Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member
Just like to know why EBay intends to cut out Canadians with regards to EBay bucks. I was really enjoying the program and would like to contribute to pressure EBay not to cancel. What can I do?
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

Yeah, this is SERIOUSLY pissing me off.  Bad enough we can't have a debit card for our Paypal accounts like the US, now this????  I had already cut out most of my business from Ebay, now it is time to go completely for sure.  Time to cancel that Paypal account too. 


I bet it was cancelled because Canadians used it FAR more than other lazy countries that will remain nameless to not start a flame war.

Message 2 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Not sure why it's being cancelled but this will definitely change how much I buy through ebay.  It was a minor reward but at least it was something.  No incentive now to buy through ebay compared to other online retailers.

Message 3 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

It makes us feel really UNIMPORTANT to eBay. 😞 Yet another perk for the US and another one taken away from Canadians. 😞

Message 4 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I really don't know why and I just feel like the way all this was managed is completely unethical.  If they want to discriminates us they must have a good reason and explain it well to us otherwise this is just a bad managing decision. But it's not the fist time Ebay took decision that will make customers angry. Most of the time their bad decisions only concern sellers, this time it's more about buyers but still bad for sellers cause without the Ebay's buck buyers will buy less. Frustrating... 

Message 5 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

I may be a small fish in the pond with respect to money that eBay and PayPal earn from me but with this announcement I will be enidng my relationship with both. There are numerous other avenues I can use. I am very disappointed in eBay for doing this and the only way to show it is to stop using them.

Message 6 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

Why would they alienate business on any level??? Do they not like Canadian business?? or Canadian money.. its on par, just does not make any sense...

Message 7 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Consider ourselves lucky.

They could have kept the eBay bucks program and taken the 2% from sellers.

This is the way they normally do things. 

We pay fees on shipping when we never used to. 

We pay fees to eBay and then fees to PayPal, when it is the same company.

It was not a stretch to imagine them keeping eBay bucks and us sellers footing the bill.

My guess is that it was brought in to try to boost sales (and eBay's income).  It didn't work and the administration of the program probably costs more than it is worth.

If it is dropped in Canada, I am sure the program is an endangered species elsewhere.

Message 8 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

I am very ticked off about this also, they don't even give a proper explanation, guess our Canadian money it not good enough for them.

Message 9 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Consider ourselves lucky.

They could have kept the eBay bucks program and taken the 2% from sellers.

This is the way they normally do things. 

We pay fees on shipping when we never used to. 

We pay fees to eBay and then fees to PayPal, when it is the same company.

It was not a stretch to imagine them keeping eBay bucks and us sellers footing the bill.

My guess is that it was brought in to try to boost sales (and eBay's income).  It didn't work and the administration of the program probably costs more than it is worth.

If it is dropped in Canada, I am sure the program is an endangered species elsewhere.


First off, paying fee's on shipping was only a matter of time, and the only people to blame are the sellers. Too many games were being played in order to get visibility, and to lower both the listing, and final value fee's.


As far as the eBay bucks program goes, terminating it is a very big mistake. First they killed all the referral site opportunities in order to commit to their own program, and now they show their valued customers what they really think of their loyalty, here's $5.00, have a good day. eBay Canada should seriously re-think this decision, it's already bad enough that the USPS has basically wiped out a big chunk of the Canadian eBay income from US seller purchases, adding insult to injury is not a wise choice. This said, the latest decision will seriously impact my future spending within eBay, as someone mentioned, the benefits were not earth shattering, but it was better than nothing, this latest move makes the competition look a lot more attractive.

Message 10 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I think this ebay buck thing will effect ebay 0000000000000000000 ...


the bought before they will buy after for either a good deal of convenience that is what ebay is here for ....


some sellers were listing wrong so you could say sellers were to blame or you could say the customers need to want to buy things for cheaper push seller to try and avoid fees so they could compete in the market.. Same thing can be said for the 1000's of Canadian factory workers lose there job because consumers want it cheaper so they set up shop in china to produce product for cheap and close down the factories in Canada ...


I never avoided fees but I do feel like it is a double edge sword that sellers did screw themselves but some not for being dishonest just trying to find a way to be competitive...


Aside from some bad apples consumers control the market always have and always will Sellers will adapt to survive

Message 11 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I am exremely disapointed toward this decision. I also think it is absolutely not justified and that we should simply turn toward Amazon.ca to make online business. 


eBay disrespect their canadian buyers and customer by taking this program away from us. There was a great deal of motivation to buy on eBay with this program. 

