12-01-2012 10:42 PM
I was looking through eBay.ca's guidelines for buyers and could not find any guidelines specifically for returning items. Whereas eBay.com's information to buyers making returns is extensive and detailed. Where is eBay Canada is similar information to buyers?
If there is a guideline for buyers please tell me where it is. (Ò¿Ó)
12-02-2012 05:11 AM
Hi airbrush.. CA has PayPal Buyer Protection..
Other relevant pages..
12-02-2012 01:31 PM
The US site has information about the actyal physical return procedure , packaging , tracking , postage rates etc.
That is probably what the op is refering to.
12-02-2012 10:30 PM
PayPal buyer or seller protection does not speak about returns. In fact if you search for the words (returns, or returning) you will not find it mentioned anywhere. Where PayPal does use the word (return) it is only to warn buyers that return shipping is not covered.
EBay.com speaks directly to US buyers, that buyers may not make false returns, partial returns, unless agreed-upon by seller, and, condition of returned item (Item condition policy for returns). Basically informing and buyers that they should not try to abuse the system.
Where is eBay Canada's “Returning an item through the managed return process”? Or why doesn't eBay Canada have a similar guideline? If it's because eBay Canada doesn't have any such agreement with Canada post, I don't think they really need one, shipping labels can be printed at the Canada Post website with ease, and still eBay/PayPal does not cover shipping costs for returns.(ಠ_ಠ)