April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Hello everyone,


Lots to talk about this week, it seems 🙂


Please go ahead and post your questions and comments. I won't ask you to restrict on the topics, although if you think what you want to ask about the retirement of USD selling or the 2016 Spring Seller Update could benefit others who may not see this thread, please consider posting in those respective threads as well.


Open issues:

  • Odd missing gallery picture in search results
  • Errors when uploading more than one tracking number at a time (repeated, erroneous numbers saved)


  • Wrong tax rates applied to PayPal labels - I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Missing Tracked Packet destinations -I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Sold items going into Unsold container - Team is investigating
  • Combined shipping offers not shown to international buyers - under investigation with shipping team


Message 1 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Community Member

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

Hello everyone,


Lots to talk about this week, it seems 🙂


Please go ahead and post your questions and comments. I won't ask you to restrict on the topics, although if you think what you want to ask about the retirement of USD selling or the 2016 Spring Seller Update could benefit others who may not see this thread, please consider posting in those respective threads as well.


Open issues:

  • Odd missing gallery picture in search results
  • Errors when uploading more than one tracking number at a time (repeated, erroneous numbers saved)


  • Wrong tax rates applied to PayPal labels - I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Missing Tracked Packet destinations -I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Sold items going into Unsold container - Team is investigating
  • Combined shipping offers not shown to international buyers - under investigation with shipping team


Hello, Raphael. How are you this morning?


This is my POSTING id.
Message 2 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

eBay Business Policies system, how to convert a listing in USD with Business Policies to a CAD listing with Business Policies.


Someone has posted issue with converting listings in this topic and they seem to be using Business Policies.




I asked the OP if they are so not sure. But it does raise the question of how to convert listings for Sellers using  Business Policies.


I am using Business Policies on my eBay ids. I like the concept and for the most part Business Policies are easy to use once done. I think very few sellers are using Business Policies since the implementation for converting is a real confusing mess.


I was looking into this and it seems the Currency Selection is in two places when using Business Policies. It is in the Sell Your Item form at the top when creating a listing and it is in the Shipping Policy also.


To me the safe procedure to convert a listing to CAD with Business Polices would be as follows. I only list in CAD on eBay.ca so I have no experience doing this.


1) Create a new Shipping policy from scratch with the currency in CAD.


Do not copy a Shipping Policy in USD and change it to CAD and save as a new Shipping Policy since I think this will confuse the system.


Do not try to change the existing live Shipping policy in USD to CAD since active listings in USD will be running. I do not know if this is even possible to change currency in a Shipping Policy on the fly like this. Past experience with changing a policy while active listings are using it sometimes results in a copy being made, one for the changed policy while keeping the original unchanged in active listings.


2) When relisting ended listings (UnSold and Sold), use Sell Similar to create a fresh listing and have the ability to change currency in the SYI. Then select the Shipping Policy that is in CAD to go with the listings. Make other changes to the Item Price from USD amount to CAD amount.


I am posting the above for Sellers using Business Policies to use as it seems to be the safe way to convert a listing. Can you confirm the above would be the way to do it?


Also, is the migration tool going to be able to handle sellers with Business Polices? Without making a mess of duplicate Business Polices with strange names and such as was the case with the initial conversion to Business policies?


Another issue with the OP is that they are using shipping discounts in their USD listings. How is eBay handling shipping discounts for the migration? What should a seller do who uses them? (This question is not just for Business Policies users, for any seller using shipping discounts.)



Message 3 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

PS I am asking this question of CAD USD change here because no one from ebay has answered any questions in the dedicated topic for the last 200 or so posts it seems.

Message 4 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Good morning.


For the last four days, I have an issue with my eBay store where email to be sent to eBay members on my mailing list are not sent.


Your system first state that 233 emails have been sent to subscribers, then, six to twelve hours later, shows FAILED and no email sent.  I have used the duplicate options several times with the same result.


Am I the only Canadian seller with an eBay store with this problem or is it widespread?

Message 5 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Good afternoon Raphael, 


Well, I've just taken a brief look at the Spring Seller Update/Fright Announcement, and as usual I'm very dismayed, almost gob-smacked actually.  


Although it was inevitable that eBay would: 


1)  Raise store subscription fees; 

2)  Restrict sellers' ability to freely describe and display their products; and 

3)  Create a new review system; 


I have some real concerns about the details, especially this: 


"The new View Item description for mobile features a clean and consistent item description summary. eBay derives a brief, 250-character, text-only description summary from your full item description. This provides relevant listing information that allows shoppers to make fast, informed buying decisions."


For the summary, we determine which content in your full item description is most relevant by identifying keywords that shoppers use to search for your items.


[My emphasis above].  So, if I understand this correctly, eBay will now be "writing" a précis of my item description for me in order to satisfy mobile viewing requirements?  