Message 12 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Ok everyone seriously .. If you made no money running your store would you keep doing it......


Ebay is not discrimnating against anyone it is a decision based on purely business ....

Message 13 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

yeah, I think that it's a stupid decision too.  I kind've liked seeing how high I'd get the dollars up and use it on something.  

As for the paypal debit card, I have one.  I just have a paypal business account.  I use it all the time and get 1% back on purchases.


I'm pretty much done with ebay as well.  It's obvious that they only want the Chinese sellers who will ship all those knock-offs for free.   Sellers like us who sell unique items are being forced to use the ebay site, Kijiji.  Or basically pushed into etsy or bonanzle.


I don't even see ebay ads on Canadian television anymore.  But I do see lots of Kijiji ads.


makes me sick.

Message 14 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

We may never know why Canada was dropped - eBay never bothered replying to my questions about it. I'm not a seller - just a buyer who loves finding interesting stuff that isn't available around here or things I've been looking for. Lack of communication plays a huge part in my decision-making on who to buy from - if they can't be bothered with me, I can't be bothered with them.


BTW, the Chinese knock-offs are invading Etsy, too...

Message 15 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

I am wonderng how Ebay came to this decision and why t is not an across North America cut. I have seen the service and lack of attention they seem to pay to Canadian clients over the last while and will continue to use but with much more attention to how they list items


Message 16 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Well... all I can is at least we got the best hockey players in the world, stick that EBAY!!

Message 17 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

This is just another example of eBay showing us Canadians that we are clearly not as important to them as the U.S. members. Why in the world is is necessary to retire the eBay Bucks programe in Canada???  The U.S. members enjoy so many advantages that are not available to us Canadian members, and why is this so??? Is our money not as good as theirs?  This simply blows my mind!!!  There is no clear logical reason why Canadian eBay members aren't included in every aspect of eBay incentives.  There should be no difference, what-so-ever between eBay.ca, and eBay.com.

My average eBay Bucks certificate amounted to $180.00, and this final one is $256.00, so you can well see the amount of money I have spent with eBay and PayPal ( you need to spen $1000.00 to earn $20.00 eBay Bucks )

I certainly didn't spend more solely because of the eBay Bucks programe, but I was grateful for the incentive, and 'reward', when it became available, and indeed, looked forward to what I could buy with my earnings every three months. And now, and ONLY IN CANADA, they discontinue it????? But the U.S. members still enjoy this 'bonus'???

WHY???? Wxactly what do they mean, when they say it was a failure. How could it 'fail'...is it not a 'reward' type of agenda??

eBay becomes more and more frustrating as time passes.

I don't think I will quit altogether, because I enjoy it too much, but I am certainly going to slow down considerably, in terms of my spending.

eBay never fails to send a survey to us, to find out how we feel about their performance after we contact one of their team members with an issue, so WHY, WHY, WHY, couldn't they have sent we Canadians a survey, to find out if we wanted the eBay Bucks programe to stay, or go??? They could have done this BEFORE they decided to retire it.

I would wager me last eBay Bucks Certificate ($256.00) that the overwhelming consensus would have favoured keeping it in place.

Message 18 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

Its probably the difference in the affiliate program.  ebates pays out 1% for .ca (so likely getting at least 2% ), while nothing for .com.  So if Canadians clicked through there or airmiles, and used theri ebay bucks,  they've been paying out more then in the usa.  If they paid out 2% to an affiliate, and 2% in ebay bucks...that would leave 0 for them in electronics category.   Airmiles in particular sends out so much promotion they probably see more value keeping that then having the ebay buck internally here. 

Message 19 of 34
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Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

Hello:  AliExprees.com

           Direct Vendor WebSites.


These sites they will shower with coupon and reward point.  The best part is there price is lot cheaper than item listed on eBay.

Ebay.ca  You guy make a huge mistake by cancel eBuck in Canada.  All Canadian are paying through the nose shipping rate for item from US, and why didn't you cancel eBuck in US?

"Closing the program in Canada was a difficult decision"

We are sick and tire of being treated like an idiot!  No difficult decision at all, just pure greed!

As soon as I use up my eBuck, I will cancel my account accordingly!

Good Bye eBay.ca! 

Message 20 of 34
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