ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the middle of a transaction.

NOW I'm THE BADGUY here and ebay is turning their head the other way. There **bleep** UP, and of course they won't admit it.

Now I have a **bleep** mess with paypal.





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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

The refund was made one week ago... and buyer almost immediately paid the new invoice through Paypal...


The new and correct address was indicated with this new payment.


Trending data  on the Dashboard are updated daily.


and I cannot see where a simple refund will show up as a defect.


The transaction was never cancelled...


I do see why there would be a question as why there is no defect... so far....


A refund must be associated with certain reason for a cancellation.... in order to get a defect....


Transaction was never cancelled  and buyer almost immediately paid the new invoice... sent through Paypal.


Where is the defect?  maybe something will show up....   but, not so far...

Message 21 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

I've received 2 defects when I refunded buyers but didn't cancel the transactions but in those cases, there was no repayment.

I've also seen posts from other sellers that they did something similar to what you did and they did receive a defect.  Hopefully they have changed something so that the system recognizes the buyer did pay again as something like this obviously shouldn't be a defect.

Message 22 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

@cumos55 wrote:


It is my understanding that buyers used to be able to change the mailing address on Paypal...... That appears to have changed.

Today the Primary Mailing Address is identified   on eBay in the  Sales Record   and the Paypal payment  is linked to this address.

Most likely a very recent adjustment on the part of eBay... perhaps a very recent adjustment


Do buyers always know what to do?  Maybe....  But then a buyer most likely has only one address on eBay, and there is no question with respect to the Primary mailing address... on eBay... and then on Papal

Can a buyer change the mailing address after the Primary Mailing address is indicated on eBay...  not likely... should not occur

Is there a Loophole?... I would doubt that.....  The new linkage between eBay and Paypal should not allow for such a loophole to occur.... and what is seen as a loophole is most likely misinterpretation.... of the current linkage between eBay and Paypal.

It's not a recent adjustment. Sometime in 2010, eBay announced that they were going to stop supporting 3rd party checkout programs. They introduced their own checkout system in 2011.


Prior to the change, sellers that accepted Paypal used Paypal's checkout system – which copied the buyer's PayPal address.


Currently, eBay's checkout system uses the buyer's address on eBay. Most people will not notice that the address on the payment details comes from eBay as they most likely have the same address on eBay and PayPal...


Just to illustrate how it works:

Message 23 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

I was quite hesitant with proceeding with a refund...   and then sending an invoice through Paypal.


A record of cancelled transactions is present on the Seller Dashboard... trending data updated daily....So far nothing has shown up.


and if anything shows up  I will be contacting eBay... and ask ... Why?




I was totally unaware of how the Primary Mailing Address was identified on eBay.


and how Paypal was linked to this address.


I must now conclude  that the address one sees  on the Sales Record on eBay is linked to the address on Paypal....   and must always be the same.


How is it that I did not know this?   and Believe it or not... even after selling on eBay for over 10 years... I have never bought anything on eBay... and most likely never will.




The address on the email received from eBay indicating that a purchase had been made was always compared to the address on Paypal....  If these addresses were different  then a buyer was asked to confirm which address was the correct mailing address.


Evidently I must now compare the Sales Record address on eBay to the Paypal address....for it is eBay that defines the Primary Mailing Address. 


Perhaps this should be noted on the Wednesday discussion.....




Message 24 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

I was quite hesitant with proceeding with a refund...   and then sending an invoice through Paypal.

A record of cancelled transactions is present on the Seller Dashboard... trending data updated daily....So far nothing has shown up.

and if anything shows up  I will be contacting eBay... and ask ... Why?


Full refunds are scored as defects. Posters on the .com board suggest sending a cancellation request to "descore" the defect. The item can then be relisted, repurchased and the buyer can change his shipping address on the ebay checkout page to the right address.



I was totally unaware of how the Primary Mailing Address was identified on eBay.

and how Paypal was linked to this address.

I must now conclude  that the address one sees  on the Sales Record on eBay is linked to the address on Paypal....   and must always be the same.


I ignore the buyer's address if payment hasn't been sent. Prior to payment, the buyer can enter any address (except if the address is located in a location that the seller doesn't ship to) on the checkout page. 


After payment, the address on the Sales Record / Order Details page (if you don't use Selling Manager) and the PayPal Transaction Details page should match. Prior to payment, you may see that they're different.




The address on the email received from eBay indicating that a purchase had been made was always compared to the address on Paypal....  If these addresses were different  then a buyer was asked to confirm which address was the correct mailing address.


