. And tell the one using UPS to change courrier. This is another rip off.
Message 544 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Yes, that is the gist of the thread tacked to top of this forum: Canadians NEED to read that FIRST before buying from USA! Photobucket



Message 545 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
mauws, you didn't provide a link for the CAS against UPS

Some time ago there was another one against UPS commenced by the Merchant Law Group - Tony Merchant being a litigious athlete in the area of class action! Haven't heard about any settlement in the wind so it appears to have fallen by the wayside.
BTW, here's another link re. UPS stuff
http://www.thegatesofdawn.ca/wordpress/posts/2006/12/10/ups-brokerage-fee-class-action/ Photobucket
Message 546 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

As a general rule, I ALWAYS ask the seller if he ships through USPS BEFORE bidding.

This has solved my UPS problem completely 🙂

Those who insist on UPS get off my watch list immediately.

Message 547 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????




Message 548 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
"His response was that USPS would not ship the 48 lb. package "...

that is 100% BS

- USPS will accept up to 75pound packages

look up their stuff online


Message 549 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Alpaak, is there a UPS depot close to you? If you live in/ near a major city, there should be a depot there. There should also be an inland Canada customs terminal. You can pick up your paperwork from them (UPS) take it to the Canada customs office and pay the taxes owed. They'll stamp your paperwork and then you can take it back to UPS and pick up your parcel. UPS gives everyone that song and dance about having to go to the border to pay up so that it will discourage people from brokering themselves.

Message 550 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Hi, I've been burned on UPS before in the past..It's not a good thing when you end up paying nearly double what you bought it for on eBay.

I've also learned something else new about UPS & Canada Customs.. We all know that by declaring the value at $20 or less & marking it as a gift, chances are it's going to come through no problems..

I recently had an item come through UPS with a rough value of $180 USD.. I didn't know it was being shipped UPS until I received the tracking info.. The auction stated USPS & I asked if he/she could mark it a gift and declare the value at $20 if they weren't buying insurance. I was a little worried whe I learned he/she used UPS..

Anyway..I never paid a cent of Customs or brokerage fees.. The item was valued at $180.00 USD & it was marked as a Gift.. Normally I would have been paying on this amount, but because the seller itemized the shipment..Example( 200 items total value $200) So I received 200 gifts with a value of $1 each..LOL Don't ask me how it got through, but I was told if the seller had of put down 1 item at $200 I would have paid through the nose for it..

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the above remarks is what I was told by both UPS & Canada Post.
Message 551 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
that's illegal ya know (falsifying federal import forms)


Message 552 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Just found out the hard way myself 15.00 shipping from seller 20.00 from UPS brokerage fees never again will they get any kind of business from me
Message 553 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Same thing with me $89.00 item plus $30.00 delivery fee. And a $42.49 UPS bill. It sucks.
Message 554 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Can't resist ]:)

5 by 5 by 5

Always room for one more crumpet!

Not a  Snipe but a Super Snipe
Message 555 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

strange measurements... i'm sure its not for this...



Message 556 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge,

would they call it Fed UP? ?
The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it.
Bobby Heenan
Message 557 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member

Zen: Seeing into one's own nature. ~ Hui-neng
Message 558 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
Probably get more business if they called it UPSex.....

Message 559 of 950
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50% UPS Brokerage fee????

Community Member
I had a friend forward a big UPS parcel to me to Alberta from Minneapolis.. he paid UPS regular shipping fees..I get the UPS parcel, of course pay heavy UPS brokerage fees and then, THIS I DON'T UNDERSTAND...I had to pay additional postage to UPS...the UPS explanation was.."the person who sent the parcel only paid postage to the border"..I never heard of such a thing!..Did anybody??..or was the peron on the other end of the phone sitting beside a bottle of Schnapps!
Message 560 of 950
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