Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

And your point?

Oh never mind,...I figured it out.


I guess some people missed all the information about the treaties and the money 'owed' and the rent. Bottom line......it has Nothing to do with the Canadian taxpayers federation or anyone else. The taxes....are rent.

The CTF is only hate mongering on their website....plain and simple. They have no more right to talk about a Chief than they do to decide what a company CEO makes, or how much their landlord makes in one of their rented offices. As far as Standing Buffalo Rez they seem to be doing pretty good. If the Band council or members of the Rez have a problem with the Chief then they will take care of it. Be it a Reserve or a cities like Toronto or Montreal or even little old London....there are disputes within councils......always were, always will be. Part of life in the real world.

Message 2 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In





Taxpuppet assoc.


You are fleeced by your government,so they create a association, pretty pathetic.


Your senators are great for double and triple dipping.


Mc-duffy will have to cut back on his Mc-do big macs:^O






Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 3 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

Debeers Will close it's doors by end of month if the blockade doesn't go away .. That would leave Appawattiskat out about 2Million a year ....


I thought they decided blockade was not the way to go .....


I don't know how costing companies and goverment money is going to get them anything ....


I get what there trying to do but the way things are going they are going to end up with less instead of more..


To be honest i have had more then my fair share of this disorganized disfunctional blockades and protest friendly or not ...




My Father always said to me if you don't contribute to society your just a drain to society so they need to get that big chunk of those who do not ccontribute to THERE own society to get up and go and I don't mean to the picket lines  ...


they want Everyone to be on there side they need to deal with there own people ... They might be owed something but they need to gain the respect that some of the reserves and chiefs and elder have a ton of but for a reason because they work for change not just ask for change...


Times change for everyone that is just the way of the world and people can argue it till there blue in the face but it won't make a difference ...


I try to be on there side and I am in many cases but enough with the disfunctional stuff get it together

Message 4 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

{erhaps this  chief could go on a soup diet to deflect attention from his obscene salary.

Message 5 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

Community Member

The 175000 he is getting is insane. I have been to several reserves in Saskatchewan including standing buffalo. The standing buffalo reserve is the poorest one I have been too. If this was the white bear reserve near Moose Mountain Provincial Park I could maybe understand the wage. The reserve has a casino and oil revenue.

Message 6 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

What is the salary of the mayor  (chief) of Vermillion Bay    or Cobalt  ?


Does it compare to the salary of the indian chief  ?

Message 7 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

Never does ... For the most Part Chief's are paid alot more for alot less but if that Chief is making a difference I say give it to them but if the Chief is letting there own people grow up to believe the only way to Live a good life is to ask for one then i say there not doing there jobs as a leader and they are only making there own people's lives harder ...


Somewhere they have to realize that Treaties and goverment money is not the only way to live a good life that they can without help from anyone Control there own futures and not have to beg for there futures "Even though in most cases they deserve what there asking for due to treaties" I mean take away the treaties and they would then only deserve what they work for..


I am against anyone lazy human getting anything free .. White Welfare Bum... Immigrant who can't get work because they can speak English... Someone on EI who is a fake Fraudster but in this case regardless of what they do they deserve some because of treaties so They need to get it ...


The thing is The goverment does alot that is not in the treaties so I don't understand why they don't Give them the $$$ and take away everything that was not in treaties... That way the Goverment don't look like Liar's and the natives have to collect money but also still get up and go ...


Simple thing like no where in the Treaties did the Govement say we'll Call Contractors to build your homes ... Let them find there own workers to build there homes and let them become skilled trades people..


just give them the money they deserve and forget about all other services let them deal with these things ...


They have to do something because the natives deserve Something but they are things they get that they don't deserve so maybe there is a happy medium out there somewhere..

Message 8 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

Simple thing like no where in the Treaties did the Govement say we'll Call Contractors to build your homes ... Let them find there own workers to build there homes and let them become skilled trades people.


Where did this happen? Also how do you know how it works…….meaning if they have sent contractors to do work it might very well be deducted from the money owned to them.


just give them the money they deserve and forget about all other services let them deal with these things


If they got ALL the money they ‘deserve’ a lot of people would be complaining more then they are now!


 They have to do something because the natives deserve Something but they are things they get that they don't deserve


Such as? (I’m just curious)


Standing Buffalo Nation has approx 450 members while over 500 live off the Rez. They manage a 17.5 million dollar budget for 5 years and they are forced to not exceed that budget or they have to pay a penalty to the government. So in layman’s terms…..they are not allowed to make more money.

