Feedback Totals not consistant????

HI All,
Just got back from a weekend of R&R and upon checking my feed back and DSR and something is not right. In my feed back profile I have 1186 positives for the year but when you drag your mouse of the "How is feed back calculated" link it shows that they are calculating my feed back percentage with only 965 positive feedbacks for the year. The result is that I went from a 99.9% to 99.3%. Could someone please explain what the difference is? Also, it seems a bit unfair to count a neutral as much as a negative in this calculation.

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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
You probably have 221 (1186 - 965) repeat positives from members who purchased multiple items within a one week period. They don't count.


Message 2 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Ah- I get it, since those don't count they count the neutrals instead!

Message 3 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
They don't count the good stuff anymore...just the bad and errrr, not so bad as bad. That way they don't have to refund your account at the end of each month. 😉

Seriously, everyone needs to start up their own site. It isn't as expensive as you think and you don't have to pay ebay fees or continue to try and adapt to their never-ending changing of the rules.


Message 4 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
Not much sense in bitching about the changes now. However if a few more had joined the boycott in February.....
Message 5 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
Do you really think boycotts or complaints are going to change anything? The only thing that will change ebay's direction is dollars.


Message 6 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
Well THOSE OF US who supported the boycott in February, caused Ebay's listing numbers to fall, and did a minor amount of financial damage(very minor)to the giant. Imagine if 75% of Ebay sellers had participated instead of the estimated 10%?? We would be telling them how it is, instead of the other way around. SUCK IT UP people, you get back the effort you put in.
Message 7 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
And no I don't hate to say I told you so.
Message 8 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

everyone needs to start up their own site

I do that. It's not as simple to start as Monique paints it. You need to be patient. Advertising is expensive. Google wants a lot of money for paid traffic. I find marketing through eBay the best value around.

This is what you do:

1. setup a website

2. discount your pricing on your website by eBay FVF

3. use the URL to your website in every eBay message

4. make your own flyer/catalog and add it to every shipment. Point out the pricing on your website is lower.

5. do this for a year or two

You are allowed to send one unsolicited advertising email to all your past customers per year without penalty for spamming. I did not do this yet, but soon will to jumpstart my website.

But generally eBay has higher conversion than your own website. My website has 30-40UV/day my eBay listings have 80-100 UV/day with double conversion.
Message 9 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member

Do you regularly submit all of your site items to Google Base? It's free and I get more traffic from there than I do from paid advertising.


Message 10 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Monique, I did not try Google Base yet. Perhaps should.

How is it working for you?

I noticed your website has no Google/Alexa ranking. That means you might be getting only fraction of organic search traffic from search engines than what you deserve.

I would suggest you change way your website generates the TITLE. Now it's "Who's Closet :: Category :: Product". Reverse it to "Product :: Category :: Who's Closet". The more to the left phrase is, the more important it appears to search engines.
Message 11 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
I'll have to have a look at that.

It is very new...I only started it up 5 months ago so I don't expect a huge ranking yet. I do get up to 70 hits a day though...most from Google Base.

I also send out postcard with every ebay sale offering 10% off at my .com. It's been working out well.


Message 12 of 13
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Feedback Totals not consistant????

Community Member
Well that was a quick and easy fix. Thanks dipmarco...I love learning something new. 🙂


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