Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Not applicable

Warning, mini rant ahead and while this might not seem like a big deal to others, it's something that infuriates me.

I'm not sure when this started, but over the past couple of weeks whenever I have logged in, I get a message popup: "Oops that's not a match" then they want me to re-enter my password with the number code they show below, like a captcha. Since we all make mistakes and I may have typed it in too quickly, I have obligingly re entered my password and then the code to verify and I get in just fine. But, since it happens every time I log in, I know darn well I am not making a mistake every time. So today, I carefully watched my fingers and no, I most certainly am not making any mistake and it is most certainly a "match". I haven't made any changes or had any problems with my account so this isn't because of something I've done.

Here's my problem: if you want to introduce new security measures then fine, by all means, it protects our accounts but don't sit there and blatantly lie to me and tell me I have made a mistake. Just popup with a message that says, truthfully, "for extra security...etc".

Don't insult us by implying we made a mistake. That's just not okay.

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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

As well Paypal's website also had the login boxes highlighted in yellow yesterday.
Message 21 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Thanks to everyone that's gotten me information on this! I've heard back from the tech team and have been asked to have you try another piece of troubleshooting if this is still occurring:


Please advise the member to double check the username and password,  especially the spaces entered (if any) and clear the browsing history, cookies and cache from the beginning of usage to see if that corrects the issue.


If logging in still doesn't work then the culprit is maybe with an autofill/autocomplete settings in the web browser which a member may have an old password information saved.


Personally, I find it difficult to believe that so many of you would be adding an 'extra space' at the end of your passwords, or all of you have browsers remember your passwords, all of which recently changed. 


However, if you would try clearing the cache/cookies of your browser (going back as far as possible) and attempt this again, letting me know how it turns out, I would appreciate it!


Tagging folks who've participated in this thread to get them the notification:


@2nd-time-around-jewelry@forester_studios@brettjet38@lotzofuniquegoodies@block36 & @Anonymous     

Message 22 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

"The boxes where you enter your login info are now highlighted in yellow. Anyone else seeing this change?"

Not just eBay...I am seeing that on hotmail accounts, as well as other selling sites now, when logging in to them.

Message 23 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Yes the yellow highlighting is happening on all my accounts too.  Still not able to access the discussion boards for 2 days now. Also not been able to print any labels through PayPal in the last 2 days. An error message always comes up. And then not able to log out of PayPal either. What is going on lately. Everything seems to have some type of glitches now.

Message 24 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Right now there is only one way to access the eBay Canada Community boards and that is by clicking on "Discussions" under the heading "The eBay Canada Community"and then click on "Seller Central" or other board as desired, from the list.

Don't know about the issue with printing labels via PayPal as have not had need to do so

since mid-May, but can still log in and out of PayPal with no problem.

Message 25 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Here's a thought... I wonder if by any chance Windows 10 recently rolled out a problematic update involving their password saving feature?
Message 26 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

I'm seeing the yellow boxes too and I use Macs.

Message 27 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Not applicable

Wow. Misery loves company it seems, while I don't enjoy knowing others are having problems, I am glad to see I wasn't just being grumpy for no reason. Yes this is still happening to me. On, firefox and I do not use a VPN. I am on wifi though, but I have been for longer than I have been on eBay and it has never been an issue on this site before. By wifi, I mean I pay a monthly fee to piggyback from my landlord's wifi so I never have a static ip and it will always look like I'm logging in from a different computer. I'm in a remote area so this is the only way any of us can get online where I live but it works very well and we have fantastic customer service from the company that provides it.

Now, back to this issue. I am so happy someone tagged Tyler, bless his heart for being so helpful. lol I would have been back sooner but for the life of me, I was not able to find this thread again. Thought I was losing my mind, which while not surprising is very inconvenient at times. grinning

Have a good weekend everyone and I hope you have nice weather. (don't even get me started on Mother Nature, she has lost her cookies.) dizzy_face

Message 28 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Not applicable
Oh my dear you are sadly mistaken. Computers love to mess with us and I find the best way to deal with them is to shake my fist, swear loudly, then suddenly realize my window is open and when all else fails, threatened to toss the computer out that very same window. Works like a charm.
shh, it's easier to believe.
Message 29 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

Wow I didn't realize others were having trouble with paypal labels. I tried yesterday twice to print one and got an error message. They need to fix this pronto!
Message 30 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

I'm running windows 7.
Message 31 of 32
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Is eBay Just Looking For Ways To Insult Our Intelligence?

This is all mostly from a recent update to Firefox saved logins.

Message 32 of 32
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