01-11-2013 07:30 PM
In the last 2 months I’ve had more unpaid items than ever before, the worst is on big ticket items, $879.95 gold coin, $1195 silver set, $995.95 gold coin and today I will have another one that told me he purchased one of my $1395.95 gold coins BY MISTAKE!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That is on top of all the other unpaid items I have to deal with.
I am not in business to deal with that many dead beats.
My system is set up so if you have more than 2 unpaid strike you can’t buy or bid. Immediate payment is not an option; I’m not willing to sacrifice my regular clientele for those dead beats.
Ebay must allow sellers to issue negative feedback to buyers for non payment. It is the only way to minimize, prevent or stop the buyers that thinks they can take advantage of sellers whenever they want to.
eBay is becoming a joke.
01-11-2013 08:59 PM
Possibly because the buyers were not properly informed about the tax credits.
01-11-2013 09:13 PM
Nothing to do with tax, just dead beats that don't belong on ebay and there no willing(ebay) to resolve the issue.
01-11-2013 09:38 PM
It wouldn't do me, or most Store sellers any good, since we don't see the feedback on bidders until the transaction is underway.
Even auction sellers would only see the bidder's feedback if they had enough time to peruse it and had not snipe bidders.
Perhaps eBay needs to toughen up the current standard for removal of bidders with "too many" UID Strikes. It is rumoured to be three and a mulligan, but no one knows.
But negs do more to hurt the seller than the buyer, by allowing future customers to see evidence of bad temper and intemperate remarks.
01-11-2013 10:06 PM
Actually it would do a lot of good, it's something that could be set up by ebay with an automatic negative and remark "Did not pay for this purchase" keeping it out of the sellers hand as far as remark goes.
Right now all i can see is how many bidders have 2 or more.
Negative would show exactly how many they have. In turn ebay could give us the option to accept or refuse buyers with negative(s).
Good buyers want to stay at 100%.
Buyers would make sure the item is what they really wanted and taking time to read the listing.
I'm sure that is an idea ebay would entertain, they are already getting an ear full of complaints. It certainly would remove a big burden off there shoulders.
Sellers would have more time selling thus making more money and ebay increasing there profit.
01-12-2013 11:41 PM
I think what we really need is to have something that says "Number of unpaid strikes this buyer received: 10" somewhere on a buyer's feedback page. I don't like the "block buyers who have 2 strikes within 12 months" because you could get a buyer who had 30 strikes for 2011, stopped buying at 2012, and came back at 2013... and he/she would be "clean".
Either that or bring back the negative feedback system, allowing sellers to "block buyers with feedback less than 99%" or something like that.
01-13-2013 12:06 AM
I agree, I have way more non paying bidders now that Buyers get to keep this "100%" feedback illusion beside their ID even when they buy and do not pay. I have one now who bought 2 items only paid for one and he continues to buy other items from other sellers and get positive feedback. Giving a negative for non payment should be atleast available with non paying bidders. They cost Sellers too much $. Especially if they win in a bidding war, the second highest bidder doesn't always want item if contacted later or they found another same item elsewhere in that time you wait as the seller for this NPB to maybe pay...etc
Non paying bidders waste sellers time and are a big headache that has to be linked to this no NEG feedback allowed to leave as the Seller. Buyers getting negatives kept them more honest and fair in leaving Sellers a Negative for nothing really too. I have seen quite a few ridiculous Negatives left on some Sellers pages. This feedback system now is not working equally for buyer and seller it seems.
01-13-2013 07:13 AM
Now that makes cents..
Reinstall Negatives for BUYERs
OR let us sellers see their total STRIKES...
01-14-2013 02:50 PM
While I don't think that negs from sellers would be useful, as I said above, most sellers (including the OP) can't see the FB of a buyer until the purchase is well underway, becasue that is how Fixed Price sales work, I would like to see Strikes noted on the Feedback page just as Bid Retractions are.
Not that I think it would be useful to the seller, except to help her decide how to handle communication with the deadbeat, but because it would put the "soft" basically honest if slightly flakey buyer on notice that this behaviour is noticed.
The hardcore jerk , the one who is in it for the lulz will not care or change.
For that guy, the Strikes are much more effective.
01-14-2013 04:04 PM
Non paying behavior has to be stopped, i'm to busy with my home store and ebay to put up with anymore shenanigan on ebay. I no longer communicate with any non paying dead beats.
When buyers had negs, i would check out potential buyers and could weed them out very quickly. It was almost a headaches free selling and buying experience.
Since then my problems with totally protected buyers are getting worst as time goes by. The only thing that ebay did with there new policies is transfers all problems on the sellers shoulders and they are aware of it.
ebay advertize they have 100,000,000 buyers worldwide. If 5 pages full of blocked buyers for non payment in my buyers requirement section is an indication of the amazing numbers of bad buyers, you got to wonder what is the % of those millions ebay has to deal with.
Ebay keeps on coming up with some band aid solution. They got to stop smelling the roses and apply the real solution.
As i said before, automatic negative from ebay for non payment will be the only solution. It will save all a great deal of time money and headaches for all.
01-14-2013 04:21 PM
I haven't had an issue on NPB but when I do they are a lot more work than a PB. And, they cost time and money with no income for either eBay or me.
I just had a NPB and upon checking their 100% feedback I can see they are a total roach. Everyone ese has left positive feedback saying they were a NPB. You'll never believe this. I had a fairly large order and accidently left positive feedback for the roach. The best I could do was put a tag to it explaining left in error actually NPB.
01-14-2013 04:28 PM
Non paying behavior has to be stopped
If it's that much of a problem for you why don't you do IPR on your FP listings?
Your payment terms may also be part of your problem (not to mention they are a policy violation).
Non-payers are a fact of life they were just as common back when sellers could leave negs.
If a buyer doesn't like the negs they get it only takes 2 minutes to start another user id.
01-14-2013 05:14 PM
I'm going to sacrifice a good portion of my clients that likes to pay by mail or electronicaly.
This discussion is not about punishing the good buyers, it about taking care of the dead beats.
01-15-2013 10:05 AM
While I don't think that negs from sellers would be useful, as I said above, most sellers (including the OP) can't see the FB of a buyer until the purchase is well underway, becasue that is how Fixed Price sales work, I would like to see Strikes noted on the Feedback page just as Bid Retractions are.
Not that I think it would be useful to the seller, except to help her decide how to handle communication with the deadbeat, but because it would put the "soft" basically honest if slightly flakey buyer on notice that this behaviour is noticed.
The hardcore jerk , the one who is in it for the lulz will not care or change.
For that guy, the Strikes are much more effective.
Strikes and bid retractions for buyers should be visible.
As should the number of times a seller has cancelled auctions and the number of times a seller has refused to ship after an auction has ended.
This would help weed out gad buyers and sellers.