08-26-2013 12:28 PM
Andrea Horwath and the NDP just got shafted - along with all of us car insurance holders.
As you may be aware, as part of her support for the Liberal budget, she asked for a 10% decrease in auto insurance premiums.
The Liberals agreed. I am not sure when this takes place, but my insurance company has made sure that it costs them no money.
My insurance premium, payable in a couple of days, went up by 11.6%.
If not for the NDP, it probably would have gone up only 1.6%.
We just can win, can we?
08-26-2013 01:04 PM
"My insurance premium, payable in a couple of days, went up by 11.6%."
Mary's car insurance renewal premium went down a few dollars earlier this Spring. Mine -renewed August 14th - went down about $50 Neither had any claim or infraction in the last year.
I do not know why your policy premium went up. In the current environment, it does not seem to make much sense.
According to the CAA: http://blog.caasco.com/insurance/how-soon-will-i-get-my-15-insurance-decrease/
08-26-2013 07:08 PM
I would like to see how the provincial government is going to force the insurance companies to lower rates on auto insurance.
08-26-2013 08:08 PM
08-26-2013 08:16 PM
Most of the rate hikes go into insurance fraud to your fellow friends and neighbours. That's right, if people weren't cheating, we would be paying less than half of what we pay now.
If you are in Ontario, check last 4 quarters of approved increases: http://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/rates/Pages/default.aspx
If you did not have any event (move, accident), your insuracen rate cannot increase above the approved rate withouth RGE (Really Good Explanation) from insurer. If they insist it's normal part of their increasing costs, file formal complain with FSCO and next week a mystery computer bug will resurface and your rate will come back down, plus they wont tough it for some time.
08-26-2013 10:30 PM
That's right, if people weren't cheating, we would be paying less than half of what we pay now.
That's partially true, but there is a lot more to the reasons that insurance is high and it all has to do with insurance claims adjusters and those who do insurance repairs on everything from automobiles to homes etc etc. Those who have heard the old story "if it's an insurance job the price goes up".......it's not a story......it's true and is costing consumers billions a year in Canada alone. Also when insurance companies take a hit from a disaster etc or a bad risk 'they' took, they can raise their rates to cover their own bad judgements and because vehicles have to be insured (under the law) and homes have to be insured if they are mortgaged......then people are betweena rock and hard spot with no alternative but to pay.
If you did not have any event (move, accident), your insuracen rate cannot increase above the approved rate withouth RGE (Really Good Explanation) from insurer.
But....... they can cancel your insurance (claiming in their view you are a high risk) and when they do you end up in a computer nightmare, an insurance computer bank of information where any insurance company that checks your records from previous insurance representatives will look at you as a high risk and for years to come you pay the highest prices.
08-27-2013 10:39 AM - edited 08-27-2013 10:44 AM
But....... they can cancel your insurance (claiming in their view you are a high risk) and when they do you end up in a computer nightmare, an insurance computer bank of information where any insurance company that checks your records from previous insurance representatives will look at you as a high risk and for years to come you pay the highest prices.
If they were wrong in the first place, they will do anything to stay under the radar. Pickin a fight with the client and government machinery behind him is not staying under the radar and can cost them the license. FSCO is not interested in taking them down if they justify the increase or arrange the correction.
I was involved in staged accident. There was about $200 damage. The front driver was all relaxed, claimed he was fine and came out of his car drinking his Tim Hortons. Cop charged me with "reckless driving" and recommended to go to court. He said if he gives me "following too closely" the court will just let me go and he will have nothing left so cops automatically give higher charges. There were no injuries and cost was minimal, so I did not report, but my insurance was cancelled anyway and then renewed in a month without me even knowing, I learned afterwards. That makes me untouchable for couple years. As expected, the prosecutor offered "following too closely" and intimidated me into taking the "deal". About 1 month before the 2yr deadline, the 1M personal injury lawsuit shows up a the door-step. Then I find out I actually like insurance adjustors, they are swet folks.
The system is rotting and everyone is on it, insurance companies, cops, courts, fraudsters. It's a well oiled machinery designed to extract money from the public. Government is figting it with all kinds of limits and regulations, but they can only do so much. The best thing is boycot the system, get a bicycle, use public system and loose the cars. Many people in Europe already living car-less lives and many people in North American metropolitan areas following. Last time I was in Toronto, you can rent a tiny car on per hour basis and drop it off almost anywhere. I think insurance industry is killing the golden goose. One day someone like Harper says enough and will nationalize the whole sector into a non-profit government run agency.
