A lesson for Canada Post?

Community Member

USPS to raise package and express rates 2.4% in January

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

The US Postal Service is to raise its prices for competitive package and express services by an average of 2.4% in January.


The full story from Post & Parcel:



The USPS announcing proposed rate increases more than 2 months ahead of time is an example to Canada Post, who keep them a deep, dark secret until just before the implementation date and even then get some of them wrong (as happened this year).


Of course, one reason for the USPS to give an early warning is that the proposed increases are subject to approval by a regulatory body. Canada Post need not worry about any such niceties. Their increases for all but basic lettermail are routinely rubber-stamped by the government.



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A lesson for Canada Post?

Canada Post needs an over haul. They're lazy, over paid, and incompetent. They hide behind their union and refuse to offer good service. We need a cheaper alternative here.

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A lesson for Canada Post?

i find it strange that canada post increase there rates just about every year citing there level of business is decreasing every year


If they were to decrease there rats would there level of business go up instead ?????


HUMmmm, i wonder.

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