Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Hello All
Just like I've done every night for the past 5 years I was listing golf shirts last night.
I submitted my last item an Adidas Clima Cool golf shirt.
I then received a message that I wasnt allowed to list it and should not do so again for 30 days.There was nothing special about the listing,used the same title and description I have used 100s of times.Is there something about multiple listings?.I may have 10 or so Adidas for sale,but they are all different styles etc
Thought I would look for an opinion here before I use Live Help.As far as I know Ebay has no issues with me. As always I appreciate your thoughts
golfing in style
Message 1 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

"I then received a message that I wasnt allowed to list "

The message most likely came from Trust & Safety. Reply to it giving them information about the authenticity of the "Adidas' shirts. .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 2 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Thanks Pierre

I will do that, although I'm still puzzled why this item was questioned when I have listed 100s just like it without a problem.As a matter of fact I listed other/similar Adidas shirts a few days ago as well with no problem.
Thanks for your reply and have a great weekend
Message 3 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Highly counterfeited items are no longer allowed to be listed multiple times in succesion.
Message 4 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Hello ampurtle
Appreciate you helping me out but,
I still don't understand.I was only listing one item.I wasn't listing multiple Adidas golf shirts-just one. What is the definition of multiple times in succesion? Am I missing something here?
golfing in style
Message 5 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

How many of the same item have you listed in the past 30 days... there is a quota now. I think it was in the changes from back around April ?
Message 6 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Hi there golfing....had the same problem last month on Adidas and Nike NWT items.
I was "limited" to listing only about 10 of these brands (new or used) for a couple of weeks, then I couldn't list any for 2 weeks. I asked ebay for the date of when my 30 days was up...wasn't sure which date to start the 30 from. They provided me that date last week and on the weekend I listed some new items and relisted all my unsold (name brands).
EBay told me I did nothing wrong, to not take it personally, they are just trying to eliminate the counterfeiters. I am OK with is just rather frustrating.
I also believe because we are considered "international" like Thailand or China and eBay sees us list NWT and lumps us with the well known fraudsters that are international...even though we are in Canada.
I have noticed several sellers from Thailand that leave NIKE and Adidas from their listing titles...that way they fly under the radar. They just list the "team name or players name" and they still manage to sell a lot.
I have reported them, but they are still selling...they are obviously avoiding the use of name brands, but eBay doesn't seem to care.
Message 7 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

Golfing...I also contacted eBay to say I could fax or email my receipts to verify that I purchased these items from a well known big box seller, but they said they could not verify that either and were not interested in seeing them.
Message 8 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

I guess it was the new quota/limit policy.
They have now raised my limit and I'n back to listing Nikes and Adidas etc.
I'm not sure what my monthly limit is but I will soon find out.
Thanks for all the input.
Message 9 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

If they aren't stating Nike for sale, which they probably aren't anyway, then technically the listing describes the actual product :^O

eBay/Paypal have taken a real big drubbing on counterfeits this year and since the court case, they can't just use plausable deniability as a defense any more. It's time to clean house and it's long over due
Message 10 of 11
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Adidas golf shirt not allowed?

All things taken into account, that's probably wishful dreaming...

Clearly there are lots of knockoffs and counterfeits, and very difficult to police, but the court didn't accept that arguement because the judge had sufficient evidence to suggest that eBay was turning a blind eye to it all.

Technically it is the manufacturer's responsibilty to protect their propriety property so eBay had a reasonable approach, but if one knows the counterfeits are there and they can be identified as such, then it is not acceptable to turn the other way and let it go on, which is where eBay got nailed by the judge. It boiled down to who knew what when and eBay lost.

Now that is all fine and good, but due to the amount of bugus goods on eBay, it's still pretty hard to manage the problem effectively or even efficiently. The end result is the quota limits.

Apart from the moral issues, once a counterfiet is discovered by a buyer and remuneration pursued, word spreads fast and all of a sudden you end up with hundreds of buyer with fakes and a mad rush to get in line to recoup the expenditure. Ususally the quicker you line up, the better your chances of recovery.

Over the past year, there has been numerous big dollar volume counterfeiters discovered and lots of clains to Paypal. It's not an insignificant amount of money.

While the new restrictions can be annoying, it is the price that has to be paid to clean up the mess and protects you as well as your customers. You can make a point of saying your items are genuine, but if one isn't an authorized dealer (if that applies), then that claim might have little effect. ut there will always be a segment of buyers who don't care if it's real or not, they just want the better price.

I suspect only the person wearing the merchandise would really know anyway, so you have a lot of work to do, to come up with a solution to the problem. I don't know your market so I have no solutions, but marketting efforts is probably a good start.:8}
Message 11 of 11
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