August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hello Canadian eBayers!


This is our weekly chat thread. Please go ahead and start posting at your convenience, I'll be with you on or before 1 PM.

Message 1 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Good morning Raphael


Following the Board Hour last week, there has been much speculation by Canadian sellers about the possibility of becoming a single currency site (Cdn$) like all other eBay sites and how such move would affect Canadian sellers.


Without divulging "company secrets" - and understanding that no formal decision has been made yet -  could you or Rodney provide a bit more information on whatever timetable would use should such a change take place eventually. 


Would sellers be given weeks or months to adapt? Should we be thinking 2016 or 2017?


Would provide special new temporary tools for Canadian sellers to allow them to move listings to another site (.com) or easily change the currency on (from US$ to CdnS$)?


Thank you for your time

Message 2 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hi Raphael


At one time did Ebay not show prominently that buyers received a discount for multiple purchases? Now it only shows under the shipping section.


I used to have it in the description but with Ebay hiding descriptions and people not getting descriptions on mobile devices, I took all the extras out of my descriptions.


I have also heard that Buy it Now in the US required immediate payment or possibly add to cart if it works.


I have had a number of US buyers on .com listings pay for each purchase separately which means I have to refund or get upset buyers.


Of course, Ebay makes more money off shipping as they never refund the shipping FVF.


This cash grab is getting to be what I call a rip off as they never fix any issues that may cost them money.


Why can they not display on the main page the shipping discount given and stop gouging buyers and sellers for the over charge on multiple purchases for hiding the discounts until buyers go the the shipping section


This is starting to get very annoying and nickel and diming sellers and buyers.

Message 3 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hi Raphael, 


Last week Pierre asked whether eBay would be ready for Windows 10, and you replied that it would as far as you knew.  


It seems there may be problems.  This week there are reports that the eBay/Paypal/Canada Post shipping label feature won't work with Windows 10.  


I'm glad now that I haven't updated to Windows 10 yet, although I was going to soon.  Do you have any information on when or if the usual label features will be accessible using Windows 10?  I know there were big problems with a variety of browsers for a long time not functioning with the label features, and it took what seemed like months for those to get resolved.  Hopefully this won't be the case with W10. 

Message 4 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@pierrelebel wrote:

Good morning Raphael


Following the Board Hour last week, there has been much speculation by Canadian sellers about the possibility of becoming a single currency site (Cdn$) like all other eBay sites and how such move would affect Canadian sellers.


Without divulging "company secrets" - and understanding that no formal decision has been made yet -  could you or Rodney provide a bit more information on whatever timetable would use should such a change take place eventually. 


Would sellers be given weeks or months to adapt? Should we be thinking 2016 or 2017?


Would provide special new temporary tools for Canadian sellers to allow them to move listings to another site (.com) or easily change the currency on (from US$ to CdnS$)?


Thank you for your time

Hello Pierre,


As with any material site changes that require for sellers to make updates to their listings, we always try to give as much advance notice as possible. Since there has been no decision made on the future of US currency on yet, it's safe to say there is ample time ahead before we get to any such measures. But rest assured that we would certainly announce any changes of that magnitude way ahead of time to let sellers migrate as much of their listings as possible on their own terms.


As for your questions around eBay Canada providing tools to assist sellers through a migration like this, again it's way early to know for sure but this is something we've done in the past. If you remember, we did provide customized tools for sellers to identify & update their listings that fell out of compliance when we changed the requirements around Returns. I think that was in 2012. While I can't tell you exactly what we would do at this time, it's certainly something we would contemplate. If you or anyone else have any specifics to call out for this eventual tool, feel free to share your thoughts withy me, via email or right here on the forum.

Message 5 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

I have to agree with 'dutchman48' s comments above.  Although it isn't much in excess FVFs per individual transaction, it is unfair to Canadian sellers that eBay should be collecting those fees as a result of a problem that it can't or won't fix. 


For example, I just recently had a U.S. buyer purchase 4 items (see # 171855472829 for the first item).  She obviously managed to overcome the defects in the checkout/cart system and purchased each of the 4 items individually, paying the shipping in full on each.  


As a matter of fairness to my buyers I refund the improperly charged shipping.  The refund came to $4.82 US, which would have had an additional 9% (I believe) FVFs on it (i.e. $0.43US, or about $0.55Cdn) charged to me.  Not much, admittedly, on this one transaction, but this must be happening for every multi-item order sold by Canadians where a shipping refund is provided.  I imagine there's quite a tidy sum being taken in by eBay every day as a result. 


I do sometimes refund my buyers less the excess FVFs, but then my buyers are indirectly paying the excess to eBay, which is also unfair. 


