where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

Why is eBay charging us insertion fees?? We are doing all the work by listing our items and they are becoming billionaires from our goods.They even found a way of gouging us on shipping.I pay for the STAMP not ebay,I pay for the ENVELOPE not EBAY,I pay for the plastic protective sleeve NOT EBAY, I drive to the post office to mail your cards NOT EBAY.I get blamed for slow delivery,even though I post your card the same day you pay and the delivery guy (CANADA POST) gets none of the blame.So Ebay,your not only taking a big chunk of my profits ,but your also adding to my shipping expenses.The least you can do is quit charging us insertion fees.And quit pretending your the good guy when you gouge us on delivery expenses also.

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Re: where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

Why is eBay charging us insertion fees?

EBay pays for the browser farms that host 140million listings a day.

Advertising on the site is not free.

where are the free insertion promotions.

When we get a Free Listing promotion, it is not for the sellers.

It is done because eBay wants more listings in a certain category or a certain type of listing.

The most obvious 'good for eBay ' promotion was last summer's '50,000 Free Listings' for sellers who listed on dotCA in Canadian dollars in the runup to the ending of our privilege of being the only site that offered dual currency listings.


Most sellers get 50 Free Listings a month, more if they have a store, although Store Listings are more 'reduced fee' since there is a monthly charge for the Store.


They even found a way of gouging us on shipping.

This has been around for a couple of years now.

The reasons seem to be

  • to coordinate fees with Amazon, eBay's rival
  • to stop the scammers who were charging a penny for the item and $100 for shipping, to avoid paying any fees at all.
  • to encourage sellers to use Free Shipping (Don't Panic*) which is wildly popular with buyers.


It is possible to reduce the shipping FVF.

If you are TRS, your selling FVF is lowered, so using Free Shipping means your shipping FVF is also lower.

This only works with Flat Rate Shipping, although massaging selling /shipping prices can work on parcel rates too.


I pay for the ENVELOPE not EBAY,I pay for the plastic protective sleeve NOT EBAY, I drive to the post office to mail your cards NOT EBAY.

Packaging costs should be part of the asking price not the shipping fee. Same with insurance.


Ebay,your not only taking a big chunk of my profits ,but your also adding to my shipping expenses.

Well, that's redundant. Shipping is a business expense, as are fees (and packaging and printer ink, and wifi service).



In my opinion, if we can't make money on sales without promotions and freebies, there is a problem with our business plan.




*Free Shipping just means putting the shipping and packaging cost into the asking price of the product.

Which is cheaper?

A $5 item with $10 shipping?

A $10 item with $5 shipping?

A $15 item with Free Shipping?


Message 2 of 6
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Re: where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

Re: where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

Do you really think people are that stupid.When a $1.00 card now costs $3.00.Free shipping is now hidden in the price of the card.Ebay  takes its 10percent off $3.00 instead of $1.00. Nice try though.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

@bert1630 wrote:

Do you really think people are that stupid.

When a $1.00 card now costs $3.00. Free shipping is now hidden in the price of the card.

Ebay  takes its 10percent of $3.00 instead of $1.00. Nice try though.

Many people are lazy and don't want to do arithmetic -- that's why they like "shipping included" aka "free".


ebay.ca has been charging fees on shipping since 2011. Shipping included ("free") or shipping extra has the same final value fee total cost (if listing and selling in Canada).


For comparison, your card example, listed on amazon, has a 20% selling fee on price+shipping with a minimum fee of $1.




Message 5 of 6
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Re: where are the free insertion promotions.I have not received any in 6 months.

Ebay has been taking a cut of the shipping for a few years now, so the $1 card w/$2 shipping, has the same fees, as the card priced at $3, with free shipping. You are right, the buyers are not stupid, but the smart ones see the total amount, and are happy with it.


I also do not like ebay taking a cut on the shipping, but I do understand why they has gone this route, and they are not the only ones who do it.


Iirc, ebay also only take a cut of our domestic shipping fees. For example, I have an item that the shipping cost in Canada is 24.99, to Europe, it's $75.99. Thankfully ebay will base their fees on my domestic cost.


As far as your question regarding promotions, since getting a free store for six months, I don't really get, or need any at this time. When the promotion I'm on now runs out, I may need the ones I'm missing, in order to keep listing the sames amount of items. 

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