Well, I am pretty much finished here with trying to be a small business on Ebay.
The hoops and dance routine required to use this space have completely demoralized and angered me. It may very well be your site, but I am paying you very well to let me use it.
I have absolutely no protection as a seller here. your "Fall Updates" program makes that startlingly clear. You are doing your utmost to discourage small sellers like myself with your myriad of regulations and policies that you yourself do not adhere to.
Your colleagues in larceny at Paypal have openly lied about their intent when asked to resolve problems. Promises of steps to be taken were never kept. It took four phone calls to get a relatively simple issue resolved. Several emails were responded to with useless canned responses that held little or no benefit other than getting me out of the way.
Customer service, in it's true sense is replaced by ignoring customers and lying when making promises that the perpetrator knows full well will never be kept. Dishonest business practices such as the GSP and automatically enrolling American customers in shipping programs that do nothing but increase cost to Canadian buyers cause me as a buyer to pay shipping fees that are two to three times more than need be charged. All to increase final value fees payable to the company at the expense of the people 'renting your space'.
All in all Ebay and Paypal your services are grossly overpriced, your regulations are heavy handed and not beneficial to the buyer or the seller, your customer service is non existent or is duplicitous in continuing the sham.
Once the last items I have purchased have arrived and whenever Paypal decides to finally allow me to have money that is mine I shall be shutting the doors on this unfortunate chapter of my business experience.
As I said Ebay, "May you live in interesting times."