The Band has it’s own health care projects and health care site. They have their own elderly and long term care facilities for their people which also employs their people. Elderly Band members who at one time were forced to go to off Rez retirement homes and long term care in the white communities can now be at home on their own land with their own people. The Band has 50% ownership of the Fort Qu'Appelle Motor Products.

Other ventures include, IMI Brokerage and Filehills telecommunications. The band also owns a 47 passenger greyhound tour bus. The band usually contracts the tour bus all year round for educational, sports, vacations and group purposes. The band is also in the midst of establishing a pharmaceutical product company. The new business will employ over 20 people and generate a lot of revenue throughout Canada.

Message 9 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

The CTF is only hate mongering on their website....plain and simple.  They have no more right to talk about a Chief than they do to decide what a company CEO makes,


Interesting.  The person who wrote the article has been invited to appear before the Senate as part of the discussions on Bill C27.  Guess he has the right.

Now, if we could only get access to the CBC's financial statements...................



Message 10 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

"right" meaning it is the money of the Rez and no one has the 'right' to tell them how much a Chief should make anymore than someone has a right to tell you how much you should charge for cards or what you do with your money afterwards.

Certainly the money comes partially or in a majority from the Canadian taxpayer, but you should have been told long ago about the treaties and the arrangement with the Crown and the Government of Canada who represents the Crown. In other words you weren't told who the landlord was but instead of blaming those who should have told you.....you are blaming the landlord. Part of the problem is the education system.....the government only wants to tell you on a need to know basis and they.....didn't think you needed to know.

Message 11 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

As far as Standing Buffalo Rez they seem to be doing pretty good. If the Band council or members of the Rez have a problem with the Chief then they will take care of it.


You don't know that for sure. They could be unaware of exactly what is going on or perhaps they are intimidated by the chief and council. There could be any number of reasons why things are as they are now and why they haven't been changed.


Certainly the money comes partially or in a majority from the Canadian taxpayer, but you should have been told long ago about the treaties and the arrangement with the Crown and the Government of Canada who represents the Crown. In other words you weren't told who the landlord was but instead of blaming those who should have told you.....you are blaming the landlord. Part of the problem is the education system.....the government only wants to tell you on a need to know basis and they.....didn't think you needed to know.


We weren't told? Are you saying that the Ontario schools don't teach Canadian history? I know that the Saskatchewan and Alberta school systems did teach us about the treaties so I find it odd that you assume that people didn't already know the history of treaties.


But..knowing the history doesn't mean that others have come to the same conclusions as you regarding how things should be handled now.

Message 12 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

The schools teach history.......but only one side....and what the ruling class want students to know. You may have been told about treaties as I was long ago, but we were not taught the 'details'.

Have you read the treaties in detail? Please do when you have the chance. Not what someone puts on the Internet but copies of the originals as well as all the changes at later dates. You will find that from a legal perspective the First Nations people are correct in their claims regarding land and rights.


You don't know that for sure. They could be unaware of exactly what is going on or perhaps they are intimidated by the chief and council.


Please feel free to look it up. Post 8 shows the things they have accomplished. The council and the chief do have their dissenters, but this happens in just about all villages and cities and municipalities and Provinces across Canada…..as well within the white population of all these areas. Let the Native people deal with their problems. It has nothing to do with us as to how much a leader is paid. The only reason that would be brought up is to create dislike for Native people as well as fear mongering. First Nations people are not ‘children’ we have to oversee, especially Standing Buffalo Rez.  

Message 13 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

What is the salary of the mayor  (chief) of Vermillion Bay    or Cobalt  ?


Does it compare to the salary of the indian chief  ?

Message 14 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

It ............ doesn't..............matter.

Message 15 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

It ............ doesn't..............matter.



Why would the mayor (chief) of a tribe of 2 or 3 hundred people  be  entitled to a salary  far in excess of the chief (mayor) of a town of 2 or 3 thousand people ?

Message 16 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

What part of .....'it doesn't matter'........don't you get? Why is it any of your concern? What business is it of anyone's other than the residents of that Rez? Do mayors in your own villages and cities get paid by how many people there are?  

Message 17 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In


Whether something 'matters' or 'doesn't matter' is NOT up to one particular  individual who has a personal  interest in diverting attention away from the issue others  are debating the merits of.


It would certainly 'matter' if the moccasin was on the other foot, wouldn't it.

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 18 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In


Message 19 of 27
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Chief Redman Needs to Pack It In

Near full moons cause hotter hot flashes then normal:^O








Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
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