'This order was not successful. Payment for this order has failed'

Can anyone speculate as to what this error message on my yet-to-be-paid Order Details page might mean? The buyer has messaged that she seems to be having trouble with submitting payment. I'd like to be able to offer her some assistance. If it may be relevant, the ship-to destination is Hong Kong and the invoice generates in characters I'm not clever enough to decipher.


I'm not quite sure what this error message really means


I checked my account settings with paypal and so far as I can tell, I've nothing in there which would prevent the buyer from submitting payment in any currency, it will just be converted to CAD. 


Thoughts to assist with troubleshooting?


Thank you in advance,


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Re: 'This order was not successful. Payment for this order has failed'

I've recently heard that address mismatch errors can cause payment problems.

Ask the buyer to check to make sure ebay address 100% matches paypal address.

(Google translate may work on the likely chinese writing you're seeing on the form)
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Re: 'This order was not successful. Payment for this order has failed'

Oh, thank you. You could be correct, the buyer mentioned something about payment by a credit card and having to call her bank in the UK, and credit card companies are particularly finicky when it comes to shipping to strange or unusual addresses. 


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