01-25-2013 10:37 AM
In an amazing exhibition of monopolies controlling markets, Big Oil has managed to leave Alberta out in the cold while continuing its own endless parade of spiraling profits.
Despite a recovering U.S. economy, strong demand and a steady price for gas at the pump, Alberta is staring at a $6 billion shortfall in oil revenue, due to decreased prices and demand for Alberta bitumen in particular.
So, it turns out Alberta's wealth is not only being squandered on useless conservative ideological adventures such as gratuitously paying off municipal debt, cutting taxes to the bone and lavish subsidies to the oil business... it seems the source of Alberta's wealth is actually at risk due not to "radical" environmentalists, but to the cut throat tactics of the very oil industry that has gorged itself so grandly on Alberta's corporate charity system over the years.
This, combined with increased supplies generated by fracking for oil in both the U.S. and to some extent in Saskatchewan, has caused prices and demand for Alberta bitumen to slacken dramatically.
We need an immediate return of a strong publicly owned Canadian player in the oil business - that would be a global leader in sound environmental practices in production, refining and retailing. This corporation's mandate would be to earn a profit while defending Canada's interests.
Also immediate addition of new private domestic refineries and gas retailers to ensure the existence of a healthy competitive marketplace.
01-27-2013 03:53 PM
"the math would be 689,700 X $5366 or $3,700,930,200 and that is just the tuition fees,which you then add books,and all the other "fees""
Thank you for taking the time to prove my numbers are correct
Each GST point brings in almost $5,000,000,000
Two of them (2%) easily covers tuition and books for everybody.
01-27-2013 03:55 PM
"you would be in support of that 2% GST increase just to fund free or lower cost tuition for post secondary students."
Yes BUT as indicated earlier, after canadians decide on what they want their priorities to be.
Universale (free or low cost) higher education is important BUT it cannot be implemented as the first priority; only over time with other social and tax reform.
01-27-2013 04:03 PM
"a 2% cut in government waste across the board"
Please define what that 2% "waste" would be.
Forget about the artificial lake and yesterday's stories.
Where do you cut 2% of the current government expenses?
Do you cut unionized employees wages and benefits?
Do you lay off employees - adding to the ranks of unemployment and lower tax receipts?
Do you cut on old age pension and supplements?
Do you cut on Canadian foreign aids?
Maybe cut on the millions sent to aboriginal bands?
The current Harper government was elected in part on its promises to cut the waste. What happened? Expenses have been higher every year since they took office.
Where do you cut that "waste"? It is very easy to talk about it. Not so easy to actually identify the "waste" and eliminate it.
Rob Ford was elected mayor of Toronto on a platform of eliminating the "gravy train".
Where did he cut? Public library hours? Public swimming pools?
01-27-2013 04:48 PM
Please define what that 2% "waste" would be.
I don’t know the specific details of the Federal government. They have a tendency to bulk items under certain headings. The Provinces do the same.
My own small municipal area is different. Last year a few of us sat down and went over expenditures from the previous year and we found that over 2.5 mill were wasteful….such as the extension of an arena parking lot that did not need extending because no one uses it anyhow. The added outside double door entrance to the arena that was not needed. The resurfacing of certain streets where the cobblestones were all removed (blocks of them) and then paved in cement that is now cracking. There was nothing wrong with the cobblestones, but complaints came from women who wore high heels. Yet….many streets and towns in Britain have cobblestones and it is just part of life. The purchase of two lots by the city, lots that have no real purpose or resale value. The use of equipment by city staff for personal purposes and the gas that went with them. The purchase of two pieces of heavy equipment of which there was absolutely nothing wrong with them but they were eliminated anyhow. The list went on including the construction of street decorations (coincidently by a family member of one of the council) that looked ok but they never lasted and were removed for storage a year later never to appear again. 2.5 Mil….one municipality. Oh and that's not even including bridges that were torn down and rebuilt at major costs and why?.....because they weren't wide enough for some farmers and their new equipment and the farmers had to drive around the concessions to get where they had to go. Did the farmers pay? No, we all did.
When governments have your money.....they spend it and often not wisely. Then the next year, they say they need a little more, and a little more, and a little more.
Now lets say that 50% of the municipalities across Canada are roughly the same. You can do the math.
And……if municipalities are like this…..imagine what bigger and more intricate governments are spending.
Some people are fixated on the books of a Native tribe wayyyyyy up north….. when they have their own problems right around them but fail to acknowledge that or do anything about it…..until maybe the next election by which time…..it’s too late.
Many years ago I worked for a company and they insisted all the salesmen focus on the Big stores! Of course the reason was that is where all the Big orders came from. I disagreed and I spent a couple of weeks going through all the sales records and all the computer readouts and I proved that not only did the small stores purchase more than the Big stores....but almost twice that amount! The same applies to government spending. The governments always want us to look at the Big expenditures. It's a shell game. Look for the smaller things......they all add up!
