An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Hi everyone,

Last week, a USA buyer with 22 feedback ask if I can ship an item to Lima, Peru. Item# is 330240800275. She also ask if I have more than one of this item. I told her I have more than 1 but I can only ship to the address registered in Paypal.

Today, a new buyer who just registered today in Peru bought the same item, haven't pay yet, but she left a message to me asking if I have 14 more(Each item is $75+$25 shipping) She said she is from a "GOMA Agency".

I need to deal with it carefully. I have less experience than most of the powersellers in here, Anyone have similar experience? I don't want to sell such a large quantity to her. But I can't really say no to her and then keep listing the item...

Thank you for your help!:-)
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Not a snowballs chance in Hades that'd I'd send items over $1000 to somewhere I couldn't get a signature for. Normally you're only covered by PayPal for Canada, US & the UK with online tracking & if necessary a signature.

Signature is required on anything over $250 US. They've changed the rules for Powersellers to allow coverage to any location with the above and proof of mailing as well. I said above, not a chance in Hades I'd send that somewhere if I couldn't get online tracking and a signature plus I don't know how good PayPal would be at keeping their word for coverage.

Never heard of GOMA, try Google. Bear in mind it could be a real agency but someone using their name when they shouldn't a la eBay Second Chance Offers/spoof emails.

I would nicely explain that you'll have to look into shipping options for such a high value package that have insurance & a signature. I would also explain that with such a value they will be subject to import taxes, duty & brokerage costs which they are responsible for.

I don't know if I'd be considered a wuss or a synic but I wouldn't do it. Can you afford to lose that kind of money? Not for me thanks.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!

When you find doing what's right hard to do - you've got a problem.
Message 2 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

can only ship to the address registered in Paypal.

What protection does that give you?
Answer = "0"
Unless you use a PP approved, trackable, shipping method (useless for most sellers).

I ship to any address that buyers want, including the one from Pakistan that wanted the package shipped to Saudi Arabia.

Would I ship in your case? Probably, but would approach it differently.

2 things:

First: Can't post it here but I do it all the time on a selling account with higher-risk items. Email me and I'll get you the details.

Second: Insure to full value via CP which will give you some(limited) recourse.

It's a potential for a sale. If it is legit and you follow instructions, you stand to make sales. If it is not legit,the buyer will back off and there is no harm done.

You have nothing to lose but a few minutes of your time.

Message 3 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
When something looks too good to be true- it likely is.

When you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras.

When something like this comes up- politely decline.
If it looks suspicious- and you are here asking questions- DECLINE THEIR OFFER- and RUN !!!!

While this may be a perfectly legitimate buyer- trying to make a perfectly legitimate purchase- trust your own intuition.

Something doesn't look right here!
Message 4 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Negative attracts negative. Positive attracts positive.

It's the "Law of Attraction"

I have never turned down anyone that requested my banking info, and 100% have the buyers requesting such performed.

Selling is real easy once you "get it".

"Assume the deal" and you will be rewarded!

Message 5 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
xenalook - not everyone has your cavalier attitude toward business. And not every 'get's it'.

Common sense should prevail here. If the seller approached (handmadefun, or any seller for that matter!) is asking questions, better to be safe then sorry.

xenalook - are you willing to guarantee the success of this transaction?
Is PayPal- or eBay? Is anyone? This is a real situation where there is an inherent, and likely very real risk involved.

If not- my suggestion to the seller stands- POLITELY DECLINE- AND RUN!
Message 6 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Who cares about PayPal's silly rules.....

Tell the buyer it's no problem, give them a total and tell them to pay you via direct bank transfer or Moneygram/Western Union.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 7 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

I agree with Recped. I suggest to also use a shipper that has signature & is tracable (like UPS,TNT,Fedex).

Message 8 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

not everyone has your cavalier attitude toward business. And not every 'get's it'

Yes, Lina, some posters have made that very evident;-)

Also, it's not a "cavalier" attitude, just one where every inquiry is deemed to translate into a sale unless proven otherwise.

are you willing to guarantee the success of this transaction?

If the seller will let me handle it and share the proceeds with me - ABSOLUTELY YES! We broker many 3rd. party transactions and handle the receivables part (that's one of our main businesses).

Tell the buyer it's no problem, give them a total and tell them to pay you via direct bank transfer or Moneygram/Western Union.

Well, I guess it's not me that posted this LOL!

Message 9 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Well, I guess it's not me that posted this LOL!

Nope just another with a "cavalier" attitude!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 10 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Xena and recped,

I have to say....this Power Seller list is BETTER because of you! Glad you are both here to offer your assistance to all!

Message 11 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Message 12 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
A big Thank you for all advises!! :-x
Message 13 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Anyone know whether this transaction went off successfully?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Message 14 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Yes proceed with extreme caution as it is irregular for agencies to be picking up items one at a time particularily this item, GOMA could be the GULF of MEXICO ASSOCIATION or to do with relief efforts in GOMA CONGO after I believe it was a volcanic eruption.

Sounds to me like someone is trying to be a middleman here with you being the drop shipper, all this without a contract. They sell Worldwide a variety of products from EBAYERS, have you drop ship after they have the cash from the it even if they pay using Paypal they just deny receipt of goods and get their money back. I bet they are handling this through your email adress and not EBAY message board...please contact me I would like to be kept abreast of this irregular request...regards,,,
Message 15 of 16
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An unusual buyer, please help

Community Member
Hi all, the order didn't go through.
I told the buyer I have to ship 4 each time as it come with a box of 4 and it is larger than a size of a box of orange.
I told him I don't accept paypal politely. Then he disappeared... Anyone wants to have this buyer's id, let me know. Thanks for everyone helping me. I didn't lost anything, and I learned some selling tricks from other sellers.
Message 16 of 16
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