The address on the "Your eBay item sold!" email is the buyer's primary shipping address at the time of purchase. I ignore this as this may not be the buyer's shipping address.


On the checkout page, the default address is the buyer's primary shipping address on ebay. Before clicking on Continue and logging into PayPal to pay for an item, the buyer can click on the "Change shipping address" link and select any address entered on ebay or enter an address that is neither on ebay nor on paypal.


Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 7.55.36 AM.png


The address entered on the page above and submitted with the payment is the address that you will see on the PayPal Transaction Details page. It's not necessarily the buyer's PayPal-registered address.


When you say "address on PayPal" or "PayPal address", I assume you're referring to the address on the PayPal Transaction Details page (i.e. the address submitted at the eBay checkout page) and not the buyer's PayPal-registered address. For most people who don't have multiple shipping addresses, they're one and the same; so it's hard to tell where exactly the address on the Transaction Details page comes from.


Evidently I must now compare the Sales Record address on eBay to the Paypal address....for it is eBay that defines the Primary Mailing Address. 


I just wait for the buyer to pay and check the PayPal Transaction Details page.


Technically, after the buyer pays, the address on the sales record or order details page should match the address on the PayPal Transaction Details page. But I do log into PayPal to check if the payment is actually there, so I use the address on the Transaction Details page.

Message 25 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

A search for ...Sales Record was done on



and ... I found the following ... under Customer Support... My use of colors and Bold


Updating buyer information (Buyer Details)


The Buyer Details section of a sales record contains a buyer's user ID, email address, and shipping address.


When you first open a sales record for a new transaction, the buyer's user ID and email address is already entered for you. The buyer's email address is his or her eBay registration email address at the time that the sale closed. If a buyer changes his or her address after a listing closes, the corresponding sales record will not be updated. 


Note: You will be able to view, but not edit the buyer's email address. You will not be able to access the buyers email after 45 days from the close of the listing.


You can update a buyer's shipping address either manually by typing the new information in each text box, or you can update it instantly through the copy & paste window. Use the copy & paste feature to save time and ensure accuracy if you receive your buyer information through a PayPal email.


If you use eBay checkout, the buyer address fields will be automatically filled with the shipping address that your buyer enters at checkout time.




Unexpected comments..... in relation to the buyer's information in the Sales Record...







Message 26 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

@cumos55 wrote:

A search for ...Sales Record was done on



and ... I found the following ... under Customer Support... My use of colors and Bold


Updating buyer information (Buyer Details)


The Buyer Details section of a sales record contains a buyer's user ID, email address, and shipping address.


When you first open a sales record for a new transaction, the buyer's user ID and email address is already entered for you. The buyer's email address is his or her eBay registration email address at the time that the sale closed. If a buyer changes his or her address after a listing closes, the corresponding sales record will not be updated. 


Note: You will be able to view, but not edit the buyer's email address. You will not be able to access the buyers email after 45 days from the close of the listing.


You can update a buyer's shipping address either manually by typing the new information in each text box, or you can update it instantly through the copy & paste window. Use the copy & paste feature to save time and ensure accuracy if you receive your buyer information through a PayPal email.


If you use eBay checkout, the buyer address fields will be automatically filled with the shipping address that your buyer enters at checkout time.




Unexpected comments..... in relation to the buyer's information in the Sales Record...

I'm speaking from personal experience.


I've done several test purchases using addresses of friends and relatives in different countries. Most of the addresses weren't added on my eBay and PayPal account – I just changed the address on the checkout page prior to payment.


After payment, when I click on View Order Details on my Purchase History on eBay, I see the address that I entered on the checkout page – not the address that I had listed on my account when the listing closed. When I click on Details on PayPal, I also see the address that I submitted on the checkout page – not the address listed on my account when the listing closed.


One of my test purchases:

Message 27 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

If you use eBay checkout, the buyer address fields will be automatically filled with the shipping address that your buyer enters at checkout time.



That tells me that the address can be changed when the buyer checks out/makes payment. 

Message 28 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

Community Member

Probably its because of this, ebay now won't let me change the address at check out. I can only send items I want to buy in one address.  What on earth.


Message 29 of 30
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ATTENTION ! found an ebay loophole. A member was allowed to change his address information in the mi

Go addresses under the account Tab at the upper left corner of the My eBay Page.


List your addresses on this Addresses page.



To the right of each address you will see ... Make Primary.


Click on this ... Make Primary .... option and the address to the left in that section  become the Primary Mailing address for a purchase.


Try different options before you buy to see what happens..... and then do it before you purchase.






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