01-27-2013 05:05 PM
My own small municipal area is different. Last year a few of us sat down and went over expenditures from the previous year and we found that over 2.5 mill were wasteful(in your opinion)….such as the extension of an arena parking lot that did not need extending because no one uses it anyhow(again your opinion-do you have proof it is not used and NOBODY wanted it?). The added outside double door entrance to the arena that was not needed(another of YOUR opinion-council that was voted in thought differently). The resurfacing of certain streets where the cobblestones were all removed (blocks of them) and then paved in cement that is now cracking. There was nothing wrong with the cobblestones, but complaints came from women who wore high heels( I guess women are 2nd class citizens and should not be able to voice their concerns?). Yet….many streets and towns in Britain have cobblestones and it is just part of life. The purchase of two lots by the city, lots that have no real purpose or resale value(again it must have been voted on and done for a reason--I know you THINK you know everything but maybe they have not told you the reasons why?). The use of equipment by city staff for personal purposes and the gas that went with them(you of course contacted city hall with the proof that city employees were stealing right?). The purchase of two pieces of heavy equipment of which there was absolutely nothing wrong with them but they were eliminated anyhow. The list went on including the construction of street decorations (coincidently by a family member of one of the council) that looked ok but they never lasted and were removed for storage a year later never to appear again. 2.5 Mil….one
Next election is 2014 I guess since you can do better and know how money should be spent we will see your name on the ballot! Oh wait then you would have to come out of hiding!
01-27-2013 05:14 PM
over 2.5 mill were wasteful (in your opinion)….
That an the opinion of many others.
extension of an arena parking lot that did not need extending because no one uses it anyhow(again your opinion-do you have proof it is not used and NOBODY wanted it?).
Yep. My eyes and the eyes of many others. Even during a major hockey game that area stood practically empty.
I could go on with your replies but it would be much easier to just show you the areas in question. When can you be here?
01-27-2013 05:20 PM
since you can never provide and name or address kinda hard to be anywhere!!!
01-27-2013 05:22 PM
"extension of an arena parking lot that did not need extending"
That may be true but does it fall under "waste"? Really?
Someone did the job and got paid for it. Employees were hired for that job and were paid for it. Taxes were paid on that income. The money made was spent in the community or another community by those workers. Supplies were needed for the job. Again more tax somewhere.
Here you are not dealing with "waste" but different priorities. At the end of the day the money was spent in the area and created jobs in the area and money circulated in the economy.
That is a case of priorities different from yours and maybe from most people in your area but is it really "waste"?
01-27-2013 05:34 PM
That is a case of priorities different from yours and maybe from most people in your area but is it really "waste"?
Well Pierre.....you would have to know the people and speak to them which you don't and I do.
Someone did the job and got paid for it. Employees were hired for that job and were paid for it. Taxes were paid on that income. The money made was spent in the community or another community by those workers. Supplies were needed for the job. Again more tax somewhere.
Everything was done by a firm from Toronto. No local firm made money. No people in the area were given work. And the most that went into the community may have been a coke bought at a local variety store, or a fill up of gas from a local gas station.
Maybe next year they will decide to build a skyscraper, or an extension bridge to nowhere. They too will provide work for people out of town and they will pay taxes and then those people will go home and say "sorry Mary, we can't afford to help you with University".
Do you know why governments do certain things Pierre.........because we live in a regressive system. They have budgets and they are not encouraged to save. When the end of the budget term is near an end they spend money like a drunk in a bar on a Saturday night. If you believe that is the right way to go.....I disagree.
01-27-2013 05:49 PM
01-27-2013 06:07 PM
a provicial park--must be cold in your tent!
01-27-2013 06:14 PM
01-28-2013 10:13 AM
My own small municipal area is different. Last year a few of us sat down and went over expenditures from the previous year and we found that over 2.5 mill were wasteful
Like closing the barn door after the cows are gone. When I lived in a small town, I used to attend council meetings regularly, as did many of my neighbours. By doing that, one can be there when decisions to do wasteful things are being considered. One can then influence the decision by ensuring that the issue gets publicized to the rest of the voters. It is amazing how politicians will bend to the will of the public, when it might mean the difference between getting elected - or not.
01-28-2013 02:53 PM
When I lived in a small town, I used to attend council meetings regularly, as did many of my neighbours.
I don't live in a small town, I live in a municipality with a municipal council. Most of the decisions are about farming, severances, drainage etc. I do, when the occasion arises and something is terribly wrong….voice my opinion. The last two were a new planned subdivision which would take more farm land and another situation where an existing farm that wanted to become a factory farm for cattle (basically a feed lot). In both incidences the contamination had a high probability of ending up in the aquifer and then into the river and then into of course the lake. Also there was a probability of it affecting the wells of other land owners.
With the subdivision it was voted down because we proved that they would have had to have their own sewage treatment plant, even though they were able to get water from the pipeline. The factory farm was different because you were dealing with farmers who are friends with farmers. That one I got my teeth deep into. Doing what I do, when the council meeting started the council walked in and they commented that they had never had a turnout like that anytime previous. It was standing room only out to and in the hall. The farmer wanted an 8000 head factory farm (can you imagine the amount of manure that accumulates daily). I knew we would never ‘totally’ win but in the end he only got permission for a 4000 head farm and he had to meet further structural qualifications for both holding the excrements as well as how much he was allowed to put on adjoining lands he owned. Two years later he was out of business ….sold the farm for nearly 2.5 Mil and moved out west. The new owner has a smaller feed lot and the river is still tested on a regular basis for any runoff. Done deal.