Good Morning, yesterday was the 16th day since Tea_past_times stopped selling items on Ebay. I've found, there is life after Ebay. We've been involved in 3 local auctions and netted a tidy sum from those consignments.
Yesterday we dropped off 80 cups and saucers in Meaford Ontario, to a lady who is starting up a collectables store in the spring.
As I have had time lately I've also attended a number of auctions in the area and scooped up some great deals, mostly due to the fact our weather has kept the competiton home.
Our last tea_past_times parcel went to the post office on Friday last week, a non paying bidder who finally sent payment a month after the purchase date.
I am keeping my eyes open for a location with a building on a highway, where I can display my wares for sale, and possibly offer ice cream or a chip wagon. I'd like to spend this summer somewhere on the Bruce Peninsula, near Highway 6.
My wife and I have compiled quite a list of things two people can do with a vehicle, a trailer and time on their hands, to make money.
You never really realize how much time you are spending on something, and how little return you were seeing until you stop for awhile, and do some counting up.
The best part of it, is that I am running my life again. As much as I enjoyed obeying non sensical edicts from California, I find planning my own business strategies refreshing.
I would imagine that key to anyone's decision to sell on Ebay, would be the amount of control over their own finances they desire. Ebay has changed from a venue, to an employer.
I remember being sixteen and having an older man tell me that I would never get rich working for someone else. Better advice, I've never gotten.