Sold listings not viewable any more...

When something sells I usually click on the link in paypal to see the item. Now I get:


"The listing you’re looking for is no longer available. Check out this similar item we found for you. "


I don't want to look for a similar item! I want to see the item sold!

3 immediate family members use the same paypal account for but different eBay accounts. I want to see who sold the item!

Also the same thing happens from advanced search for sold items. I can't see who sold it so I can see their other items. I have in the past purchased many items that way.

"Fixing" things has again made things worse and I will purchase less as a result!














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Re: Sold listings not viewable any more...

They've made some very significant changes to the way we view completed items.

I study completed items to get a feel for what collectors are purchasing.


The ability to do that has set eBay apart from other sites and it's been a great value to all collectors.


So sorry to see these changes.   



Message 2 of 6
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Re: Sold listings not viewable any more...

The listing you’re looking for is no longer available. Check out this similar item we found for you. "





Click on the "listing" in that sentence and it will bring you to the original completed item.



Message 3 of 6
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Re: Sold listings not viewable any more...

I brought up this issue yesterday on the weekly chat. Tyler said they are looking into it.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Sold listings not viewable any more...

There was an article on ecommercebytes that I cited on another thread that mentioned this issue.


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Re: Sold listings not viewable any more...

Community Member

When you click on the highlighted word "listing" it will take you to the original listing you are looking for. I agree it's not what we want, but at least we can see the listing that sold, along with all the info.

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