Good afternoon
I now have 3 buyers who I cannot leave feedback for.When I attempt to leave them feedback a red message appears stating :Can't Leave feedback for the selected listing(s)
These customers have left me feedback and are in good standing with Ebay.I emailed one customer who can't figure it out either.
Any ideas why this is happenning...
golfing in style
i would just try again at a later time or maybe tomorrow, sounds like a computer glitch maybe..? one of my buyers said the exact same thing about two weeks ago, so no feedback for me..!
Having the same problem the last few days, although when I look at Selling Manager and it says I need to leave Feddback, I can do so from there. Just did about 10.
This has happened to me a few weeks ago. I was logged onto .com and the sale was made on .ca, I had to log out of .com and go over to .ca to post my feedback.
Not certain if that is the case here, but you can certainly try.