08-17-2012 05:29 PM
this seller keeps making run around, each time we echange message he talks about a different cell than what i paid for. actuallu it an exchange, the 1st cell ws not working right, i returned it and paid extra for a different cell. now the last message he sent talk about them sending me a G12 PHONE, when all our discution is about an HTC DESIRE S. now the transaction is ended is over 90 days i been going back and forth with this seller. i wanna be sure that they send me what is asked for. WHAT SHOULD I DO???
08-17-2012 10:39 PM
08-18-2012 05:18 AM
Hello 'trey',
You say the transaction is over 90 days old, - I am surprised the seller continued to talk to you past day 60. At this point you cannot file a claim, nor can you even leave feedback. Have a look at the following link about items that are 'not as described' (items that don't work would fit in here) and those that simply don't arrive:
The seller knows that there is nothing ebay/paypal can do to help you now. It's one of the problems with some ebay users, - 'trust'. You have a low feedback score and too many sellers will see this as an opportunity to take advantage of your unfamiliarity with the system. If you have a problem with an item, file a claim for a refund no later than day 43 after you paid.
If you used a credit card then go for the chargeback option. Some cards offer longer deadlines for this than others, so if this is a possibility for you, do it now.