07-20-2015 12:11 AM
07-20-2015 01:34 AM
2- I was not able to print shipping labels. When I clicked on the “print shipping label” link, it only succeeded in refreshing the webpage.
Canada Post shut down its webservice this weekend for upgrade.
If you are in a great hurry, tomorrow morning go to the PO and ship using stamps. They are very pretty and buyers often remark on them in feedback. If you have a VentureOne /Enterprise card you can get a discount at the PO counter, or they may give you a card for immediate and future use (post offices will, postal outlets won't). The PO discount is less than the PP discount.
1- I was not able to withdraw funds to my bank account.
I was able to make a withdrawal this morning, so it may be on your end.
Tonight, don't put your computer to sleep. Turn it right off. If you like to live dangerously, unplug it.
When you start it up in the morning everything should be fine.
3- I was not able to pay for an on-line purchase.
Well, try again in the morning, but I find often that just backbuttoning and redoing the payment works.
I should point out that I am a little old lady and a technodolt.
07-20-2015 12:25 PM
I haven't had any problems although some others have reported similar things. Some people who were not able to print a label on Saturday could print one on Sunday so it seems to be off and one for just some people. When things like that happen, I always try again while using another browser.
07-23-2015 06:40 PM
Noticed 2 problems in this past day.
The first was last night when I printed 2 shipping labels. Have not received any email from paypal about creating a shipping label. Normally they send an email notice when every label is created.
The second problem was today when I went to withdraw funds the webpage said that an internal error had occurred. If sellers can't access their funds this will be a serious problem as no cash flow no business! Also, if paypal can't transfer payments between their customers then what are they good for?
07-23-2015 06:51 PM
Just wanted to update my last post.
Just tried withdrawing funds and it worked fine with no problems. So that site issue appears to be fixed.
Still no notice about the shipping labels though.
07-27-2015 12:07 AM
Just updating my previous 2 posts.
When I used paypal today the problems mentioned in my first post reoccurred. Printed 2 labels, but recieved no email notification for them and when I tried to withdraw funds I got the error message again on the first attempt.
Also noticed in my selling manager that neither parcel moved from the "Awaiting shipment" area to the "Paid and shipped" area like they normaly do. These issues need to be fixed by paypal ASAP. Is anyone else noticing these problems?
07-28-2015 08:44 AM
@forester_studios wrote:Just updating my previous 2 posts.
When I used paypal today the problems mentioned in my first post reoccurred. Printed 2 labels, but recieved no email notification for them and when I tried to withdraw funds I got the error message again on the first attempt.
Also noticed in my selling manager that neither parcel moved from the "Awaiting shipment" area to the "Paid and shipped" area like they normaly do. These issues need to be fixed by paypal ASAP. Is anyone else noticing these problems?
The "new" paypal is fiddling around in the shipping area -- attempted to use
today to check out some shipping costs and this shortcut no longer works (the link was still working a couple of days ago). As far as I can see the only way to access paypal shipping now is through a completed eBay sale.
07-28-2015 08:59 AM
"only way to access paypal shipping now is through a completed eBay sale."
That makes sense.
Several years ago, eBay.ca explained that the lower Canada Post shipping charges on some CP services were - in part - subsidized by eBay.
Now that eBay and PayPal are two separate companies (as of last week eBay no longer owns PayPal) it would be illogical for eBay to subsidize postage for goods not purchased/sold through its site.
07-28-2015 01:27 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:"only way to access paypal shipping now is through a completed eBay sale."
That makes sense.
Several years ago, eBay.ca explained that the lower Canada Post shipping charges on some CP services were - in part - subsidized by eBay.
Now that eBay and PayPal are two separate companies (as of last week eBay no longer owns PayPal) it would be illogical for eBay to subsidize postage for goods not purchased/sold through its site.
That "subsidy" was before they reduced the discounts. I think the costs were being covered.
But, with the split, PayPal is now just a third party that (who for a fee) connects Canada Post services to eBay. So PayPal's gain is eBay's loss.
07-28-2015 01:39 PM - edited 07-28-2015 01:40 PM
"PayPal is now just a third party that (who for a fee) connects Canada Post services to eBay."
It is not that simple.
PayPal's position has not changed. They still collect money from one and pay the other. Their revenues or profits are not affected.
The Canada Post link for eBay seller is administered by Pitney Bowes. PayPal is only the paying agent. Pitney Bowes is the firm connecting sellers to Canada Post and providing postage labels. They are paid by eBay and/or Canada Post to administer the postage printing program.
That deal was reached many years ago: