1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

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Credit received "within 60 days"?

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
Tricky !! you have to list available worldwide too!
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!


for ebay.ca and ebay.com

only auctions, not fixed price, not stores, not real estate.

As for motors, not vehicles, but not such if all ebay motor listings.

credit within 60 days.

Must be avaialble worldwide. great for new laptops;-)

You must be registered in Canada before march 15.

You can't revise the listing after Friday.

No mention of such fees as gallery, BIN, etc.

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
Don't get too excited!!!!!

Read here:

and post 42 until the end here:
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

LIVE HELP (eBay.com) Friday March 18th 8:15am (Eastern)

pierrelebel: There is a one cent promotion on eBay.ca today:
pierrelebel: http://pages.ebay.ca/promo/1centlistingday/
pierrelebel: As a Canadian registered with eBay.com in 1998, are my auction listings on eBay subject to the one cent promotion or not? I have not seen any announcement on eBay.com
pierrelebel: What is puzzling is that the announcement on eBay.ca indicates that listings on eBay.com are eligible for the promotion BUT there is nothing announced on eBay.COM.
Your chat session has started..
Kerry: Welcome to Live Chat. My name is Kerry.
Kerry: Give me a second to read your question.
Kerry: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting.
Kerry: Give me a minute to check this out.
Kerry: It looks like that is for Canadian residents only
Kerry: and the 1 cent insertion fee will be if you sell on the US or Canadian site.
Kerry: Only listings available worldwide will be eligible for this promotion. International sellers who switch their registration and residence to Canada after March 15, 2005 will not be eligible for this particular promotion.

Kerry: Please note: the discounted fees will not be immediately reflected on the site. You will see a credit to your seller’s account within 60 days. Click here for more details on the promotion
pierrelebel: I am Canadian, registered on eBay.com in 1998 long bvefore eBay.ca was created. There is no announcement on eBay.com about this promotion. WHY?
Kerry: I just checked the Canadian site to find it.
Kerry: We were not notified of this either.
pierrelebel: I know.
pierrelebel: The problem is that I have never received any message from eBay about the promotion nor is it announced on the main eBay.com site
Kerry: WE had 50% off here yesterday.
pierrelebel: I know I listed over 200 items
Kerry: I don't know why.
pierrelebel: Thank you.
Kerry: We never get notice until the day of the promotion.
pierrelebel: I NEVER got a notice. Period.
Kerry: In your ebay preferences, have you chosen to be notified?
pierrelebel: YES
Kerry: Do you get other emails from ebay?
pierrelebel: Are you SURE the promotion applies to eBay.COM? That is the real question. The fact that it is mentionned on the promotion issued by eBay.ca does not make it right, does it?
pierrelebel: And YES I get all kind of messages from eBay.com
Kerry: yes, it says "Auction-style listing insertion fees for Canadian residents only, using either eBay.ca or eBay.com, will be reduced to 1 cent (CDN or US).
pierrelebel: I know what it says. That is why I am asking you. To confirm that the statement is correct.

Kerry: yes, it is correct.
pierrelebel: Thank you for your time.
Kerry: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
pierrelebel: No.
Message 5 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
How come when I tried to list and item with Auction Style with or without BuyItNow; it still shows the regular fee charge?
Any idea?
Message 6 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
Because you will only be credited in 2 months if your still around or if they don't cut you off, smart business move on their part.

Honey..... get the preparation H
Message 7 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
You can never win I guess!
Message 8 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
How can you, it's always in their favor but yet we put their bread and butter on the tables because we are stupid.
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
I am not listing anything today. History has shown that eBay is very poor at crediting anything back to your account at a later date. If I can't get the 1-cent price at time of listing I am not trusting eBay's accounting department to get the credits right.

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
This is similar to the Manufacturers' rebate program and how it has evolved. I hope eBay doesnt get started into these programs.

Its so sad and the main purpose of these programs now is for 'cash flow'. That is why you see items for sale at Future Shop for $50.00 with a $49.99 mail in rebate.

The companies (manufacturers) often need cash to survive so giving a 100% refund when they need to raise some money is often less expensive than trying to obtain bank financing. Some companies cannot go to their banks for more financing.

For some it is a real scam in my books. They are not really out the money as they got financing on the inventories from the bank at the same time they had the customer's cash. Their manufacturing costs are insignificant on the items they are offering rebates on so there really isnt any cost to them.

The average rebate now takes close to 3-full calendar months to be received and companies like Rogers sometimes exceeds 4-months in rebating.

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
It falls just in time on vacation period where no one will be there to see if they received their rebates or even care at that point.
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
any chance they are trying to improve their balance sheet for ist quarter 2005?

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

for sure, they are trying to improve their balance sheet so it'll reflect on the stock price and then they will unload some shares!
i never get those manufactuer mail rebates 90% of the time, only when i called, they either say it'll be in the mail or ask me to fax in the proof again.
i'll keep this in my calendar to make sure they'll credit me. what a shame ]:)
Message 14 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
A) I don't list on Ebay.ca I only list on Ebay.com . 99% of my customers are in the U.S.

b) I don't think Ebay should be knocked for having a free listing or 1 cent listing day no matter what the "strings" are. We all have our own marketing strategy and when it happens to save a few people a few bucks I think thats great.
Message 15 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
Pierre! I can just picture your expression during that conversation!!! Where do they get these "live help" people anyway?? There must be like one semi knowledgeable ebay employee manager sitting in a throne with 12 "live help" people lined up to ask a question before running back to thier computer to type in an answer.

I am in the same position Pierre, I registered with ebay.com and I doubt I'm getting any kind of credit.
Message 16 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
I don't think Ebay should be knocked for having a free listing or 1 cent listing day no matter what the "strings" are. We all have our own marketing strategy and when it happens to save a few people a few bucks I think thats great.

I disagree. While special listing days are always welcome, of course, eBay has been continually finding ways to make the special listing days somewhat less -- special. As far as it looks, gone are the free listing days. Now, they are postponing the savings of a 1-cent listing day for up to 2 months after the fact.

If we do not question the changes, eBay will assume that we are all fine with them and continue to further add conditions to the special listing days. It may end up being wishful thinking to say that eBay won't further restrict special listing days, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't voice our opinions to let them know we are noticing.

So while I think it's great that eBay has offered the 1-cent listing day, enjoy it if it works for you, but I am not taking advantage of it due to their new conditions.

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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
Very true and always notice they do it just aroung the billing cycle so you have to pay your bill before you list.
Message 18 of 23
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

You are right, any savings offered by ebay are very much welcomed especially in these days of higher final fees, store fees and paypal fees. I would actually listed 5 times more if they didn't have this red tape.
Yeap, we should always voice our concern/feedback so they can refined their experiement next time.
Just wondering how can so many people be right but we still end up paying more fees?
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1-cent Listing Day. Canada Only - Strings Attached - Read carefully!

Community Member
If you want to be heard, post it on the US PS Board.

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