switching to managed payment time line..

i am asked to have all my details in by the end of the month.. how long did most of you wait, until they switched you over,, was it right away or a month later,, i am the middle of the month billing, so i would assume it would be close to there??

Message 1 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I doubt billing date means anything.


The time between registering and being switched is getting shorter and shorter, when I signed on last June I didn't get moved into MP until late September. I expect the waiting period is getting shorter and shorter as more and more are switched and fewer remain to be switched.


This account I'm posting from is really low volume, I have not yet heard a single peep about switching.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I’m not Anonymous … I’m JT-Libra, but I just installed a new computer and I’m working out the kinks (for the last two weeks actually).  I don’t know how to get my User Name to show on this Board.  I’m signed in.  What a mess!  I had been very happy with my Windows 7 and Outlook 2010, but my 10-year old computer just gave out.  So now I’m running Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 and I hate it.  I haven’t gained anything, but I’ve lost so much.  I’m not happy!!  Anyway …  


This account I'm posting from is really low volume, I have not yet heard a single peep about switching.


I hadn't heard anything either until three days ago.  Both of my accounts (which I consider low volume also) have to be switched over by the end of April.  I didn't realize you hadn't yet been notified.  I know femme has also been holding out hope they would forget about her, just as I had hoped.  Good luck to both of you.  I hope you never get that e-mail.  I made a start ... I opened a new bank account to be used exclusively for eBay, but I did it with clenched teeth.  I am not happy.  I know so many people who say it's no big deal, but it is to me.  I'm an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of gal, and everything was working fine with me and PayPal.


Message 3 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Oh, I see my name did show this time.  It previously showed "Anonymous", so I deleted it.

Message 4 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Now, it's taking less time. I am case it took less than  a week to switch to a new payment system (end of March)

Message 5 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

The end of PayPal is nigh. Since the introduction of the original Seller Hub, there has always existed a list of links to various seller tools. I noticed the PayPal link has been removed sometime during the last couple of days.

I also received a notice to update by April 29th. This is the first time a firm date has been mentioned, me thinks the end of PayPal is near.
Message 6 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I really loved that PayPal was so all-inclusive.  I did most my shipping labels there - a few on Snap Ship - but never on Shippo which has never worked for me and after two attempts by their Customer Service to straighten out my account, I've given up on them.  PP's one-page all inclusive details for each sale was perfect.  You could transfer your money to any one of several accounts you had registered.  Customer service was great.  You could reach them easily and quickly by phone or message.  It was easy to refund a purchase or a portion of a purchase if need be.  They even refunded me on occasion for a fraudulent eBay transaction that eBay did not consider to be fraudulent, just because they wanted to ease my mind or simply be a good corporate citizen.  I could go on and on.  Of course, we can still use it for personal transactions, but I am really going to miss them.


But with eBay, you rarely see the same page twice when you're looking for information or completing a transaction.  They implement major changes so often, you can barely keep up, and it certainly doesn't seem to be in response to sellers' needs but more for corporate convenience, or dollars.  Customer service is trying because you more often than not get an American CSR who doesn't understand that some things are different in Canada.  I know there are Canadian contact numbers but I never seem to get one of them.  Again, I could go on and on. It can only get worse as far as I'm concerned.

Message 7 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I was told to sign up last October.

Still haven't completed the process.


I am old and cranky.

Message 8 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Interesting!!  I thought you had to once you got the e-mail.  Hmmm .....

Message 9 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I will not be signing up for MP under its current messy situation with all its problems ...and may never sign up at any time in the near future, but despite the end of month date in the email, I will continue to list on eBay...until I can't ...

Message 10 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I think I might join you.  If they cut me off, I can sign up then, if I decide to continue with eBay.

Message 11 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

I just switched over a couple of months ago and it took a couple of days. They still have a lot of kinks to iron out of it though. Like the shipping fees not coming out of the proceeds of the sale because payment hasn't been processed or completed yet.

