Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

It's my fault but I'm finding it really annoying cancelling listings that were automatically listed in $CAN by the Sell Similar tab  and relisting them in $US. I'm convinced these little things are done just to drive you away from Ebay for good. What point are they trying to make to have the listings come up on auto $CAN? Are they resentful that we can make an extra 20-25% on the exchange by listing in US?

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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

From the announcement board on eBay-Canada last month:


"we can make an extra 20-25% on the exchange by listing in US?"


???  i do not think it is that easy.  Whether you list at US$75 or Cdn$ 100, the value is approximately the same for the buyer and seller.

Message 2 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

50% of my sales are to the US, 25% international and 25% Canada.  US buyers are confused regarding the Canadian amount.  See this on the .com site.   Canada has 35+ million population and US has 318+ million.   I want to list in the $ where most of my customers are.  I also list on .com.

Message 3 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

@pierrelebel wrote:

From the announcement board on eBay-Canada last month:


"we can make an extra 20-25% on the exchange by listing in US?"


???  i do not think it is that easy.  Whether you list at US$75 or Cdn$ 100, the value is approximately the same for the buyer and seller.

I do not understand that. I cannot make "extra". Things are worth what they are worth regardless of what currency one uses.


If my widget is worth $25 US, then it is worth $33 CDN. It is not worth $25 CDN. The math is wrong.


The point of listing in CDN is so that the CDN buyer can think in CDN, it is not to get a lower price.

Message 4 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

It depends on the price level...and "significant and in-depth analysis of Fixed Price sell-through rates and auction conversion rates"  - tells me I do better selling at $9.95 US than $12.95 CAN...but points taken...

Message 5 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

Community Member

Yes I am tired of cancelling listings because they defaulted to the CAN$. I have always listed in US funds, so when it is changed to CAN$,, the prices of the items are essentially dropped by whatever the exchange rate is at the moment(~25%).


My shipping cost is set, so the buyer pays at least the actual cost, when it defaults to the CAN$ I lose on the shipping to everywhere.


I do not have a store, so I have to depend on the promotions in order to keep up as many listings as possible. With a ton more to list, I cannot be wasting any by having to correct them. I will now have to check each one, right after it is listed, to make sure it is listed in US$. What a sorry state of affairs.




Message 6 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

Checking them AFTER listing is using your time for no result.  You cannot change the currency once a listing is active.  All you can do is end the listing and relist in in US dollars.  It would be more useful to spend that time changing the currency before listing, or you could change your prices, or use a third party listing tool.

Message 7 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

Personally I think this just another Ebay scam.

 Ebay sees that Canadians are not keeping up with the purchasing quota due to the listing in USD , which decreases the chance of items selling. less money for Ebay. Bottom line.



"???  i do not think it is that easy.  Whether you list at US$75 or Cdn$ 100, the value is approximately the same for the buyer and seller."


I dont think that is totally correct. I myself want to get the best exposure and the US out wieghs CANADA by folds. What I mean by this is a great deal of MERICANS want to buy in USD. You would probably be surprised how many MERICANS get confused ( Im not sure if confused would be the right word to use), lets say muttled? Anyways. I will list in USD anytime over CDN.

Message 8 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

"I myself want to get the best exposure "


I think most sellers do want the best exposure possible,


To get exposure on you can list on or - it generally does not really matter - as long as your listings show a shipping method and shipping cost to both countries (Canada and USA).


You then have the same exposure.


The currency of the listing does not change the exposure.


When a viewer (Canadian, American or from overseas) sees a search result page on the value shown will be in US dollars. So the buyer can compare apples to apples.


The currency of the listing (US$ or Cdn$) only appears within the listing itself and, later on, at time pf paying through PayPal.


As stated earlier "whether you list at US$75 or Cdn$ 100, the value is approximately the same for the buyer and seller"

Message 9 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

By the way I noticed in one of your listings (9131604021154)


Shipping: Free Local Pickup | See details  
Item location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ships to: Local pick-up only
Since exposure to the USA market is important to you, why would you limit the sale of this item to the local market only?  As such it is NOT shown on
Message 10 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

What do you base it on that CAN$ listing will have worse exposure or be disadvantaged?  A quick look at jerseys annd I can see some of the larger sellers in Canada were already listing in CAN$.  eg search on .com for mario lemieux jersey brings up almost 1200 results.  Within the top 10 is a CAN$ listing from a seller with 20,000 fb.  A few more down is another CAN$ listing from a selller with 16,000 fb.  One is top rated/free shipping, the other is neither.  They both seem to be doing pretty good in CAN$

Message 11 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

"The currency of the listing does not change the exposure."


On this topic we will have to agree to disagree.  


I prefer to list in USD before I will list in CDN. I have tried both currencies in the past and USD works better for me. I think we have a different view on exposure. I refer to what matters. When I see watchers decrease during CDN $ listings vs USD listing I had to do an about face on the currency that I list with.. Here is a scenario; If there was the same item , one listed in CDN and say another listed in say Yen, Franc , Lira  ( shipping price the same). Which would you buy?


In regards to the listing that had pick up only in shipping. I m sure you and most of us made have made errors in placing our listings. Thanks for pointing that one out.