If so, my questions are this:

(a)  Will I, as seller, still be held responsible for the content of my entire listing, including eBay's derived summary?  

(b)  If there is a discrepancy, error, ambiguity, outright misrepresentation (inadvertent of course - how can a "bot" know?) or inconsistency in eBay's summary that causes the buyer to be dissatisfied or file a SNAD claim, how will that complaint or claim be handled by eBay? 

(c)  How can we sellers be certain that eBay's summary will actually better represent our item and encourage a sale sooner than something we write ourselves? 

(d)  I know you will say that if sellers don't like eBay writing our descriptions, we should either write them ourselves (in HTML, which many of us don't know how to use), or keep our descriptions under 800 words.  However, this latter option ironically means that those of us who know our buyer base is generally older and uses laptops or PCs will be forced to decide to either have our items described in less detail, or leave eBay to do the writing.  

So my question is this:  Will these summaries by eBay display only if a buyer is looking at the item on a mobile device, or on all devices? 


By the way, just a final comment -- it seems that all the blah, blah, blah by Wenig about supporting eBay's small sellers is bunk and nonsense, since those who are big enough to afford to be Anchor store owners will now get priority customer service assistance.  


If eBay would just leave things alone for one single year, I and I'm sure a lot of other small sellers like me, might be able to actually focus on growing our businesses instead of on accommodating eBay's ever-shifting landscape.  


Message 6 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Incidentally, why can't eBay give us sellers an optional box to enter text ourselves that would be used as the summary, in ordinary text (not HTML)?   


I won't even start about the one-two punch we Canadian sellers have received prior to this Spring Update, with the on-time delivery metric and then the $Cdn-only listing restriction on .ca.  I'm just reeling at this point.  

Message 7 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Community Member

I am having a problem today with combined shipping for a Canadian buyer. After combining the invoice, I cannot enter the order details. Instead I am getting this error:


The following critical errors have occurred.



My client is also unable to pay for the items: The invoice shows up properly at first, but during the steps in checkout all of a sudden four of the five items from the invoice go missing and checkout tries to charge him for one item only (ignoring the other items and combined shipping). Any idea as to what is going on here?

Message 8 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

I'm confused about the 250 characters/800 words too! No smart phone here to see this. Not sure if this looks the same as on my iPad. I really can't figure out how to describe properly (with sizes and measurements which are a must for most of my items) in 250 characters. No one would buy if they didn't have this info.

And is a table considered "active"?

Message 9 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

@x..e wrote:

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

Hello everyone,


Lots to talk about this week, it seems 🙂


Please go ahead and post your questions and comments. I won't ask you to restrict on the topics, although if you think what you want to ask about the retirement of USD selling or the 2016 Spring Seller Update could benefit others who may not see this thread, please consider posting in those respective threads as well.


Open issues:

  • Odd missing gallery picture in search results
  • Errors when uploading more than one tracking number at a time (repeated, erroneous numbers saved)


  • Wrong tax rates applied to PayPal labels - I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Missing Tracked Packet destinations -I have asked PayPal and Pitney Bowes for an update
  • Sold items going into Unsold container - Team is investigating
  • Combined shipping offers not shown to international buyers - under investigation with shipping team


Hello, Raphael. How are you this morning?


Hello Alex, I'm well today, thanks! How are you?

Message 10 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Hi pocomo,

@pocomocomputing wrote:

eBay Business Policies system, how to convert a listing in USD with Business Policies to a CAD listing with Business Policies.


Someone has posted issue with converting listings in this topic and they seem to be using Business Policies.




I asked the OP if they are so not sure. But it does raise the question of how to convert listings for Sellers using  Business Policies.


I am using Business Policies on my eBay ids. I like the concept and for the most part Business Policies are easy to use once done. I think very few sellers are using Business Policies since the implementation for converting is a real confusing mess.


I was looking into this and it seems the Currency Selection is in two places when using Business Policies. It is in the Sell Your Item form at the top when creating a listing and it is in the Shipping Policy also.


To me the safe procedure to convert a listing to CAD with Business Polices would be as follows. I only list in CAD on eBay.ca so I have no experience doing this.


1) Create a new Shipping policy from scratch with the currency in CAD.


Do not copy a Shipping Policy in USD and change it to CAD and save as a new Shipping Policy since I think this will confuse the system.


Do not try to change the existing live Shipping policy in USD to CAD since active listings in USD will be running. I do not know if this is even possible to change currency in a Shipping Policy on the fly like this. Past experience with changing a policy while active listings are using it sometimes results in a copy being made, one for the changed policy while keeping the original unchanged in active listings.


2) When relisting ended listings (UnSold and Sold), use Sell Similar to create a fresh listing and have the ability to change currency in the SYI. Then select the Shipping Policy that is in CAD to go with the listings. Make other changes to the Item Price from USD amount to CAD amount.


