03-27-2014 09:43 PM
03-27-2014 09:45 PM
03-27-2014 10:14 PM
There is no eBay requirement for a seller to pay return shipping.
In cases of seller error or no fault of the buyer many sellers would pay return shipping.
03-28-2014 11:19 AM
and the company rewarded the buyer .
Do you mean the buyer opened a Not As Described dispute?
Did eBay/Paypal refund the buyer?
Did eBay/Paypal require the buyer to return the bag before they will refund?
Is the buyer refusing to return the bag and get the refund of his full original payment?
Many buyers are annoyed when they have to pay to return an unsatisfactory item. But that is Standard Practice. It is mostly based on PP's policy (they can't refund money they never had) but has the side effect of discouraging scammers who would demand a refund for perfectly acceptable goods and keep the item as well.
However, when the problem is caused by the Seller it is a Best Practice to refund return shipping. But only on receipt of the item.
In some cases, sellers will refund after seeing pictures of a damaged item. The seller has that choice.
04-04-2014 03:57 AM
04-04-2014 04:11 AM
04-04-2014 04:38 AM
04-04-2014 10:17 AM
do what you like.
there will be a reaction to your action. this is a risk of selling on ebay and selling in general.
if you don't pay shipping back and it's getting adversarial, and you force them to pay shipping back, expect to get a poorly packaged, or ripped product, non existent product, or empty juice box back. No matter what happens you will have no recourse except to report the buyer.
Chalk it up to a bad sale, make the best of it and move on.