No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

So I have bee reading everyday still and finding articles basically stating there will be a wage freeze for some of the public sectors and there will be some job cuts ...


1 Article even stated they will end up havig to make more cuts then mike harris in 1995 ...


I would laugh if she ends up having to do something like what time hudak was saying because all clues seem to be pointing towards that happening ..



TIme will tell this should be fun to watch ...

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

Going to be very interesting in the next few weeks. I wonder what those that attack Hudack will say when Wynne (who promised) that wage freezes and lay off would not happen under her watch will say when she starts doing exactly that ?

Have also not heard if she handed over all the documents that the O.P.P. search warrant was asking for. Has anybody heard any more on that end of it? Hard to think that after running ads to elect Wynne that it will be an un-biased investigation.

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

The OPP posted many attack  adds supporting the Liberals during the election campaign.

This proves they are not impartial and cannot be trusted to do an impartial investigation into  the  Liberal corruption.


The investigation should be handed off to the RCMP or another police force  that does not have Liberal connections.

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

''when Wynne (who promised) that wage freezes and lay off would not happen under her watch''


When did she say that? June 4th she said publically there was no money for wage increases for the next 4 years.

Layoffs? Where is she making any?


Hudak on the other hand was lying through is teeth.


''Have also not heard if she handed over all the documents that the O.P.P. search warrant was asking for. Has anybody heard any more on that end of it?''


She said openly that everything and anything the OPP wanted they can have. Unless you have found some other information then they are getting whatever they want.



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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

''This proves they are not impartial and cannot be trusted''


Prove that in some way, or is it just an assumption?

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

The way I see it is she will have to make cuts it just makes sense .. The only problem with hudak was his math didn't addd up and he was a little on the extreme side of things but ll in all his train of thought was on the right path...


I don't see how wynne can do it without making cuts....


You take where i live for example .. Maybe once or twice a year the OPP have to do something other then bust a kid with a joint or give a speeding ticket so The OPP Station located 15km from my town really only needs to have maybe 2-3 officers not a dozen becaue 40 km on each side has Full roster police stations ...


There are place they can cut and I don't see a way around it ... The more the public sector makes the more the private sector pays so without seriously Ramping up the Private sector the public sector will have to have cuts ...


We'll see in time but I assume there will be cuts and if not there will be more debt whih will result in Ontari Credit being cut which will then force cuts anyways ...


Fun fun fun ...  

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

Nobody was ever told there will be no raises at all  in the public sector it was more or less save here and you can have a raise .. So in other words Make huge classrooms and make our children suffer and teachers can have there raise LOL


My moms a teacher so I have a ton of respect for them becaue I can never do what they do I have a hard enough time dealing with my kids nevermind 30 of them LOL .....


I actually had my boss one day Complain about teachers and I ripped into that like nobodies business.. HE was stating how good they have it etc etc and how they have the whole summer off ...


I then reminded him we make more then teachers and we did not go to university for 4 years and we do not hav to deal with 30 kids all day and we get 7 months of the year off being shift workers......


I mean I make 6 figure and only have to work  5 months a year which I normally on an hrly basis work about 200-500 hrs more then most a year but I have alot more time off as my shift are 12hrs ..


Teachers do not have it that great but they are not paid by a company a company like I am which makes all the issues arise about people saying they have it good because really they don't ... From school to work they go through alot for a little ...



I will be very interested to see if the Debt can be taken care condersing were paing like 10 billion in interest every year.... 



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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

At a guess, since these workers are all unionized, Premier Wynne is saying that those contracts that do come up for renegotiation during her current administration, won't have any new raises.

The current contracts have raises already in place and the government is stuck with paying those.

A lot of the layoffs will be attrition as my (Boomer) generation retires. And that doesn't really reduce the payroll, since we get the pensions we have been paying into (as have our employers) and many of the retiring workers will have to be replaced, albeit at a lower salary.


brandee-- Police forces spend a lot of time on the most dangerous part of police work-- domestic disturbances. They don't publicize it much, but ask the local women's shelter.

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No Wage increase for public sector .. Oooo Wynne they spent Millions of union dollars to help O O

Yeah I believe you on that but there is not womens shelter witin 300km of me or 10 police stations in smaller cumminites .. The closer women shetler to me is Northbay  if I am not mistaken ...


There are cuts that can be made with very little affect in many communities around me ... I mean The worse thing that has happened in 5 years where I live is car accident and that is when paramedics are inmportant and it would be in most cases ok if in took police 30 minutes to get there ...


Then the next biggest thing would be I guess The reserve but they have there own police but there is all of domestics there but rarely do our town police have to go there either ....


Certain places need it and certain ones don't I say trim the fat,trim the debt and lets get this 13% down to 5% ( a boy can dream can't he 😉


I would hate to see student or healthcare  suffer but I would not mind seeing some of the police force in our smaller communities get some cuts...  Don't get me wrong I have supported the police for almost 12 years now with yearly donations but I just don't see the need for them in the areas like mine ...


Accidents you want paramedics and a tow truck there asap police can come after ...Very little crimes happen in my area in fac no crimes other then drunk driving and the odd possesion charge......


In my area we have 4 Police stations that patrol a strech of 123 km of highways ...They have more police officers then km of highway ... 2 of those police stations are in town of populations of less then 1000 people .... the other 2 police stations are bigger and need but are within 30-56 km off all the small town around it ....


I hope liberals do there thing and make magic happen but who knows my guess it by 2018 I will 15% tax,$400-800 a month for Hydro and $100-$200 per tank of gas .... YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fun fun




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