ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I was recommended this to watch, all eBay Sellers should...




...and this is the follow-up.



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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

...which is what I have said all along!


EDUCATE YOURSELVES, eBay does not always win!


In fact this time they got eggs on their face... 

Message 21 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

shall we make exodus and join the shopify?  


back to the topic, I never had this issue but I know the inherent exploit as code crackers would say. I can say one, who gave me the negative feedback, lost the ebay dispute and lost the paypal dispute.  he claimed the product arrived DOA.


Maybe if you were high volume seller, this issue would be more prevalent as my educated guess.  


here is nothing much Ebay can do unless they gave exceptions out per seller depending on the years, feedback and seller ratings.  Eh?  Just like to you monitor member's buyer disputes.  How many is too many?





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