To the posting about big jerseys sellers in Canada listing in CDN. Who? I have been selling jerseys for a very long time and I make it my business to know who's out there. The vast majority sell in USD. Maybe a couple are trying in CDN. This Time of the year Hockey jerseys are not the big sellers.So why not give it a try. I have tried as well at one time.

Message 12 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

" A few more down is another CAN$ listing from a selller with 16,000 fb.  One is top rated/free shipping, the other is neither.  They both seem to be doing pretty good in CAN$"



Now check out the Canadian sellers that sell in USD if you want to see the difference..

Message 13 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

I did, and it further confirmed can$ is not a problem.  There are 2 significantly larger stores(by listings) for NHL jersey by canadians.  They have far more listings then the 2 sellers i refrenced above.  Both are in us$.   Despite having far more listings, their annual sales are less, their sell through rate far less.


Obviously there are many factors involved in who is selling what with different inventory and price.  But there is no evidence to be found that can$ listings are disadvantaged in anyway.  Can go through any category and see the same thing

Message 14 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?



Instead of Mario Lemieux , why not expand to Pittsburgh Penguin jerseys. First your going to see how dwarf Canadian sellers are , then second you will see majority of Canadian sellers sell in USD , and third you will definitely see that the USD hands down beats Canadian dollar listing.


I know one of the sellers that you R most likely using as a comparison and I know personally he is changing back to USD on his listing


If you sold jerseys you would know there are a large variety of levels in jerseys. Some sellers sell a much lesser priced jersey, so you need to compare those sellers, because sellers of cheaper quality jersey are going to sell more than sellers of a pro jersey that costs 100s more. Do a apples to apples comparison, and you will get your answer. USD beats CDN handown.


I cant speak for other areas of items sold on Ebay, but I know hockey jerseys



Message 15 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

I think Im starting to understand after reading more of these threads. This is more to do with selling to Canadians and less about making money.


What your saying is;  if my item can sell for $159 usd , Then I should be able to sell that same Item for $205 CDN. Only one problem with this math, it isnt  worth $205 Canadian and Canadians know that. So I do apologize for wanting to make a little more money


Its like.... say ;  a stamp..... You know its worth 100 bucks in Canada and so do stamp collectors. In the States its also worth $ 100 bucks. Why would you not sell it in USD? Why would you sell in Cdn? Im dumbfounded. Its a no brainer. Why do you think exporters are so happy.

Message 16 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

 a stamp..... You know its worth 100 bucks in Canada and so do stamp collectors.


Well, no.

There is a catalogue* (Scott in US dollars for the US market and Unitrade in CDN dollars for the Canadian specialist collector)

Then , like jerseys, there is condition.

And there are collectors who will pay more for a lesser grade of stamp, because they don't believe they can afford the better one. We see this at our public auction all the time-- the Fine Hinged copy gets more bids and more money than the Very Fine Never Hinged that gets only one bidder.

Or a customer is buying many items and gets a discounted price from the shop or show dealer.

Or the dealer buys an item knowing that he can flip it in a few days (or even hours at a show) and the customer gets the fast nickel price.

Heck, there are even some stamps that command a premium because they are counterfeits!


Every business has its quirks.


That said, we do see posts here from time to time by Canadians who are offended that their Canadian seller lists in US dollars. Not often, and certainly not as often as we see Americans who can't understand why they are seeing a 'C' on the price.

I particularly liked the recent guy who wanted to know why the price on an item wasn't 'in English'.


I'll probably stick to listing on eBaydotCA for my books, because of the stupid media shipping cap on dotCOM. But most of my sales are to the USA and Canadians are smart enough to know how to do exchange, so as long as I am allowed I will be listing in USD.



*Actually several. I can think of four covering Canadian stamps off the top of my head. And then there are specialty catalogues for almost every nation or colony that has ever produced postage.

Message 17 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

"Well, no.

There is a catalogue*"


Well maybe stamps was not my best use as an example. I will leave that to the experts.


I am sure many Canadians are unhappy that due to currency it places Canadian bidder with a less advantage in auction or Buy It Nows. But it is a business, and 90% of my customers are from the US.


Each to his or her own on what works for them. I only speak for myself, and like yourself, I will also list in USD as long as ebay allows it.

Message 18 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

Obviously there will always be far more US$ lsitings owing to the population diffference. That doesn't prove its "better.

Looking at penguins jerseys, the highest priced ones that actually sold by a Canadian seller that still shows up on ebay were these 321833687472 in CAN$. The canadian seller that would appear to be most sucesfull in the category based on sales and sell through would be this one 121175009822, who's sales are more or less the same as the Canadian with the most US$ listings, done with a fraction of the listings.

"if my item can sell for $159 usd , Then I should be able to sell that same Item for $205 CD"

You realize whether looked at on .com or .ca, those would appear to the buyer as exactly the same thing in search results, being ebay converts everything to local currency on each countries sites? No one is being fooled into thinking its cheaper because the US$ number is lower
Message 19 of 34
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Re: Anyone Else Tired of Cancelling $CAN Listings?

"...No one is being fooled into thinking its cheaper because the US$ number is lower..."


That statement becomes more accurate at higher price levels. At lower price levels few people bother with the exchange rate...and $9.95 US is 25% more than $9.95 CAN....and that difference makes selling small items at that price point in $US actually worthwhile considering Canada Post shipping rates....

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