I am posting the above for Sellers using Business Policies to use as it seems to be the safe way to convert a listing. Can you confirm the above would be the way to do it?


Also, is the migration tool going to be able to handle sellers with Business Polices? Without making a mess of duplicate Business Polices with strange names and such as was the case with the initial conversion to Business policies?


Another issue with the OP is that they are using shipping discounts in their USD listings. How is eBay handling shipping discounts for the migration? What should a seller do who uses them? (This question is not just for Business Policies users, for any seller using shipping discounts.)



Converting to CAD when you're on Business Policies is really as simple as creating a shipping policy in CAD that mirrors the one(s) you are currently using on your CAD listings. Contrary to what you're saying, there is little risk in doing this by changing the currency (and converting the shipping and handling prices, if applicable) and saving as a new policy, Just make sure both are named in a way that makes it easy to know what they are. For example, I use a format like this:

  • Default Flat Rate (USD)
  • Default Flat Rate (CAD)
  • etc.

I then select the appropriate one when I list or relist in CAD.


For shipping discounts, like for Business Policies, users will have to create equivalents in CAD and use that on their new CAD listings.

Message 11 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

@pierrelebel wrote:

Good morning.


For the last four days, I have an issue with my eBay store where email to be sent to eBay members on my mailing list are not sent.


Your system first state that 233 emails have been sent to subscribers, then, six to twelve hours later, shows FAILED and no email sent.  I have used the duplicate options several times with the same result.


Am I the only Canadian seller with an eBay store with this problem or is it widespread?

Hi Pierre,


I can't tell if it is widespread but I haven't seen any reports on it other than yours. I have asked the appropriate team to investigate.


Thanks for reporting!

Message 12 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Hello Gabriel,


Lately, some GSP items are showing no "import charges" to Canada even though they are above our miserable $20 tax-free limit.  I took this screen grab as an example:




Is this yet another unannounced experiment by eBay, to try to find a way to make the GSP palatable for Canadian buyers? This kind of tinkering isn't good. How do buyers know that "import charges" aren't going to suddenly jump at them the moment they hit the "Buy" button? I don't buy GSP items on principle but if I did, I wouldn't touch those with a barge pole.


Why can't eBay be transparent with us? Give us the facts that we need to make informed buying decisions. Better yet, since it's obvious that many Canadian buyers hate the GSP and want nothing to do with it, why not give them the GSP filter that they want? Forcing your customers to look at items they do not want to buy is not a very good business practice. Those who do want to see GSP items would simply not use the filter.


I realize that these are decisions that are likely not made in Canada, but I wonder if maybe you could pass them on to the "appropriate team".


Thank you.

Message 13 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

HI Raphael, I hope that when you have a chance you will be responding on the sellers update board to some of the questions there.


I can understand the reasoning for the update regarding mobile listings but is anyone looking into the free shipping glitch that seems to happen on the mobile ap?  There have been dozens of reports on both .ca and .com about buyers seeing free shipping in a listing when looking on their phone even though shipping was not free.

Message 14 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

I've clicked on buy it now to test those listings and import charges were not added.


One thing that i have noticed lately is that although there was always a one shipping price for a gsp listing in search view and a higher shipping price when clicking on a listing, the difference between the two seems to be higher than before?  For example, one item I looked at shows a shipping cost of $8.73 when I look at it in search but when I click on the listing the cost changes to $15.39. That's a huge difference and would certainly put me off as a buyer.

Message 15 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Hello rose-dee, long time!

@rose-dee wrote:

I have some real concerns about the details, especially this: 


"The new View Item description for mobile features a clean and consistent item description summary. eBay derives a brief, 250-character, text-only description summary from your full item description. This provides relevant listing information that allows shoppers to make fast, informed buying decisions."


For the summary, we determine which content in your full item description is most relevant by identifying keywords that shoppers use to search for your items.


[My emphasis above].  So, if I understand this correctly, eBay will now be "writing" a précis of my item description for me in order to satisfy mobile viewing requirements?   

In a nutshell, yes.

@rose-dee wrote:

If so, my questions are this:

(a)  Will I, as seller, still be held responsible for the content of my entire listing, including eBay's derived summary?  

As a seller, you are always responsible for the entirety of your listing. However you can specify what  you want included in the summary. See below.

@rose-dee wrote:

(b)  If there is a discrepancy, error, ambiguity, outright misrepresentation (inadvertent of course - how can a "bot" know?) or inconsistency in eBay's summary that causes the buyer to be dissatisfied or file a SNAD claim, how will that complaint or claim be handled by eBay? 


For productized items, we are confident that our algorithm is going to produce an accurate summary. For more unique items, we recommend that the seller writes a succinct description or specifies what parts should be included in the summary. In any case, if it is proven that eBay caused a buyer to report a SNAD, we will protect the seller.