I know I asked this last week, but you really didn't provide a clear answer.  Why can't eBay refund the FVFs automatically to sellers when a shipping refund is made to buyers?  Paypal does this all the time (they refund the fee portion as part of the refunded amount).  


One other issue in this regard is that my Sales Record never properly reflects the shipping refund I've provided to my buyer in these situations.  Nor does the "Selling" page -- the dollar sign icon is struck through, but the pop-up message says "partially paid", rather than "partially refunded".  I certainly hope my buyers aren't seeing this on, as it looks really bad, as if I've changed their "fully paid" status for some reason.  I have no way of checking to see if this is what they would see in their transaction details.  Do you know if this is the case?  

Message 6 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Raphael, just a heads-up, there seems to be something wrong with the "Reply" function on your initial post here.  I was able to post my first message earlier, but for the second message I had to use another person's post in order to reply.  


This glitch has been happening (for me at least) a few times during the past week on the discussion boards.  


I thought I should mention it in case this is something you guys can look into.  

Message 7 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Changing from US$ to CDN$...


I can do it very quickly....if I can do a quick change from US$ to CDN$... currently it is not an option on eBay live listings


One switch...  one single... flick of a switch...  


Right now that is the only thing stopping me from doing the change very quickly..


(1) Put my store on vacation


(2) Flick the US$  to CDN$ switch


(3) Revise prices   --- Three hours today


(4) Revise postage --- Three hours tomorrow morning


No major stoppage... and 3500 listings are ready to go with Currency as Canadian dollars.



I sell books  and cannot transfer to  where there is a shipping cap....  that is based on USPS Media mail... a value not compatible with the use of Canada Post.




Adding this US$ to CDN$ currency change option to could be advantageous  right now without waiting for a future time period.....




Message 8 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hi dutchman48,

@dutchman48 wrote:

Hi Raphael


At one time did Ebay not show prominently that buyers received a discount for multiple purchases? Now it only shows under the shipping section.


I used to have it in the description but with Ebay hiding descriptions and people not getting descriptions on mobile devices, I took all the extras out of my descriptions.

I remember the shipping discounts being displayed in what we call the "buy box" on the item page (that's the part where all the item details are displayed) but now those are only visible in the Shipping section, which is reachable from the buy box by clicking the "more details" link next to the shipping cost. I don't have much insight into what drove that change, but my educated guess would be that tests have shown that there was less added value in keeping the shipping discounts details in the buy box than there was in keeping that space uncluttered and moving the shipping discount details in the Shipping Details section of the page.

@dutchman48 wrote:

I have also heard that Buy it Now in the US required immediate payment or possibly add to cart if it works.


I have had a number of US buyers on .com listings pay for each purchase separately which means I have to refund or get upset buyers.


Of course, Ebay makes more money off shipping as they never refund the shipping FVF.


This cash grab is getting to be what I call a rip off as they never fix any issues that may cost them money.


Why can they not display on the main page the shipping discount given and stop gouging buyers and sellers for the over charge on multiple purchases for hiding the discounts until buyers go the the shipping section


This is starting to get very annoying and nickel and diming sellers and buyers.

This is a known issue that we have discussed at length on these weekly chats. While we have already said everything there is to say on this topic, I'm happy to summarize the issue for you.


What is happening is that has implemented an immediate payment requirement on all BIN items priced under a certain amount. This change was made in early 2014 and made it a requirement for buyers to use the shopping cart in order to combine multiple items into a single order. However, the shopping cart was built to only take items listed on As a result, if a seller has items listed on and offers shipping discounts on combined items, buyers on are unable to benefit from these shipping discounts and are forced to pay full shipping on all items if they want to buy them. We are well aware of these limitations of the shopping cart and have made it abundantly clear to everyone at eBay HQ that this is a huge pain point for many Canadian sellers, however we still haven't been able to secure resources for the necessary work to be done to fix the issue.


There are two work arounds that are available to Canadian sellers impacted by the in the meantime:

  1. List items on instead of If you mostly sell to US buyers and if your business model can accommodate this, it is your best solution for now. Your items, if listed on, will be OK to be put in the shopping cart by buyers and your shipping discounts will apply as they do on
  2. Tell your buyers to buy your items from They will be able to combine into the shopping cart there and make large orders without issues. granted, it's not feasible to catch all US buyers before they attempt to buy, but nonetheless they would not encounter problems if they bought your items on

We continue to work with the relevant teams in order to bring a solution to this as soon as possible. 

