04-04-2014 08:35 PM
Hey everybody.
I had a customer open up a Paypal claim in regards to a defective cable they bought from me. I received no message, just the claim. But okay, I intended to refund the buyer anyways even without a claim.
I sent the buyer a message asking them to return the cables to my business address, and upon receipt I would refund. I chose the option in the Resolution Center for the return option. I realized I forgot to inform the buyer I would cover shipping so I sent a 2nd message through the Resolution Center saying I would reimburse them for lettermail shipping. I don't hear from the buyer for ~2weeks, and then I get a message from Paypal saying the buyer requested a final decision be made. This whole time the buyer entered no tracking #, nor did he say he shipped it without a tracking #. I soon later get another email from Paypal saying they will refund the buyer without me even receiving the item. I always thought the buyer had to prove delivery before a refund could be given? As far as I know, the buyer has both the cables (defective or not) and their money.
Could anybody offer some insight on this? It was only about a $10 transaction so I'm not that mad, but still, I thought Paypal had sellers covered to a certain extent.
Thanks for looking!
~ Nick
The AFK Gamer
04-05-2014 04:43 PM
I soon later get another email from Paypal saying they will refund the buyer without me even receiving the item. I always thought the buyer had to prove delivery before a refund could be given?
Did PP say "they" meaning PP will refund or that PP will refund and take the money from your account?
Did they say anything about notes on your Seller Account?
From time to time, we do hear of PP making the refund from their own pockets. And usually when they do the seller has offered to refund on reciept. We don't see enough instances to figure out if this is a policy, and what bases they are using. Or maybe someone brought in a chocolate cake for all the CS reps that day and they are all in a good mood.
04-06-2014 12:40 AM
Yes, they meaning Paypal. It said that "they" decided in the favour of the buyer and the funds have been removed from my account. Without anything being returned to me.