I also list on US.com and the label system is right out of whack. No problem if sending something within Canada but not to the US.

No more US money in paypal to play with. It sucks all around. That's all I have to say about it. I read on these threads they charge us an extra 3% on the currency exchange if listed on US.com. Not sure why but another way of gouging us. Doubt its another one of their glitch but it certainly appears that the final total I get is less than when I withdrew my US $ from paypal. Something is off somewhere. 

Message 12 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

My account just got switched over to managed payments.     Nothing good to say about it.


Ebay is now changing a 12.3% fee on the canadian sales tax I have to collect.     Hopefully Revenue Canada will come after them for that. 


The Free Local Pick up option, results in an invoice to the buyer that contains a shipping fee as if the item was mailed (and yes this is an ebay software problem).


Then try and look at your own ebay fee invoices - and you get a big Error Message saying you cant see it (for the time being you can still find your old invoices by going through the site map).


More and more reasons to exit ebay.      Does anyone know who etsy compares when it comes to collecting payment from buyers?

Message 13 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Does ebay do a test deposit, to make sure everything is working, before they switch you on..

Message 14 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

@esclyons wrote:

Does ebay do a test deposit, to make sure everything is working, before they switch you on..

A test deposit is one of the ways they can use to verify your account, not sure what triggers it, didn't happen when I signed up.





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 15 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

@westcoastart2 wrote:

... anyone know who etsy compares when it comes to collecting payment from buyers?

Etsy uses Ayden -- the same company that eBay uses for Managed Payments.

Message 16 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Since eBay has ben such a **bleep**shoot with all its non-"improvements"/changes/non-support for sellers,etc.etc etc, I set up selling on another site over 2 years ago...albeit , a smaller,lesser known site, but a site that still allows PayPal only for its sellers as well as Stripe for funding to bank account, my sales there have been increasing and hopefully will continue to do better after end of April when I am no longer able to list on eBay because I refuse to sign up with their MP mis-managed payment system.

Message 17 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

Debating if I should bother putting more listings on eBay... or just wait and see how this goes... I got the "action required" letter saying I need to switch over by April 29 or I won't be able to make any new listings 🤕

Message 18 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

That's the same letter I received but I haven't done anything with it yet.  This is tough pill to swallow.  If this new system was designed to make life easier for its sellers, then maybe I would be receptive. But when has eBay ever cared about sellers' issues?

I'm a small seller and between my two accounts only earn $200 to $300 a month; small sellers like me carry no sway with a company like eBay. And then there are the large sellers we see who have 20,000+ feedback and I'm pretty sure that for those sellers, eBay is only one of their markets and the more and more displeased they get, they leave. That leaves a lot of sellers who are not happy but begrudgingly go along. The resentment is high in both Canada and the U.S. and I'm sure many other countries. I know I've never heard a group of influential sellers say ... Enough! "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore". No one stands up to eBay and they run roughshod over us. They don't even try to hide their greed. In re-reading the materials sent to me, I was really struck by this:

Fees then
2.9% Third-party payments fee -  10% Final value fee
Automatically deducted from the sale Invoiced monthly


Fees now
12.35% Final value fee
One bundled fee automatically deducted from the sale

So what are we saving precisely? .55%?  Plus the loss of PayPal which most of us really like. And what is eBay gaining? PayPal’s share plus, no doubt, many fees we will not see until we view our statements.

In business and in relationships, I've always lived by the credo .... no one can do anything to me that I don't let them do.  We reason, we fight back and in the end may have to walk away. We have had no opportunity to reason or fight back so I can walk away or stay. If I stay, then I can no longer complain about what they do to me. You'll have to pardon me ... I've had a couple of sleepless nights and all of the eBay stuff is weighing heavily on me. I'm not a happy camper, which is evident ... Lol! 

Message 19 of 26
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switching to managed payment time line..

It is definitely going to get worse! No doubt in my mind about that!

Message 20 of 26
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