A Liberal Majority

A Liberal majority - you've got to be effing kidding.

I guess the people of Ontario like politicians that are the biggest crooks.

Squander a billion dollars for political gain - and they reward you. 


Well, my guess is that we won't have to look at Hudak much longer.

Message 1 of 165
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164 REPLIES 164

A Liberal Majority

"Please give me a number that can be verified independently by Statistics Canada for example.

 How many Ontarians had jobs when the Liberals took power eleven years ago?

 How many have jobs today?

 What is the actual difference?

 How does the change compare with the national average?

 Is there a loss of employment as you claim or a net gain?

 Facts only please, no rhetoric."


Guess things are booming in Belleville these days. However in Southwestern Ontario not so. Lets see what have we lost .


Ford Talbot plant, Kelloggs, Heinz, Caterpillar Electomotive, Navistar Chatham, Sterling St Thomas plus Blackberry has had to lay off thousands in Kitchener. You're blind if you need numbers!


And we're left with this:


 New Ontario License Plate



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 41 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Valve - are you too old to do real research?  Or have you determined that "real numbers" defeat your partisan point-of-view?


 Give me numbers, real numbers from independent sources - yes I will accept stuff coming from the conservative government in Ottawa through Statistics Canada.


Plants close everyday in all provinces, in all States.  What about new plants, expanding plants?


Would you prefer to look at the national picture instead of concentrating on the local news?  How many full-time permanent jobs have been created in Canada in the last twelve months?  Now, that is a real question.


Who do you blame for that poor result? A former provincial premier who has not been in power for two years? or the current conservative administration in Ottawa spending tens of millions advertising their so-called "Action Plan" resulting in more part-time jobs at or near minimum wages, mostly in the retail and service industries?

Message 42 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Wynne promised to help the North.  She said she would spend one to two billion dollars to make the Ring Of Fire accessible.  Of course, that will be out the window if we need to close another gas plant to save a couple of Liberal seats.


Wynne was the lesser of three evils.  She didn't stick her neck out like Hudak.  He pretty much committed political suicide when he started talking "tight to work".  No one believed him when he took it off the table.  Most likely, it was just deferred.  Horwath cut her own throat by "supporting" the Liberals through their worst scandals - why - because she wasn't ready for an election.


Wynne will up gas taxes to make all of Ontario pay for Toronto's transit.  People in London think she will spend millions on rapid rail from TO to London.  Not likely as we voted PC.


The one thing I hope I never see again.  That horrible "painted on" smile that Hudak wore throughout the campaign.  ùit was so phoney!!!! 


Message 43 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Thar U go:




Lots of pushing donut jobs and flipping burgers but a huge number of high paying jobs have left S.W. Ontario as plants closed. Magna? Well you know the story, likely to close what plants here they still operate as pension rate contribution increases and high obscene electricity rates prevail.   

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 44 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

That is the real; story - across Canada:


"Statistics Canada says the economy created about 25,800 net new jobs last month, although all of them were part-time and the unemployment rate edged up to seven per cent as more Canadians went looking for work in May.

In terms of full-time work, the agency says the economy actually shed 29,100 jobs, a poor result that was papered over by the gain of 54,900 part-time jobs."


Take the time to investigate results for the last twelve months - on a national basis.  Dismal.


The problem is not provincial: it is national.  Put the blame where it belongs: Harper and his gang.

Message 45 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Once again, I invite you and all readers to take a look at the big picture.


Statistics Canada publishes a breakdown of employment by province - part-time and full-time.


Matching the changes - year over year - with the change of labour force in each province gives you a fairly good representation of the situation. Too often the changes over a one month period will fluctuate wildly.  However, "year over year" is much more reliable, smoothing out monthly fluctuations.




As anyone can see the problem is federal - across the board.


The Conservatives "Action Plan" is clearly not working. 


