08-17-2012 12:48 PM
soemone says they want to sell me a vehicle via the ebay vehicle purchase program, I have never heard of this does it excist?
08-17-2012 10:44 PM
08-18-2012 12:13 AM
Sciguy is right-- these SCAMs are well known to the sites where they appear, but since the transaction is not handled by them, they can only depend on you to report the problem.
The site can then remove all that seller's SCAM listings. Sometimes they get enough information to lay charges.
But don't fall for the SCAM! You are one of the smart ones who asked questions.
08-18-2012 05:32 AM
Hello 'mitch',
You say "someone" is trying to sell you a vehicle "via the ebay vehicle purchase program". Via? That sounds like you did not see the actual ad on ebay. Did you see it somewhere else?
Only ads for vehicles listed on ebay are handled by ebay. It is common for scammers to send you fake emails that look like the real thing with the ebay logo and all. If you get any of those, you can send them to spoof@ebay.com who will tell you they are fake.
Some thieves use sites like craiglist or kijiji and pretend to offer ebay buyer protection. Ebay has nothing to do with those other sites. Usually the seller is conveniently out of the country, and you are told you will be able to inspect the car before payment is finalized. It's all lies. Have a look at this link about these sorts of scams, - it's good to know even if you never need it:
It is frequently called the 'kubota tractor scam', - so if you do an internet search for that you'll get all sorts of tidbits. But if you don't see the ad posted on ebay, it's got nothing to do with ebay.