I havent got the foggiest. I prefer running my business the simplist way I can and all the new fangled ways of deriving information and reflecting in different formats and all their bright, shiny colours etc is for the birds.
I wish that they would have a very simple format that shows the basics and gives it to me so I can read it withut having to read past all the garbage I dont need.
Then they can throw in an Advanced link to click to take those that want all the extras to a place they can select what features or information they want.
None of what eBay gives me in terms of added features assists me in selling what I sell and all the new crap just makes it that much more difficult to do what I had being doing.
I now acculuate emails unanswered. I dont use their shipping tools so I have to close out those items. I dont always leave FB but I have to see that reflected in fromt of me on My eBay all the time. The number of watchers is useless for me and often I see thatnumber and mistake it for the number of bidders. and on and on and on.
KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Remember this eBay and practise it. For those that want all the enhancements (and they are FEW), make it an option that people can choose to use by clicking on a link but most of the oother stuff is not relevant to most businesses and people selling on eBay.
I am with you Malcolm.... I wish Ebay would exert the same energy building programs that entice buyers to the site instead of all the wasted energy on the bells and whistles that do nothing to encourage sales and build traffic....
I now acculuate emails unanswered. I dont use their shipping tools so I have to close out those items. I dont always leave FB but I have to see that reflected in fromt of me on My eBay all the time. The number of watchers is useless for me and often I see thatnumber and mistake it for the number of bidders. and on and on and on.
You can customize My eBay so that the fields (watchers etc.) you don't want will not be displayed. You need to tweak My eBay to suit your needs but once it's set up the way you like it is a vast improvement over the original.
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
I believe that it stays that way as long as you leave your cookies in place however if you clean out your cookies, the My eBay returns to the standard set-up again.
I did some initial tweaks and they all changed as soon as I went through my regular and frequent clean up of my system.
This is, admittedly, an assumption on my part but it has happened twice and I really dont have the time or patience to tweak it two or three times per week.