While corporate taxes have been reduced by Harper year after year, the average Canadian did not find much personal benefits.  The job creation those tax cuts were supposed to produce did not materialize.  On the other hand, large corporations (mostly foreign controlled) and banks are as happy as could be: they are making money hands over fists, keeping a larger percentage of it (with lower taxes) and increasing dividends to their shareholders.



Message 46 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

I expect to see the biggest growth in the underground economy.


Message 47 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

You keep leaving it out! The collapse and recovery in progress of the global economy of which Canada has faired better than most other countries. The US recovery affects us more than any other economy, so go it so go us. But your anti Harper agenda won't let you consider blaming anything else.

Federal deficit gone in time for the 2015 election, credit Jim.



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 48 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

''Ford Talbot plant, Kelloggs, Heinz, Caterpillar Electomotive, Navistar Chatham, Sterling St Thomas plus Blackberry has had to lay off thousands in Kitchener. You're blind if you need numbers!''


NONE of these companies, closing, moving or restructuring had ANYTHING to do with the Liberals or politics in general.



''The collapse and recovery in progress of the global economy of which Canada has faired better than most other countries.''


Which Harper had NOTHING to do with. It had far more to do with our banking system set up in the past by the Liberals.

Message 49 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

The results surprised me. I thought it would be closer than that. Frankly, I don't think that Ontario voters forgot the results of the last Conservative Gov't and didn't believe the 1 million jobs plan. It sounded odd to me so I'm sure it did to others. Get rid of 100,000 good paying teachers, nurses or whatever and then create 1 million other jobs. Hudak's platform was all wrong and didn't make any sense.


Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual
as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some
real satisfaction, that day is a loss.
Message 50 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

On that I agree with you Leslie, just this one time though. What they didn't have is a smart Harponian leader. And they'll need one next time around when Wynnie-the-poo completes wrecking this province.
"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 51 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Another thing they need to forget about Valve is those corporate tax cuts. They're already some of the lowest in North America. What did the Federal Gov't get for it? Nothing but a big "thank you" from the companies, a loss of revenue and no new jobs. It just isn't helping the average joe at all. Which is the average voter.


Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual
as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some
real satisfaction, that day is a loss.
Message 52 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

Welcome back Les.  Long time no see.


"didn't believe the 1 million jobs plan"


Nobody did.  How could we?  There are no million unemployed folks in Ontario!  How can you create jobs for people that do not exist.


The problem was with how Hudak calculated "jobs".  He looked at it over two terms (eight years).  If he created a job on the first year and the job would last eight years, that was counted as eight jobs.

Message 53 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

@pierrelebel wrote:

I do not know how much more you earn, but assuming you are an average income earner, you will have a net gain (not loss) as follows:


2% from your income will be added to 2% from your employer's contribution to give you a total of 4% in a pension fund that will grow over time and pay you benefits in your retirement age..


In addition, that 2% taken off will be fully tax deductible so your actual out-of-pocket investment in your pension is closer to 1.2% to 1.4% depending on your marginal tax rate.


All around, you - like most Ontarians - gain, not lose.


Thanks for clarifying the matter.


I see now that most working people will only have a reduction of 1.2% to 1.4%  in their buying power , starting very soon.


That is  a greater reduction that most people are getting for raises these days.

Message 54 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

"a greater reduction"




Did you attend the same school as Hudak?  We all know he has problems understanding numbers.


When you put $1.00 in a pension plan, you receive (appx) $0.30 tax refund for a net investment of $0.70, then your employer adds $1.00 to your account, leaving you with a $2.00 value in your pension plan, I do not see that as a reduction.


I see that as an investment for the future for the majority of workers who are not part of an employer pension plan.


While many will fund their own pension plan through RRSP, this new provincial plan allows the worker greater benefits since the contribution is doubled by the employer. So if (for example) $500 is paid every year into the new provincial pension fund, the worker could reduce his/her contribution to the RRSP by the same amount ($500) and still be ahead.


WIN - WIN all around.

