04-20-2013 04:36 AM
Using Turbolister, I bulk edited all my listings to 5 day auctions with no buy-it-now. All my items are more or less the same - stationery and books. Yet 5 of my listings were charged an insertion fee... It was clearly stated under my account's fees breakdown "Transaction type" as an insertion fee ($0.29 USD because I changed my billing currency to USD last year) and I can't figure out why I was charged... I don't see a pattern with the 5 items that got charged since my 100+ other items in the same category were free. Anyone had this issue? I don't think it'd have anything to do with me receiving my bronze power seller status today, right? I didn't have this problem with any of the free promos the past few months.
Here is an example of one of my listings that got charged insertion fee - 290902269254
Should I bother phoning the eBay rep about this? $1.45 USD wasn't a whole lot, but I didn't expect to pay anything with the promo... Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
04-20-2013 10:08 AM
Perhaps, your 5 item billed has international visibility.
04-20-2013 10:28 AM
"Transaction type" as an insertion fee ($0.29 USD"
I looked at that listing very carefully and cannot see why insertion fee was charged.
I suggest you call eBay. It is not the Cdn$1.50 fee, it is the principle. If they have a "bug" with your listings, the same "bug" may affect other sellers.
04-20-2013 04:21 PM
I have the same issue, I performed a bulk re-list of about 80 items and bulk edited many of the listings and was charged 30 cent insertion fees for 6 of the listings totaling $1.80 which I should not have because of the promotion currently running until the 29th. Do I really have to waste time calling ebay to get the charges reversed?
04-20-2013 04:36 PM
I dont know if this may help, but at the end of the promo invite there is a paragraph
"Please note: For sellers listing with any tool other than the latest version of the Sell Your Item form (SYI 3.0), the Promotional Rate will not be shown during the listing process. Instead, the discount will be reflected in the "View Account Status" section in My eBay, as well as in your next invoice."
One would assume if it charged an insertion fee for 5-8 items it should do it for all, not just a random few.
Again I dont know if this helps with the current issue, just adding info!
04-20-2013 08:53 PM
I hope this would take less than 15 minutes to resolve. I'm at work on my 30 min break, been on hold for 10 minutes..............................
I wonder how many people got dinged extra. It's weird that it charged random few listings like this (I usually relist about 50 listings at once and 1 ot 2 got charged per relist lasr night.)
04-20-2013 09:18 PM
The phone call took a grand total of 33 min and 18 seconds (about 12 min wait time, even though I was quoted by the system that the wait time would be 3 min)...
The rep I spoke to said it's indeed a technical error and they've just filed it with their technical team since I called... and that I'll get my $0.29 x 5 USD credit back within 24 hours (I don't see it yet). And that during this promo period, if I get charged again, just keep listing and wait till the end of the promo period, and phone to get credits back =\
Anyhow, back to work! I already overshot by 8 minutes @___@
04-20-2013 09:44 PM
I got a similar problem, but wasn't really charged a fee. The first listing I made has been deducted from my 50 free even though the promo says that those 200,000 listings are ON TOP of the 50 free. The next listings I made were OK and the 200,000 counter finally appeared. So I think this is a glitch to rob us of our 50 free or in your case, listing fees. 😞
04-21-2013 07:12 PM
Got my credit back. If this bug happens again when I relist later, I'll just phone them again to get credited back... the long phone call was still "better" than relisting one by one.
04-21-2013 07:33 PM
I guess I"m not the only one having this issue. I list in bulk at 200, the first two hundred they charged me about 60 cents. So I figured I must have had some feature in the listings that I mistakenly added at some point, but then, I relisted another 200 and it charged me 2.60$ so I called ebay, same as you took a long time to work it out, but they told me I would be credited (still don't see a credit). So I tried again, listing 25 at a time instead of 200 and once again, same issue, called back, had to get credited (still no credit to be seen, but hopefully it will updated). I was told to list one by one instead..... (I have 2000 to go, definitely not going to list one by one, complete waste of time) p.s. I did a few one at a time and every now and then it charges me, then I click to edit the listing and it removes the fee...very strange. I got charged another 60 cents at some point (probably close to 10$ at this point) but I have no patience to call them back again. I will wait till I get my invoice.
Can't they just deduct it from my invoice? How often do they want me to call them in one day?!!
04-21-2013 07:35 PM
Maybe it's an issue with the Canadian site as we are both from Canada listing in US funds...
04-21-2013 07:46 PM
ebay.com sellers have the same issue. It is being discussed here:
04-21-2013 08:23 PM
Be careful. I just did another 200 listings, I was charged, close to 3$ and now it's not even showing up in activity. How am I supposed to get THAT back? I think I'm going to stop. I'm at 13$ on something that's supposed to be free.
04-23-2013 12:38 AM
I always look at the fees before I submit. It did come up with the fees quite often when shouldn't be. When it happened, I just go back and try again and it came up with free before I submit. Cannot trust eBay's technology anymore. Have to watch it all the time.
30 cents may be tiny small but it does add up fast and why should we pay when it should be free???!!! 😄
04-23-2013 08:56 AM
But when you are listing in bulk, it only gives you the fees once it's submitted so it's impossible to know it will be charged.
I did call ebay back as I had approx 25 listings to be refunded. Must admit, I had a great customer service agent, very nice and very helpful (still waiting for the refund to show up though)
Does anyone know if bulk listing is working now?
04-23-2013 09:02 PM
I haven't tried listing again yet since my listings still have one day to go. Tomorrow I'll try listing them as 1-day listings and see how that goes... and I'll screen cap all the fees that got charged, and just make one phone call after the promo period ends.