eBay letter for reducing import charges

Reduce duties & taxes on cross-border transactions

Dear Main Street Member:


Nearly 100% of commercial sellers on eBay export and eBay is a top ecommerce destination for buyers across the globe.


Unfortunately, Canada's customs laws – namely Canada's customs de minimis threshold – make it difficult for eBay users to buy and sell internationally. Canada's de minimis threshold was set 30 years ago and is among the lowest globally. It is a major reason eBay sellers struggle to accept returns from international buyers and it causes the government to lose revenue. Click here to learn more about the issue.


We at eBay believe strongly that Canadian law must be updated to reduce the burden on Canadian consumers and businesses. If you agree, join the Canadian American Business Council in urging Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau to raise the de minimis threshold by sending him a postcard.


Participation is easy – just click the link below to send your postcard. Together, we can make a difference.


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Andrea Stairs
Managing Director
eBay Canada

Well this is what i get yesterday whats your opinion guys 

Message 1 of 65
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Re: eBay letter for reducing import charges

Also, if you want to avoid the Global Shipping Program, that is another matter entirely. 


There are many thousands if not millions of sellers on ebay that don't use it. It was not created with the Canadian buyer's comfort in mind, it was created to entice xenophobic Americans to offer their products to buyers worldwide. And in some places for some buyers, it makes more sense to use it than not. 


If you want to avoid import taxes entirely, buy Canadian. 

Message 61 of 65
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Re: eBay letter for reducing import charges

@vanessaloveskolby wrote:
I want to bid on a $100 auction and $30 shipping.., sadly seller is using GSP so not only will it take addition 3-5 days if I win (they ship to global shipping place who then ships to me) but they added import charges are $70.71! That's outrageous. Shipping and import is equal to current bid. Talk about gouging Canadians 😐 eBay is **bleep** now. Last purse I bought (2 weeks ago has still not arrived) had no import fees and also used GSP so not sure why it's different. I won that Purse at $122 CAD and paid around $30 CAD shipping! 😐 There's no way import charges could cost that much. I've never paid import duties when an item arrived so how can they charge $71?

That sounds high for a $100 purse.  Is there a buy it now price? The import charges are based on that price right now but if the bag sells for less the charges should go down.

Message 62 of 65
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Re: eBay letter for reducing import charges

@mjwl2006 wrote:

The last time I had an order that was a direct River purchase that waited a week for shipment, I complained (big surprise, I know) to them and they upgraded the speed of the postal service at no additional charge so that I would get it at the same time as if they had fulfilled it and shipped right away. Maybe try that. 

The River order still had not been shipped by the end of January (original order placed Jan. 18) so I contacted them via Chat.  The rep had me cancel the order and place it again.  He upgraded the shipping and waived the shipping fee while promising that it would be shipped.  As of today it has still not been shipped so I contacted them by phone.  The customer service rep could not tell me why it had not been shipped because she works for customer service and not the warehouse.  Apparently she has to wait for the warehouse to update shipping info.  She did ask me if I wanted to cancel the order and order something similar that perhaps was available for shipment sooner?  Huh?  Why would one thing ship sooner from the warehouse than another item if they are both stored in the same building?


I refused to cancel the order and will wait awhile to see if it is shipped.  I can't believe the lack of support from that company!  It isn't imperative that I receive this artwork, although I do really like it, but, as a matter of principle, I want to see if this order is ever shipped.


Off topic, but I did bring it up and wanted to give you an update.


On topic:


I never purchase on eBay from sellers who use the global shipping programme.  There are usually other venues out there that sell the same thing, often for less money in the first place.  I don't mind paying the taxes and applicable duty on items I do order from the U.S. but I often receive packages that are not assessed any of these fees.

Message 63 of 65
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Re: eBay letter for reducing import charges

I've used the Global Shipping Program exactly three times. The first time, only one of two identical items was received and I had to file a police report to get my money back. The second and third times, my order arrived half wrecked. I'm in the middle of a case with the third order right now. I cannot believe it. Is it the hub itself that does this? Or sellers using GSP who simply cannot pack an order to save themselves and the people at the hub who open and inspect these packages that are ruining everything. I don't understand.
Message 64 of 65
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Re: eBay letter for reducing import charges

@vanessaloveskolby wrote:
I want to bid on a $100 auction and $30 shipping.., sadly seller is using GSP
they added import charges are $70.71! That's outrageous. Shipping and import is equal to current bid.
Last purse I bought had no import fees and also used GSP so not sure why it's different.


Do you mean $70.71 was added on IN ADDITION TO the $30 shipping, or when you add the import charges and shipping together?

It doesn't make sense that the shipping & import charges combined will equal the bid price.


Could you show a screen shot of any of this?


What you pay for import charges on a handbag depends where it was made. If it was made in a NAFTA country (or they can't be sure it was made elsewhere) then no duty. Outside of that, yes, there will be duty, and on a handbag it is quite high.


Your NB tax of 15%, plus the duty, plus the P-B shipping & processing charges would definitely be over $70. Meaning at the checkout you paid about $171.


If you are speaking in American, meaning $171 USD then at checkout you paid well over $226, but that's currency exchange rates, not added charges.


More information for clarification would help.





Message 65 of 65
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