Message 55 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

PS - By the way, I do not think a provincial pension plan as proposed by the Ontario Liberal government is the best solution.


However, despite a growing consensus among premiers, the Harper federal government refuses to consider increasing the current CPP to protect Canadian workers as they reach retirement age.



Message 56 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

I was reading an article the other day about inside information coming out from the Conservative backroom and it seems a lot of people had no idea that Hudak was going to come out with the 100,000 job cuts. It was a total surprise to them and when asked by reporters about it they were totally caught off-guard! Also Hudak's plan for the use of supply side economics would never have worked, never have anywhere else it was tried either.


Hudak's basic platform foundation was built on anger and hate. Be angry at the Liberals and hate public service workers. I think people in Ontario and even Canada are tired of the hate/anger motivation and we're looking for hope and a future for a change.

I also believe that Hudak got a lot of bad help from Harper motivators. He said openly on a TVO interview that Federal Conservative strategists were helping him. Harper wanted Ontario, especially for the next election. Not only did that fail, but it failed massively! Harper's Titanic just sprung another leak.


Hi Les. Good to see you.

Message 57 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

YA well you can expect something good for the public sector... As many articles I have read stated Wynne owes them for all the union dues spent on attack adds against Hudak .... We'll see what happens there ..... I mean creating 300,000 public sector jobs in 5 years is alot of money for the province in a short time which is what the liberals have done . ( not saying it;'s good or bad ) ...


The onlly thing Ontario needs is to cut wages and pensions of politics in general and cut consumable cost to the industries and we could get on the right path ...


CFIB already gearing up to fight the new crippling pension plan ...


One company Reported if this gets implemented it would cost $1900 per employee for there 19,000 employees and would have them move some of there 46 locations out of Ontario ....$36,100,000 Annually is what this would cost the company not to mention many people do not hav pension because they can not afford cost of living so taking 2% of there wage may help them retire but it won't help them keep the lights on now...



Ontario needs a hero ... Hudak well way out on all numbers was the only one that mention cuts to save which strikes me as strange.. I know If I have a $5000 bill and $300 every month to put towards it but I spend $400 of the $300  every month on other things  it is not going to bring down the debt ...




It's almost like we need someone with the minset btween the liberals and Conservatives ....I mean Goverment can only try to please us for so long before someone just says tough sh we need to make cuts .. ( Where I don't know but it is just common sense)

Message 58 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

"I mean creating 300,000 public sector jobs in 5 years"




Where does that number come from?


Earlier posts by conservatives supporters showed about 120,000 created in the last ten years - the growth more or less matching the overall growth of the Ontario population over the same period.  Hudak's plan was to reduce public servants by 100,000 to the level of about fifteen years ago.


Where does that 300,000 come from? 

Message 59 of 165
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A Liberal Majority

That was Magna.  At their meeting last month:


"Magna International Inc., one of a handful of Canada’s global champions, is putting the brakes on building new plants in Canada as it takes advantage of better opportunities abroad where vehicle production is growing.

“I doubt we’ll add any more plants in Canada,” Magna chief executive officer Don Walker told shareholders Thursday at the company’s annual meeting in Toronto."


"Magna is the biggest employer in the auto sector in Canada, with about 19,000 employees at 46 plants, and its head office in Aurora, Ont."


"First-quarter profit at the company rose 6 per cent to $393-million"


They do not make enough money, they want handouts from the government!


"Nonetheless, Mr. Walker said he believes both the federal and provincial governments should offer incentives to auto makers to retain assembly plants in Canada. A study done for the Canadian Automotive Partnership Council, an industry body that advises the governments, showed a $200-million investment that led to production of 200,000 vehicles a year for eight years would be repaid in three years. Such an investment would generate an additional $444-million in revenue for governments over the next five years."


Yes, I can see the Conservative Party supporting Magna.  I find it hard to believe the NDP would.

Message 60 of 165
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