@rose-dee wrote:

(c)  How can we sellers be certain that eBay's summary will actually better represent our item and encourage a sale sooner than something we write ourselves? 

The best way to ensure the summary is to your taste is to either write a succinct enough description that it will be put in the summary in its entirety, or to use HTML tagging to specify which part should be in the summary.

@rose-dee wrote:

(d)  I know you will say that if sellers don't like eBay writing our descriptions, we should either write them ourselves (in HTML, which many of us don't know how to use), or keep our descriptions under 800 words.  However, this latter option ironically means that those of us who know our buyer base is generally older and uses laptops or PCs will be forced to decide to either have our items described in less detail, or leave eBay to do the writing.  

So my question is this:  Will these summaries by eBay display only if a buyer is looking at the item on a mobile device, or on all devices? 


Summaries will also be shown on the web, above the fold (meaning the part of the item page that is visible without scrolling down at all).


I would like to reassure you though that the HTML coding required to specify your own summary, as scary and complicated as it sounds, is pretty easy to grasp. You don't have to "write in HTML" per se. HTML is a mainly system of coded tags that wraps around the text you want to appear, or behave, a certain way. Here is an example of the how it works:


<html tag>Text affected by the tag</html tag>


In this example, you have the opening tag, which would contain code that specifies what you want to do with the text, followed by the actual text, and finally the closing tag, which is usually the same as the opening tag, preceded by a slash. Another example, if I wanted to have one word in a sentence appear in bold:


The last word in this sentence will appear in <bold>bold</bold>.

The result would be:

The last word in this sentence will appear in bold.


You can practice HTML tagging when posting in the forums BTW, by using the HTML tab when composing your posts.


Here is an example, from our announcement FAQ, of the actual coding that you'll be able to use for specifying which part of your description should be used as a summary. I have highlighted the HTML tags so you can spot them easily:


<div vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Product"><span property="description">This paragraph contains almost 800 characters of text to be displayed in the mobile item description. And the text in this paragraph through this sentence contains 250 characters, which is the amount we will display without any actions on your part. When you tag this paragraph with these simple HTML breaks, the content will be displayed to shoppers looking at your item. This will allow the shopper to see the key information you want to display, without them having to click through to the complete description. If your complete description is 800 characters or less and uses basic HTML we will display the entire description without any action by you—so the best practice is to keep it within 800 characters. If you have a long description, make it easy for your buyers by using this option. </span></div>


If you save these tags somewhere and just like in the example, put them at the beginning and end of the text you want to use as a summary, you'll be all set.

Message 16 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

@ecgt wrote:

I am having a problem today with combined shipping for a Canadian buyer. After combining the invoice, I cannot enter the order details. Instead I am getting this error:


The following critical errors have occurred.



My client is also unable to pay for the items: The invoice shows up properly at first, but during the steps in checkout all of a sudden four of the five items from the invoice go missing and checkout tries to charge him for one item only (ignoring the other items and combined shipping). Any idea as to what is going on here?

Hi ecgt,


Please provide the item number so we can trouble shoot. Thanks!

Message 17 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Thanks for your reply. Here are the item numbers in question:












It looks like other sellers are having the same problem:



Message 18 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

Hi vintagenorth,

@vintagenorth wrote:

I'm confused about the 250 characters/800 words too! No smart phone here to see this. Not sure if this looks the same as on my iPad. I really can't figure out how to describe properly (with sizes and measurements which are a must for most of my items) in 250 characters. No one would buy if they didn't have this info.

You can still write a full length description. Measurements and sizes charts aren't great in a summary anyway. Keep in mind that the summary is only meant for give a prospective buyer a more detailed, albeit still only general idea of what they are looking at. Think of it as a written equivalent of the item picture. Buyers should still go to the actual description to know about finer details like measurements. 

@vintagenorth wrote:

And is a table considered "active"?

A chart isn't active content. Active content is things like interactive modules, script or code that executes when the page loads. Charts are still just text.

Message 19 of 89
latest reply

April 6th 2016 Weekly Session

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

I've clicked on buy it now to test those listings and import charges were not added.


One thing that i have noticed lately is that although there was always a one shipping price for a gsp listing in search view and a higher shipping price when clicking on a listing, the difference between the two seems to be higher than before?  For example, one item I looked at shows a shipping cost of $8.73 when I look at it in search but when I click on the listing the cost changes to $15.39. That's a huge difference and would certainly put me off as a buyer.

Maybe they are hiding the "import charges" in the shipping then.


That's exactly my point. The lack of transparency is not a good thing. Quite the opposite. Many buyers are already wary of the GSP. When seeing a clearly taxable item with no "import charges", I think that their first reflex would be to hit the back button as quickly as they can, lest the total bill jump up significantly as soon as they commit to buy.

Message 20 of 89
latest reply