08-27-2013 10:58 AM
"One day someone like Harper says enough and will nationalize the whole sector into a non-profit government run agency."
They already have something like that in Quebec:
Are folks in QC paying any less? Are they satisfied when claims have to be filed? Has it lowered the rate of fraudulent claims?
08-27-2013 11:38 AM - edited 08-27-2013 11:39 AM
In the case of bodily injury, Quebec has a pure no fault system, which means there is no right to sue the at-fault driver for pain and suffering or additional medical and economic expenses.
That should take care of the most fraud, although it may hurt victims of real accidents. Since there is no monetary compensation, what's Quebec doing for those who were injured ? Free injury related healthcare for accident victims ?
I like it. Is it working well ? How much are people in QC paying for car insurance comparing to ON ?
Then it's settled, I start learning French tonight and moving to Quebec 🙂
08-27-2013 11:58 AM
Considering that moving companies are usually busy moving folks out of Quebec, and coming back with empty trucks, you should be able to get a great deal on moving!
Good Luck or, as they say in Quebec, Bonne Chance!
08-27-2013 12:23 PM
The best thing is boycot the system, get a bicycle, use public system and loose the cars.
Well it's a lovely thought but unfortunetly it isn't all that easy for people to do that for many reasons from people's lifestyles to how cities are planned and lets not forget businesses who have to have cars, trucks etc etc to make a living. You don't even what to look at my insurance bills!
I'm a bit of a history buff and I remember a local bit of history about two stagecoaches back in the late 1800's that pulled in front of what was a local rest stop in the area. One stagecoach hit the other, broke two wagon wheels and that spooked the horses that went sideways and the stagecoach turned over on its side. The local constable came, determined who was at fault and the person had to pay for the repairs on the other wagon. No insurance, instead they had this innovative idea called 'taking responsibility for your own mistakes'.
08-27-2013 01:25 PM
Mary's car insurance renewal premium went down a few dollars earlier this Spring. Mine -renewed August 14th - went down about $50 Neither had any claim or infraction in the last year.
I have not had a claim or an accident since 1971.
I have never had a moving infraction of any kind.
In my 50 years of driving, I have had two tickets - both parking tickets.
I am 66 and have no health problems.
And, I will be doing some serious shopping for a new insurer.
08-27-2013 03:27 PM
Mind me asking what you are driving and what you are paying a year? Sometimes it's the vehicle that raises the insurance (eg: if it's a brand name and a model year that has become very thievable) Living in the city also can raise rates because there is a greater oppourtunity for accidents or other claims. Also if at one time you did a lot of driving but now you are retired and drive a lot less but they insurance company still has your information in the old form then that can keep your rate up.
08-27-2013 09:09 PM
Are people happy with their car insurance in QC?
That might be taking things a little too far. But you could put it this way. We know a few people who have moved back and forth between here and Ontario. Apparently, in Ontario they talk about insurance cost "per month". Here, we still talk about how much we're paying "per year".
08-29-2013 10:27 PM
Sent an email to my insurance agent.
Asked why the premium had gone up so much.
The usual gobbledegook about how they had been hit hard with a lot of claims (but not from me).
She did ask a couple of questions.
Was I retired? Yes.
How many kms. did I drive each year? Less than 12000.
Seems I qualify for some discounts. Instead of the $820 for six months, it went down to $673.
I guess it pays to complain.
I was asked if the discounts made me happy. I said no.
I have been retired for a while. I have driven less than 12000 km. per year for the last 8 years.
I asked her why I had not been offered the discounts in the past as I had obviously been overpaying for years.
She said that it was up to me to ask.
My answer: maybe my next agent will ask.
08-29-2013 10:37 PM
Seems I qualify for some discounts.
As I said.............. "Also if at one time you did a lot of driving but now you are retired and drive a lot less but the insurance company still has your information in the old form then that can keep your rate up."
She said that it was up to me to ask.
My answer: maybe my next agent will ask.
Same happened to me when I quit Bell Canada. Suddenly they called up and said they could give me some better rates. I said "you should have offered me that earlier.........too late now"
I was talking to an insurance agent tonight and asked about the decreases that are suppose to happen. She kind of spittered and sputtered an answer that they are suppose to go down 15%.........but then she said it is all dependent on different 'factors'. I wasn't in the mood to play verbal chess with her and I was enjoying supper so I just let it go. I wouldn't deal with her and insurance anyhow.