****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Learn how eBay Keywords can help you sell more!

Join us here on Canada Town Square for an online workshop and more importantly, why you should use Keywords to increase your sales.

Date: Thursday, August 26, 2004

Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM EDT

If you are not able to attend the workshop, please post your questions here in advance, and we will be sure and answer them, so you can come back and read the keyword discussion.

Hope you can join us!

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member

One great reason to try out eBay Keywords on the Canada site is that it's brand new...which means that there is less competition for words...which means you can get clicks for lower rates. Also - Canadian demand is stronger than ever!


eBay Keywords Team
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
" the first thing you do is select which site you want the ads to run on: US or Canada.

does it mean that having an ad campaign on both site is not possible ?
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Thanks everyone for joining! Please join us in a month for a more advanced Workshop on eBay Keywords. In the mean time - please post your questions to this board and we'll be monitoring it!


eBay Keywords Team
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
denis20 -

You can have a campaign running on both - you just have to create two seperate ones: one for Canada and one for the US site.


eBay Keywords Team
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
last question - where do we go to do this??
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
thanks for the answers


(see, I even didn't touch the language issue 😉
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If it's got hair, it's just a cat ! / Si ca a des poils, c'est juste un chat !
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member

To try out the new Keyword tool for eBay.ca, go to www.ebaykeywords.com

You have $50 to try it out! So have fun with it and good luck!

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
I signed up and used the promocode ebaybronze. Worked. Then I tried to make another ad with the promocode ebayfeatured. Didnt' work. Says I'm not authorized to use that code but I have a featured store.
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
I swear, if there was a way to mess something up..I'd find it!!

I went to www.ebaykeywords.com..and proceeded to attempt to fill in stuff..

I'm doing something wrong...there's a link for powersellers to click and get the 50.00 bonus thingee, but if I go through that link, I'm getting 'Please enter a valid promo code' when the info link is telling me to input EBAYCANADA as the promo code...maybe it's becasue I'm clicking ebay.com...should be ebay.ca, maybe??

Also..name your campaign...Huh??...the only thing I'm sure of is my choice of keywords (if I ever get to that point)..everything else is making my head spin.

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
OY!..Readng your post, Janet, makes me even more confused!

I'd really like to try this, but I find it sooo confusing!

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
I got the powerseller credit cheryl. The promo code for powersellers is ebaybronze for bronze level. I think I have to start all over again to use the featured promo.
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Ok I got one but I can't get a second one working. THE ebaycanada one only goes as far as the second page and I get an error message. ARGH
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Another stumper...name your ad campaign??
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Anything - like cheryl1 or cheryl2
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Hi eBay Keywords Team;

Thanks again for taking the time to conduct this workshop and for answering our questions.

Another few questions came to mind:

When bidding on a keyword, are you informed whether or not you are the high bidder, and if not, is the high bid displayed?

Is there anything similar to proxy bids in an auction where a seller would set the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a word?

Thanks in advance. 🙂
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
HI Starland, I just set mine up yesterday.

Yes it shows you the four top bids - what they're present bid is and what their maximum bid is. You enter your max bid like the auctions, and it bids 1 cent more than the fourth highest bid. Only four ads win for each keyword or combination. It sounds a bit confusing but actually quite easy if you can get it to work....

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
hi niko- thanks for explaining that and good luck with your keywords!
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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Well, finally got it set up after repeated tries...ebaycanada promo code wouldn't work at all, though.

I have to say, though...I have never been as confused about how something works in my life!

I just kind'a went along and let them choose the list of keywords...eliminated some of them, and tried to add one that I figured would be a sure-fire good one, but it stated it was 'unpopular' any which way I put it...very strange..I honestly don't get this...

And I was poring over the darn thing until the wee hours last night! 😞

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****eBay Workshop: How Keywords Can Help You Sell More, Thursday, August 26, 2004, 1-2 PM EDT***

Community Member
Me too. I don't think I would bother except I have a featured store and I get $60 a month for keywords. I'm too cheap to pass up anything free.
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