eBay - PC vs Smart Device

Has anyone seen current stats for eBay/online shopping regarding PC vs a Smart Device? Does the overall experience vary? Was able to locate a discussion on dot com for 2015. At that time it was approximately 55% to 45% PC vs Smart Device. A good guess is that split as change significantly in the last 4 years. Comments/concerns going forward?





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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

I don’t have any stats or links current breakdowns. All I can say is that five years ago I would never look at eBay or any e-commerce site on a smart device. I will always use my personal computer, Windows based. Today I do most of my internet browsing on my iPhone, some on my iPad and rarely use my PC. Mainly because smart devices are portable and instant on and available immediately. I will find something on my smart device but will go to my PC to finish the purchase for most. For eBay I always go to my PC to view and do final purchase because eBay app does not give full details as it is missing sales tax on the listing. You have to start a purchase to see sales tax (or am I wrong on this).

I only buy 25 items in a year online so not a big online buyer. I am older and prefer to buy in person and see the item. I also live in Vancouver area and have quick access to all major chain stores. I don’t like using credit card to purchase online ad I fear I will build debt.

I do buy groceries online to save the physical effort of shopping. Mostly non perishables. For perishables like fruit and vegetables and meat I have to do in person. I did not count groceries as part of my 25 online purchases estimate given above.
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

I'm going to have to go by recollection because I can't find the monthly reports PAYPAL sends me but my recollection is that my mobile purchases run around 20% or less of sales each month.


Keep in mind I live in the stamp world, so this is not an exceptional surprise in my categories.



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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device



With my product mix, the majority (90%) searches continue being made within eBay vs Google. Final sales? No idea. Promoted listings may get some bumps but nothing to get excited about.



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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

My Paypal reports have consistently shown mobile sales ranging between 30 and 40% for a couple of years now. When those reports first started arriving back in 2016 or so mobile accounted for about 10%.


The Android mobile app has developed to the point of being quite a nice user experience, at least as far as browsing is concerned. Like some others I'm not a high frequency buyer either and when I do shop I prefer to use the PC ... after some years experience I'm still far too clumsy with touchscreen selections to chance buying anything without a mouse in my hand. 



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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

@ricarmic  makes a good point about categories.

Philately is an older demographic, as are most collectibles.

It would be interesting to hear from someone who sells sneakers, or cellphone cases, or  what do the youth buy these days?

Even my kid is over 40.


RadioOne mentioned LOLSurprise toys this morning.


Message 6 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

Re; It would be interesting to hear from someone who sells sneakers, or cellphone cases, or  what do the youth buy these days?
Even my kid is over 40.

Our "youngsters" have reached their late 20s now. After 10 years of first university and then working in the city they have both moved back home for a bit. We're very happy to have them back!

What do they buy?

Well, just about everything and anything , clothing, cosmetics, gifts, pet supplies, books, a huge bookcase, cell phones, gadgets of all sorts, media, both digital and DVD, even prescription eye glasses although I think those were a disappointment.

Returns do occur but I would guess no more often than had they bought at b&m.

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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

While we posters are selling stamps, sewing patterns, books, postcards, and electronic parts.


I buy e-books (but Victoria has excellent independent bookstores for "real" books), some clothing (mostly disappointing and poorly fitting), and stuff from Lee Valley Tools because they are nearly an hour's drive away and have a catalogue.



Message 8 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

One thing I can tell you for sure is that a huge percentage of people "shop" using a mobile device but "buy" using a desktop/notebook.


By that I mean that they browse on their phone, possibly add items to their cart but do the actual purchase and payment on a desktop/notebook.


I don't have a smartphone but I do have a tablet, I do a lot of browsing (shopping) on the tablet but I do not do any kind of financial transactions on it so while eBay/PayPal may see me as desktop buyer I'm actually more of a mobile shopper.


Another thing of interest, many people I know who do not use desktops for work/business related work don't have any device other than their phone anymore or they have an old machine that's rarely turned on. My only acquaintances with desktops are gamers or graphic designers, my 50+ friends do everything on their phones.


Desktops are becoming like fax machines, still used by some but many have no need for them at all.


Some general stats here:





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 9 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

Wow. Not a nice site on the link you posted. Will not let me read the article without forcing me to sign up. Very annoying.
Message 10 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

@richardcm wrote:
... Will not let me read the article without forcing me to sign up. Very annoying.

The popup sign-up request went away after awhile (at least it did for me when viewing with firefox on a computer).

Message 11 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

Those selling hold in your hands, flip the page books will be pleased to hear Indigo was packed with book lovers this afternoon ...
Message 12 of 13
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Re: eBay - PC vs Smart Device

Thanks for the data @recped . Appreciated. I was curious to see where the numbers are at. Personally, I would always feel more comfortable purchasing on a PC vs "smart" device. If I make a mistake with that purchase, I want it to be my fault for any omission I made during the process of choosing/reviewing that listing....Nothing but the listing....So help me cod orrrr halibut!!  🙂 Wish others felt the same way, but just not how it is in the majority of the real world.


Regarding your Indigo experience @kawartha-ephemera I feel the same way. I would much rather have a hard copy of a book vs a device. Same goes for a newspaper. Much easier to choose what to read and skip the filler. I still enjoy all the pops and clicks of vinyl vs the perfection of a cd.


Spent part of my am  in one of Canada's long running chain stores. In trying to locate things that were supposed to be on sale ...Today Only...Limited Quantities...No Rainchecks...and actually not getting  what I believe used to be called "customer service." Helps one rationalize why "brick & mortar" stores could be losing their appeal. Sadly, the writing's on the interwebnetwebthingamajigdoohickey!!!





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