And to think all this time I believed EVERYTHING eBay/Paypal posted.
What next?
Someone will have the audacity to post here that there really is NO Santa Claus?
PayPal protection has always been a game of smoke and mirrors.
There is the illusions that you have coverage. And, when everything goes as it should, and you don't have to make a claim- you have no idea whether it was really there.
PayPal has so many jingoistic slogans- designed to make you believe something is going on- yet reality is there IS NO MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! PayPal is not acting like an insurance policy. It will, and can only recover that which it has available to it, at the time of a claim.
So, once you strip away all the layers- PayPal protection is ONLY as good as the SELLER you are dealing with!
FEEDBACK- DSR'S, length of time on eBay, and COMMON SENSE !!!!
All are better indicators of whether your transaction will go well, than whether PayPal will be of any use to you should things go wrong.
And- just as an aside- how many people complain when they send a MONEY ORDER- and their merchandise doesn't arrive?
There must be horror stories about this situation- and eBay/PayPal could not care less! So, it is still BUYER BEWARE- regardless of what cute little logo PayPal can come up with to lull you into some false sense of security that you are really protected. (Note the cute little umbrella now used that replaced the shield. How close to implying that their service provided is INSURANCE- when it is absolutely positively nothing of the sort.)