Message 9 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@rose-dee wrote:

Hi Raphael, 


Last week Pierre asked whether eBay would be ready for Windows 10, and you replied that it would as far as you knew.  


It seems there may be problems.  This week there are reports that the eBay/Paypal/Canada Post shipping label feature won't work with Windows 10.  


I'm glad now that I haven't updated to Windows 10 yet, although I was going to soon.  Do you have any information on when or if the usual label features will be accessible using Windows 10?  I know there were big problems with a variety of browsers for a long time not functioning with the label features, and it took what seemed like months for those to get resolved.  Hopefully this won't be the case with W10. 

Hi rose-dee,


Now that we are two separate companies, I have absolutely no insight or control over what PayPal does with their shipping platform, both in terms of maintenance and in terms of improvements. With that said, they have competent people at the helm and I'm sure that any issues with a widely used browser (including IE10 should it ever become widely used) will be resolved quickly.

Message 10 of 15
latest reply

August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@rose-dee wrote:

I know I asked this last week, but you really didn't provide a clear answer.  Why can't eBay refund the FVFs automatically to sellers when a shipping refund is made to buyers?  Paypal does this all the time (they refund the fee portion as part of the refunded amount).  

Simply put, we have no way to know what part of a partial refund is supposed to cover for. It's impossible for us to automate an adjustment on the Shipping FVF based only on a partial refund. What if a seller refunds partially because of a defect on the item? Too many variables for us to tell which partial refunds are for this issue specifically. As I said last week, I'll be happy to help any seller who can tell me exactly which of their transactions were refunded due to this issue.

@rose-dee wrote:

One other issue in this regard is that my Sales Record never properly reflects the shipping refund I've provided to my buyer in these situations.  Nor does the "Selling" page -- the dollar sign icon is struck through, but the pop-up message says "partially paid", rather than "partially refunded".  I certainly hope my buyers aren't seeing this on, as it looks really bad, as if I've changed their "fully paid" status for some reason.  I have no way of checking to see if this is what they would see in their transaction details.  Do you know if this is the case?  

Can you give me a specific transaction to look at? I'll happily investigate.

Message 11 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

"Can you give me a specific transaction to look at? I'll happily investigate."


Yes, it's the same item # as mentioned in my post earlier.  (Sorry, I can't seem to use the "Reply" button on your posts today to respond, so I'm using the Reply function on my earlier post).  


As far as automated refunds on shipping FVFs, shouldn't all partial refunds to buyers generate reversal of FVFs?  If a partial refund is made as a result of a buyer complaint, surely eBay would know if there was a case actually opened.  If there is no case, then I'd say it's good customer service on the part of the seller to make a partial refund without being forced to do so, so doesn't the seller deserve the FVF refund anyway?  I'm a bit confused by your reply on this. 

Message 12 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

"Hi rose-dee,


Now that we are two separate companies, I have absolutely no insight or control over what PayPal does with their shipping platform, both in terms of maintenance and in terms of improvements. With that said, they have competent people at the helm and I'm sure that any issues with a widely used browser (including IE10 should it ever become widely used) will be resolved quickly."


Oh dear, I was afraid this would be the answer.  Thanks though, I won't be switching to Windows 10 until Paypal confirms it will work. 

Message 13 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@rose-dee wrote:
"Can you give me a specific transaction to look at? I'll happily investigate."


Yes, it's the same item # as mentioned in my post earlier.  (Sorry, I can't seem to use the "Reply" button on your posts today to respond, so I'm using the Reply function on my earlier post).  

On this item, the buyer does see "Partially refunded' when they hover their mouse over the Payment icon in My eBay. However I don't see how that could ever look bad. I have never met a buyer who would not be happy with getting some money back.

@rose-dee wrote:
As far as automated refunds on shipping FVFs, shouldn't all partial refunds to buyers generate reversal of FVFs?  If a partial refund is made as a result of a buyer complaint, surely eBay would know if there was a case actually opened.  If there is no case, then I'd say it's good customer service on the part of the seller to make a partial refund without being forced to do so, so doesn't the seller deserve the FVF refund anyway?  I'm a bit confused by your reply on this. 

You can read about the rules around FVF credits here:


From this page:


Final value fee credits

You're responsible for final value fees whether or not you complete a transaction with a buyer, but in some circumstances, you can request a final value fee credit:

  • When you and a buyer agree to cancel the transaction

  • A buyer doesn't pay for an item

  • You issue the buyer a full refund

Partial refunds do not, under normal circumstances, meet the criteria for a FVF adjustment.

Message 14 of 15
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August 5th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

That's all for this week, folks. Thanks for participating and see you in 7 days.

Message 15 of 15
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